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Everything posted by AdrianPi

  1. Youp, found an open-sourced SDK in github (MIT licence) . https://github.com/Cakewalk/Cakewalk-Control-Surface-SDK Compiles surprisingly fine in VS2017 🤓
  2. Oh, that's so good to know. Will change the configuration right away then, thank you! (Update) In relative mode they pan the other way around though. Moving left pans to the right and moving to right pans left.
  3. See the video tutorial to see how "MIDI learn" works. I would recommend to use a free user mode in Keylab mkII for all this setup. DAW modes (all I tried) will send relative values and CbB will just not get them right. Technically they are digital-encoders, and not fixed 270° potentiometers. Also for the transport buttons be sure to select the second MIDI device that gets open when connecting through USB (And installing the proper driver). Those transport button seem hardwired to always send MIDI messages through this phantom second device, not the primary one, and furthermore, cannot be reprogrammed in user modes, so in the end you'll have to setup two ACT devices: One for device 1 (pan pots/sliders and DAW Commands) and the other for device 2 (For the handy transport buttons) You can have as many ACT devices active in CbB as you want, as far they don't collide each other, so no issue. For this disable features (banks/buttons) not used whether in one ACT or the other. For a better experience you should also program the DAW command buttons in the user mode in the mkII to be triggers and not toggles, otherwise you'll have to click twice to toggle mute/solo/etc. Better do this with MIDI Control Center. MIDI learn plays really dumb in here. Unfortunately there are only 8 virtual buttons available in CbB you are free to map as you want (in terms of both CbB and the keyboard), as the shift feature is either useless or cumbersome. There will be no way to do Scrub whatsoever in user mode, as the central knob is hardwired to do lcd-menu navigation, but this seems to be not supported by CbB neither. In my case I only kept mute, solo, arm, undo, stop, play/pause, rec and loop on/off. I'm fine with that. Too bad those cannot be colored in mkII/MIDI Center as the ones below faders. Other solution could be to create even more ACT devices to map more hardware buttons. It should work I think, not sure about two ACT using the same MIDI input however. Hopefully all this helps someone as it took me a while to figure it out, and even more to explain all this here If someone has a better solution, please let us know.
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