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Posts posted by AndyB01

  1. 9 hours ago, JonD said:

    What a bizarre takeaway..... There are probably hundreds of users here using Amplesound without any problems. Did you ask for help here or just assume you tried everything so naturally it was a faulty product?

    I guess it was ultimately borne of frustration, I don't have hours to waste trying to fix something that should just work out if the box. I did do a fair bit of googling around the problem across multiple forums and concluded that my experience was far from unique and there didn't seem to be an obvious fix - apart from uninstall/ reinstall that I had already tried several times.

    I contacted AmpleSound support and tried everything they suggested to no avail - it simply would not work - so in the end they said they would support my case for a refund and actually they were very good about it but I would have to go (with their approval) via the reseller - which was fair enough.

    The reseller (whom I won't name) was extremely difficult and pretty obnoxious and only eventually agreed on the basis that I would be 'banned for life' from ever purchasing from them again. A very strange approach to customer service but ultimately their loss I think.


  2. 39 minutes ago, DeeringAmps said:

    I like the tune, btw.

    I'll save the thumbs and "like" for the re-mix...


    I couldn't decide between sidestick or snare so it's a bit of both - I probably need to choose one or the other.

    Great crits Tom thanks - as for the remix - I'm on it but what it's really crying out for are the kind of vocals only someone like @garybrun can deliver, but I'm never going to be playing in that league sadly. 😂

    • Like 1
  3. I purchased the 12 string and no matter what I tried I simply could not get it to work. I could find the VST, fire it up inside the DAW but all the sounds we're missing and nothing I did would resolve it. After a few robust exchanges by email with both AmpleSound and the reseller, I eventually managed to get a full refund. 

    Wouldn't touch it with a barge pole after that experience, no matter how good it sounds.

    I hope you manage to get it working.


  4. 15 hours ago, jsg said:

    Yep, as I always do.  I use the mouse to pop notes on to staves, occasionally I'll play parts in, but nearly the entire composition is composed using the mouse, the staff view, the event list and of course tons of controller data, tempo changes, velocity changes and attack/release data.

    Thanks for listening, glad you enjoyed it Bjorn..

    Seriously impressive work to compose in that way and get results like this - Tom had it with 'I'm humbled' - #ditto. Andy

  5. This is catchy Douglas - guitars sound great but for me the mix is a little 'full on' and I kind of feel all the instruments are fighting for attention but - having said that - this gives it a raw and live-like feel that I rather like; so I'm not sure I would want you to change it. Maybe a live edit and a studio edit. 😄

    Anyway, I enjoyed it so thanks for sharing. Andy

    • Like 1
  6. Welcome also to the forum. +1 to both Tom(s) on the drums (see what I did there) 😉 and I agree that there is a lot going on here. I'm with you on creating drum parts - I lose the will to live after about four bars. I find Toontrack's EzDrummer a relatively inexpensive go to for non-drummers and a great way to add variety to my drums, without all that effort and I don't need the complexity that Superior Drummer offers at over twice the price!

    Anyway - a great start and look forward to hearing more stuff.


  7. Wow I feel like I went through a bunch of genres there - the panning on the vibraphone(?) at the end was a really neat trick - felt like it was jumping around inside my head. Cool track. Andy

  8. 6 hours ago, Douglas Kirby said:

    Nice job - I think the drums need to be turned up a bit in the mix - maybe turn up your vocal a bit more too.  I enjoyed the lyrics - good job there.

    Thanks Douglas, I always mix on cans - which I know is a mistake - I'll have a listen through monitors but will probably re-cut the vocal first as I am still  not happy with it. Thanks for listening and commenting as always.

    2 hours ago, David Sprouse said:

    What's ezkeys?  The piano sounds amazing.  +1 drums up.   

    EzKeys David is for people like me who wish they could play better piano, but can't; so they call out for a virtual session pianist. If the link works you can read all about it here. Appreciate you taking the time to listen and comment - I wish I could take credit for piano, but apart from the extended chord on the fade at the end - I really can't. Lyrics however - all my own original work and I also have to 'fess up to the vocal. 😂

  9. Hi All - I do hope everyone is keeping well and safe - wherever in the World you are - and continuing to make lots of great music.

    I can't really compete with some of the fabulous lock down tunes I have been listening to on here (I have been real busy at work so very little time for music sadly). Anyway I managed to grab an hour or two today to finish off this little guy that I have been working on for a week or two. Now when I say the mix is raw, I mean raw. However, on the upside, this is mercifully short at just on three minutes. It needs work - I know right - but your constructive crits are always welcome.

    So I figure if we're talking Covid - it has to be either Blues or Country and as I'm not talented enough to play the Blues (or Country come to to think of it)... but I found this little ditty on EzKeys, gave it a  few tweaks and knocked out some lyrics - which tell a bit of a simple little story about being old, loneliness and isolation. A real feelgood tune with  a distinctly unfeelgood lyric (c'mon you know I don't do happy songs) but here for your listening pleasure (or not as the case maybe) - I give you: Ain't No Way To live:

    p.s. don't mention the mic noise - I already have that on my very long fix it list... 😂

    • Like 1
  10. Incredible. I love the drum track on this and the playing is so tight with a great mix as well. I could listen to that for hours - terrific stuff. Thanks for sharing - very enjoyable.


    • Like 1
  11. First impressions are good - a full size interface at last (where has that been)? There's a lot to explore under the hood. The audio import - not sure I'll use that too much. Midi keys import to LH worked well (mostly) but to RH chords was too busy (will depend on the song). It gives you a base (no pun intended) but you'll have to do some editing to get a really good result. That said, all my usual bass tracks have two things in common: they're out of time and dull as ditch water; so this can already accomplish a whole lot more than I can using a vst and a midi controller.

    Definitely going to be one of those products it's worth investing the time in to learn it properly. Overall, I'm happy with my new toy.

    Can it replace a real, live competent bassist? On balance I would say not - at least not when they're sober - but how often is that? 😂😂


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    • Haha 1
  12. Has a slight Chris Rea feel, I thought - dark indeed but I kind of liked it. Have to agree about the production: top drawer and you really nailed the vocal with the delay effect.

    Very well done


    • Thanks 1
  13. Great work Daryl - so difficult to synchronise this stuff and get anywhere even close - but with this you can't even see or hear the joins - brilliant stuff. Congrats to all involved. Andy

    • Thanks 1
  14. On 4/27/2020 at 8:29 PM, Anders Madsen said:

    Andy: I used two guitars: The one you see, is a Martin GPCPA 1 and out of sight, is a Martin D15M.

    I was betting Martin or Taylor - sounded great

    • Like 1
  15. Wow what a great song, not heard that before. I don't think you needed the additional  instruments either - this song is all about the vocal and you 100 per cent nailed it. Sublime vocals and BGVS too, also enjoyed the guitar work - what's the acoustic you're playing BTW - I have a feeling I might know but would be interested to find out?

    Really lovely stuff, look forward to hearing more.


    • Like 1
  16. 19 hours ago, BassDaddy said:

    I have a good amount of traits that disqualify me from being a bass player

    I don't drool

    when I smoked, I bought my own  cigs

    I never tried to "gain access" to the singers girl friend

    I changed strings

    Excellent and all tell-tale signs - especially #3 & #4

    I'm guessing you also don't wait at the door when you visit because you know when to come in. Oh no, hang on, that's the vocalist not the bass player. 😉😂

    • Haha 2
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