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Everything posted by Starise

  1. Just a few things that you "might" consider important. - A new separate monitoring channel . Comes in very handy for monitor and headphone correction software. The old way involved remembering to disengage the correction before you went to master. - The new "performance page" is a cross between a DAW and a play list editor/arranger. You can arrange songs, add backing tracks and do DAW things like add automation or play a vsti while the tracks are playing. You can use the page for stems of a pre made house mix as well. More songs based than loops based. - Integrated notation ability. Not like the simple notation players in most DAWs...it's a bit deeper than that. I am glad they added this because I hated going between two programs all the time. - Improved automation editing. I haven't investigated this one too far yet but it looks very interesting. -Facelifted plugins with added enhancements...for instance the EQ now sports several graphics representations of the frequencies including a piano keyboard correlation. All plugins have side chain. -A new subscription at 14.95 a month that gives you everything Presonus. Not a shabby deal for those who can't cough up the full amount to buy the DAW and I'm not really a fan of subscriptions. This includes ALL programs loops and libraries from Presonus....so for 14.95 a month a person could be knee deep in anything they need to make a project immediately. When added to the existing feature set i.e. a separate mastering page that can tag tracks, chord arranger, cross platform and hardware integration . It's something a person who is shopping for a DAW would probably take a second look at. I'll always love and use CbB. Many of us use more than one DAW. I think this is a worthy addition.
  2. It's only better if you use the new features. That's only about 20% of the program for me.
  3. No problems downloading here. The system was pretty efficient at taking my money too. As for the new performance page,the performance features are probably mostly wasted on me. though I was recently in a position to use performance features in a live setting, we mostly decided to simply play live music. I had good intentions with Ableton to do similar. We had enough musicians so we simply played real live music using a DAW for live work...so far that hasn't panned. The performance features are probably mostly wasted on me. What I DO really like is the notation features. I have musicians who want to play some of my music and ask for notation. I can read notation in treble clef but mostly play using the key and maybe some chord charts. I had Notion but didn't use it much. I like that you can alternate between midi and notation...in a recent piano work I noticed some quirky stuff ...like triplets and 5"lets" that seemed out of place. This might have been a rule of some kind I can over ride. Overall though I am really impressed with this integration. They seem to have revised the effects adding side chain. It's beginning to feel like a waves collection to me. The effects are nicely done. I was never too impressed with their synths and drums.....Mix scene saves..... meh. Cakewalk has had that for years. The program is fairly stable compared to some of my other DAWs. I just lost 2 hours of work in another DAW...so stability is important. Overall a general thumbs up for version 5 for me!
  4. They sure are a ***** bunch. Ok the spell check got me. They sure are all horned up those two!
  5. Not my thing. I've taken the red pill. In a nutshell the Cabal is a lot more than just a friendly religious group. It's a real rabbit hole. It begins with child trafficking.Yes, it fits for those people doing that music I agree. If that's your clientele' then by all means cater to them. I have good reason to be upset by it....nuff said. Gets into religion which isn't allowed here. I have info but it doesn't apply here.
  6. I know someone worked hard to make this , but does it ever seem like we're going in circles? Buy the new stuff, sell the old stuff, get the old sounds again. Kind of a circular jerkular feeling for me. I feel the same way about "analog modeled" software. How many really want to go back to 80's cheese music? Maybe more than I know. I might download it to check it out, but honestly I still want to buy several of the new synths. I had always wanted a Kawai K-1 but bought the Korg M-1 instead...and didn't have enough $$ to buy it. So now I can poke around on this! Forget those 30gig sample libraries, this was all I ever needed. I would never trade my Nissan for a 65 Ford, but it would be fun to drive one every now and then....and for those who have never heard of a K-1, here's your chance.
  7. That doesn't look like the kind of thing they would have taken years to develop. Stranger things have happened I guess. The ATOM doesn't look very useful to me for composition work. There must be a huge market for DJ and looper/mixers out there. It strangely feels like many DAW makers are focusing on it so much they are letting the rest of us go. Yes, It's a midi controller and I guess that means I can use it to control functions in SO. I like the faderport idea better so far but am willing to be convinced.
  8. Cubase are still clearly focusing on existing customers. This isn't a bad thing. I keep hoping maybe they will look outside of the box and realize a deal for new customers every now and then can't hurt. I would be more tempted to try the DAW if they did.
  9. Lucky you. You got out just in time.
  10. Starise

    for "Him"

    I had never heard the Johnny Cash version of this. It's so perfect I assumed it might be a BaB track. If not, the mix, vocals and everything are prefect here on my studio cans. Whatever you tweaked must have been a real improvement.
  11. Well you weren't monkeying around with that cat video then I need to take notes- Monkey, Cats....whales too? Maybe that's too big to get into right now.
  12. I don't recall hearing the first one which really means I probably never heard it. I like this mix. A very succinct and somewhat sad lyric Reminds me of when I'm sometimes in the dog house. Luckily that hasn't been for a long time. Nice music behind the lyrics too. You certainly have a gift for this sort of thing and doing it well.
  13. bjornpdx- This was an "off the cuff" sort of experiment working with cello. I should have probably taken more time building the theme. My recent situations have sort of zapped my creative juices and I'm trying to get them back! Hope you begin to feel better soon! Thanks for your comments. Paul, Thank you for comments and listening! I seem to do melancholic well lol. Hey Mark, Thanks for commenting!This was the Tina Quo cello from Cinesamples. There are two of them and the first one I bought wasn't the one I needed so I ended up with both libraries.
  14. I agree on the making money comments concerning Bandlab especially. It doesn't compute for any traditional money making approach for them.
  15. I just bought UJAM IRON and their drums called HEAVY on a deal for 74.00 US. That was for both. It is similar in that it has drop D and doubling. You can get some heavy sound from it, I just need to work better with it since you don't play it like a piano or like a guitar. Has it's own technique. That deal went off on the 5th. Might get lucky and use code SUMMER could still be accepted. UJAM I'm not cool with the "Cabal" name and the occultic connotations attached to it.....though I might buy the plugin and use it for opposite purposes. Sort of like using their own tools against them 😉
  16. Hopefully he'll turn up soon. Could have been a rough weekend maybe. The 4th and all that. I'm a little concerned about appearing at his door because he doesn't really know me and firearms are legal here.
  17. If he hasn't moved I know pretty much where he is. Never would bother him though...unless we think he might be in trouble. No not that kind of trouble.
  18. I figured out why they call them sliders.
  19. Starise

    Diamond Sky

    I dig the synth textures in this. I have listened to attempts at this kind of thing before and it ends up sounding too "spacey" for me. I thought the patches had just the right amount of attack. This makes me want to look more into the Arturia stuff. I'll be waiting for part 2 now
  20. This is a nice tune . To me the vox reverb is a subjective thing. The reverb gives it a more retro feel or vibe IMHO than a drier reverb would. For disco this is a little tame to my ears. Very nice work!
  21. Bapu- Armageddon out of here? Thanks to all who commented and to those who indicated the clipping. That last process I ran it through was a bit much. Thanks for the heads up. Issue is corrected now.
  22. Don't tell anyone, this was just between us....This was an experiment of sorts to help me adjust to mixing cello. It almost sounds like something and unfortunately has reflected my mood at times lately.
  23. Lovely Daryl. Cats? I thought you liked monkeys?
  24. Douglas...A nice retro rocker to my ears. The up front "raw" feel of the mix is something I miss in many more recent mixes.
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