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Everything posted by MrFigg

  1. Hmm. Mines showing as €199. I have V9 and the fx collection. Guessing you have Pigments right?
  2. I just installed this one. Have everything Kuassa but been disappointed with the last few effects. This in the other hand is up there in my top 5 best plugins ever. Awesome.
  3. I'm logged in and none of those prices are showing for me. Big Clipper showing as €149
  4. Thought that was discontinued ages ago.
  5. Hmm. Seems like it is t everything. A couple of the drive packs I wanted are $5 but the other pedal pack is still $14.99
  6. I love Tinseltown in the Rain. I’m from Glasgow myself. Lived in Sweden the last 18 years though.
  7. Its brilliant If you like LM-1s. His VSDS-X is also awesome.
  8. For Linn you will not find better than Aly James VPROM. Best of the best. https://www.alyjameslab.com/alyjameslabvlinn.html
  9. I answered you and mentioned money saved for a different addictive substance. Seems like there’s a bit which picks up on certain words so the reply is waiting for review by admin. Thanks for being my sponsor.
  10. GAS talking here. I love PSP. I have a million tape delays and digital delays and analog delays and reverb delays and all the other ones in between. So....y or n.
  11. Or you could buy a Nektar midi controller for $100 and get it along with another 4 cherry plugins in a free bundle. S’what I did.
  12. Was trying to find reviews of Klevgrand Haaze and stumbled across this. Apparently there’s more than me think that he is the biggest tool amongst all his plugins. https://forum.audiob.us/discussion/50337/klevgrand-haaze-2-pana-any-good
  13. Hahaha. But Haaze looks a simpler option for this humble guitarist and I think it does other stuff too
  14. Right. Looks as if the code isn't use it once and that's you done as I'd hoped. I've ruled out Rum and Kleverb again. What about Haaze? I've got Nugen Stereo Placer and love it. Should I get Haaze?
  15. Aaaa....do we ever need another plugin? I'm just glad I dodged the bullet on the reverbs. I've never sold a plugin and to be honest I probably never will. Too much hassle.
  16. Thanks. You saved me from Tomofon and now two verbs I don't need. I did the right thing. Bought Fosfat then got the hell out of there.
  17. I’ve already got it in the basket but, as a known verbophile what would you say, if anything, does this bring to the table that’s different from all the others?
  18. Maybe only works on the 29th?
  19. Yeah, some of them. Others I could do without. I don’t suffer fools though so my business goes elsewhere.
  20. Brusfri. I use it on High gain amp sims the get rid of the buzz and hum. Great noise reducer and works really well. Fosfat is great on drums.
  21. Already waiting patiently (reasonably) with Kleverb and Fosfat in the basket.
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