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Everything posted by Starise

  1. This is a free expansion pak if you already have Elements HERE.
  2. Same here. Weiss plug ins are no game. Are they a little salty compared to others? Yes. Firmly in Fabfilter price point territory and above. Good stuff though...I can't presently justify the price right now either. Not that I won't later on. Having the Console One hardware probably makes those plugins all the easier to use. I'm making some gradual changes that add up to larger changes here for my studio. I'm not there yet, won't be for while, but when I get there this ecosystem will be a real consideration.
  3. HERE- Admittedly these aren't low end plugins, but hey a sale is a sale. I am interested in the console 1 hardware. I'm guessing these plugins work with all of their hardware.
  4. Use code HAWKEYE-4999 HERE ....offer ends July 15th 11:59pm California time.
  5. Maybe offering a free interpretive dance in 4K would help? Second thought, scratch that idea.
  6. I ended up with Iris 2. Concerning the Reason lite freebee....I downloaded it and have it installed. It's a leader from them in the hopes you'll buy their upgraded versions of the product in the future. Reason Lite isn't something I would normally play with. Maybe the full version.Has some nice drums and bass in those modules, so I can see a future use for that. Mainly though....I'm on their email list for a good deal on their full version. I like the Reason refills. As I understand it Rewire will soon be obsolete. Never made much use of it anyways. So REASON, I'm watching my email For those who commented on finding a good vocoder....aside from Waves offering, SONiVox is a little deep for a "vocoder" Not as easy as playing a key and hearing yourself sound like a robot. If you can get around it though, it's ok for lotsa stuff. I realized my many of my Mixcraft plugins scan and work in CbB. They have a decent vocoder. Just sayin', You get a decent plug in suite for that price...and a second ( or third) DAW.
  7. SONiVOX Compilation https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/virtual-instruments/sonivox-compilation
  8. Starise

    Iris 2 9.99

    Iris 2 9.99. As far as sample playback synths go it has some pretty cool features.....and you also get the Reason lite plugin free ( with registration at Reason). 10gb sound sets you download after you download the synth using the Izotope portal.
  9. Yep. That part is slightly confusing. The oldest one is the legato version and probably the most relevant to my work. Sorry CJ I almost forgot about PocketBlankus. That one is FREE HERE. Not quite as nice as the TQ but not too shabby either.
  10. If you're looking at that one, I also highly recommend Cinesamples Tina Quo cello .
  11. Not sure. I found it last evening. I might try to figure it out but would rather they put a vid up on it. If I can make it work the way I plan it's going to be BIG for me. Side note- Mac mini users are reporting graphics issues and higher cpu usage than version 4.6.1. Mainly those macs that don't have dedicated graphics chips. I thought about suggesting maybe they look at PC but decided that might not be well received. The PC version seems to be experiencing less issues....and as always a few weeks down the road they will have some update patches. V5 doesn't find the alternate locations you had in 4.6. I had to identify them to v5. Also- If you are considering the subscription, you have to access the cloud every three days or you can't use the software.
  12. I liked this song from day one. The mix is now even better. Congrats on it!
  13. Thanks Matthew for this updated update.
  14. Glad to know. I was thinking dang, that's one long bathroom break.
  15. I'm all for it then. Unfortunately R4 is 299 right now. Izotope isn't hungry at the moment. I was looking to see if I could find it from Exponential Audio for less. So far no dice. LARRY!!!!!!
  16. Thanks for the FYI on Boom. I signed to their email list. I have this Kontakt lib someone gave away for free that's pots, pans, plates and silverware noises. I have it filed right next to my realistic fart library as something I will probably never use....still nice to have the first one if your adding audio to a kitchen scene in a movie. The second one I bought during a brief moment of insanity.
  17. Thanks! Interesting concepts behind R4. A slightly less natural verb with ducking adjustment on the tails. Lexicon DNA.
  18. Thanks for the FYI. I never bought Nimbus because I thought it was priced a little on the high side. I have the other two, so maybe this is a great time to jump on this. As I understand it Phoenix is very similar to Nimbus only not as feature rich. I'm going to echo *ahem* what Amicus 717 said. Phoenix works great for orchestral material....so I guess Nimbus is even better at it. The whole concept spaces me out *ducks and runs*
  19. SO5 accepted my .mov video file with no issues. Drag and drop....using SO5 on a PC. Maybe SO4 already had the capability? This is sweet for me since it's my main video file format.
  20. I was kinda hoping they would accept artificial money for it.
  21. That's cool. I can't say anything bad about Reaper. It's a decent DAW and seems to have a lot of adaptability in addition to a very reasonable pricing structure. Can't tell you how many times I've mixed down through the master to realize later it went through ARC or Sonarworks by accident. Lots of other options out there. The thing I have found is I tend to think I'll use something, buy it and then it sits collecting dust. Will the listener ever know what was used? Likely not.
  22. Does anyone know if SO5 allows installation on more than one computer with one license? I would like to put it on my laptop as well. Also, I need to dig a bit more. Were new video codecs added? I figure since they added some Notion integration maybe they updated the video end of it?
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