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Scott V

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  1. I got my spark MINI a few weeks ago. i think it sounds great and is really convenient. i actually used it when i played at my friend's church a couple of weeks ago with a nice mic in front of it and the sound was fantastic. they use only in-ears so the stage volume is very low. you couldn't use it with a full band that has normal stage volume but it worked great for me. also you can't beat the portability of having a rechargeable battery when you want to sit outside and play. it sounds surprisingly good for such a tiny thing. there are lots of sounds available for download too to get you started. you can also just plug in a set of good headphones and blast away and it sounds great. my analog setup is a mesa boogie lonestar special with "boutique" pedals and my other main setup is a helix floor with powered speakers. the spark isn't quite as good sounding as either of those but it's definitely a professional grade piece of gear.
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