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Everything posted by Annabelle

  1. I wonder if Hit N Mix RipX DAW could work within Sonar 8.5 for stem separation.
  2. She sounds like someone I'd like to meet one day. I wonder, does she live in Eugene, Oregon? The song she's playing kinda reminds me of the theme song from "Wheel Of Fortune". And I looooooooooooooove the fact that like me, she loves jazz.
  3. Rachel Flowers? Never heard of her. Does she use JAWS and Caketalking with Sonar 8.5?
  4. As I am sight challenged, I don't use a mouse. I use a keyboard. Hence the thing about pressing keys.
  5. Here's another screenshot. I made sure all other windows were out of the way, then in the Sonar track inspector, I pressed Printscreen, then went into Paint, and saved the screenshot in my Pictures folder. Here it is.
  6. I captured the image by pressing Printscreen, then saving it with "Paint" on a thumb drive. The screenshot is of a track inspector in Sonar 8.5 Producer Edition, specifically with the Audioease Speakerphone plugin running.
  7. So I wonder how I could put a screenshot of the track inspector from Speakerphone in Sonar on this forum.
  8. That's strange! I believe I attached it with the "Choose File" button. What could have happened, I wonder?
  9. I have Caketalking 8.8, an accessibility software that allows JAWS (Job Access With Speech) and Sonar to work together as a team, and I'm having a bit of a dilemma with parameters only displaying a chunk of the name. For example, in Audioease Speakerphone, when in the track inspector, it might say something like: "RoomAuto=Recordi", instead of, "RoomAuto=Recording Studio". How do I fix it so Sonar will display the full names of parameters with the screen resolution at 1024x768 and the theme set to Windows Classic? These two parameters are required in order to make Caketalking work right. Here's a screenshot for ya.
  10. I plan to make mockups of phone calls, using Audioease Speakerphone within Sonar, and these tones will be included as part of soundscapes I create with Atmosphere Deluxe.
  11. I think the only downside with that one is that I've had to build the noise profile every time, and then when I try it, I get that all-too-common "underwater" effect!
  12. I'll be recording with an Olympus LS100 Digital Recorder, with two AKG414 condenser microphones plugged into the XLR's, in Cardioid mode close to the phones. I wonder if that will work for recording these.
  13. One of these days, I'm planning to go and make field recordings of some of the equipment at the Connections Museum in Seattle, and since one of the administrators there tells me the museum is a noisy place with air conditioners and telephone equipment running, and even traffic outside, I wonder, what would be the best screenreader accessible plugin for cleaning up the noise post production, and just hearing the phone tones I record.
  14. I wonder if an .ogg file can be posted in the forum. That's the file I want to customize.
  15. I know it's possible to create fades in Sonar 8.5 producer edition, but if you have audio that has a fade on it, is it possible to remove that fade to make the audio loopable? How would I be able to do this without being able to see?
  16. I bought a permanent license for Speakerphone in November last year, for $450 from Sweetwater. I'm excited to start experimenting with it again, as when I first tried it in September of 2020, I fell in love with the possibilities! Maybe if you send me an email, I can share with you some of the scenarios I'm putting together.
  17. Yes, that's the plugin I'm thinking of. Speakerphone from Audio Ease. I want to demonstrate how someone sight challenged like me would use it in different scenarios.
  18. My audio interface, a Focusrite Scarlet 18I20, does indeed have a Loopback feature. On which program would I incorporate it? OBS Studio or Sonar?
  19. Since the machine that I have Sonar on uses Windows 7, is there a version of OBS that is compatible with Windows 7 64 Bit? And, I wonder, would I be able to make the narration in OBS, then at the same time, use Speakerphone within Sonar?
  20. The tutorial I plan to make is a detailed description of how I would use Audioease Speakerphone to make scenarios like telephone conversations, music in a restaurant, airport announcements, music on a record player, police radio chatter, and the like.
  21. I know this might sound strange, but I want to make a tutorial of how to create a custom airport announcement utilizing Speakerphone within Sonar. However, I want to create the tutorial in a way that I can record my voice describing what's happening in one template, then make the Speakerphone tracks in another template. I want to be able to have both projects open and switch between them while recording. Is this possible without making my machine go haywire?
  22. What if I was to recover a raw file with information in it? One that lost its file name, then try to piece this back together. Would that bring it back to life? Or would I have to do what I wasn't expecting and start all over again? That would be very disheartening if it's the latter!
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