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Everything posted by antler

  1. I've got some iZotope stuff too an love it. I was referring to how I can use the product portal to activate e.g. Ozone to my machine (without iLok), and that now Exponential Audio is part of the iZotope family, hopefully they would integrate it into the product portal so that I wouldn't need an iLok for e.g. Pheonix.
  2. If you're after pay-as-you-go, there's always Splice, and PA: great plugins on those platforms.
  3. From the looks of it, their servers are overwhelmed; this is what I get when trying to log in
  4. From the Square Enix website: We’re warmed by stories of communities banding together to support those in need during uncertain times, and by honoring directives intended to protect the most vulnerable among us. Gamers are part of a global community. We regularly rally together online to return balance to fantasy kingdoms, recruit crew to save the universe from sci-fi threats, and indulge in healthy competition through high-octane action games. For others, shifting to both online work and play is unfamiliar territory. With this in mind, we’re offering a gift to our community. Starting right now through Monday, March 23 at 11:59PM PDT, we’re releasing both Tomb Raider (2013) and Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris for free on Steam. https://square-enix-games.com/en_GB/news/stay-home-play-friends-family
  5. Don't forget the risk of other non-Covid related scheduled hospital treatments/operations being deferred; and the risk of doctors/nurses getting sick, exacerbating the situation
  6. If Thunderbirds really are GO, that explains the number of toilet rolls...
  7. I usually skip on pianos: I have Pianoteq, which I find caters for my piano needs. It's a good cause though.
  8. I suspect the news did this because they want to reach as wide an audience as possible; there are probably some people who might not understand that explanation.
  9. antler

    Overloud Gem EQ495

    The OTD-2 Overloud Tapped Delay
  10. antler

    Overloud Gem EQ495

    I love Overloud's GEMs; the only one I'm missing is the tapped delay
  11. Funny how many people (not pointing any fingers at anyone) dismiss these 'small' numbers; if this number was the work an evil doer on the run, I get the feeling the general reaction would be quite different. Also, people seem to be more receptive when a natural disaster (e.g. earthquake/tsunami/hurricane) affects this many people.
  12. Studio One refuses to detect/run any VST3s that aren't in the 'proper' default location, but it's fine if you do the symlink thing (which is what I do)
  13. antler

    SampleTank 4 CS

    @Peter - IK Multimedia I'd like to ask for a feature request to the IK Authorization Manager please. Is it possible to allow pasting a password when logging in? I use a password manager to create strong passwords, and it's quite inconvenient to manually enter a 20-character alphanumeric-special-character password when logging in. The Custom Shop app allows pasting in passwords; just not the Authorization Manager.
  14. Do you have to run as admin every time, or just the first time?
  15. More likely it resulted in you proverbially launching a torpedo/depth charger...
  16. Yes. Will is actually 85% off... available for $29.99 for one week only
  17. I don't think a higher rating means more reward money; it was just coincidental that the higher rated ones were more expensive, meaning that (as a percentage) there was a higher reward for reviewing.
  18. 😮 and probably a lot of drive space... but then again, so is Superior 3
  19. Are you sure? from the OP, it looks like it's: Battery, Battery 2, Battery Studio Drums
  20. I just downloaded the demo; didn't realise at first that it renders forever, and that you stop it when you think its good enough. From playing around with it, it looks like there's scope for a really wide range of images. With enough experience, is there a way to know what you're going to end up with when you add new transforms, etc? or is it like how I approach FM syntheses (i.e. hmm... what does turning this dial do? oh, that sounds cool...)
  21. I was disappointed to learn that VST3 must be installed to a certain path: I try to keep my C drive for Windows and program files only. Regardless I ended up just going to the install location, moving the contents to another drive, and then creating a symlink in it's place; it's working well for me so far. For anyone interested and on Windows, look up the command mklink
  22. I'm surprised about some of them, e.g. Chris Hein Horns; I could be wrong, but that doesn't have a more modern version does it? (meaning some people will completely lose their instrument with no way to upgrade to a working version) I wonder if this has something to do with NI's subscription plan?
  23. These look really interesting. Would you recommend Chaotica if I were to start trying to get into fractal art? i.e. is it beginner friendly, or is it a beast like Blender (3D)?
  24. antler

    LMMS Free DAW

    It is now, but wasn't always. The projects hosted on GitHub though are the property of whoever uploaded them, and are (generally open-source*) licensed however the project owners see fit. * it's possible to host private closed-source projects on GitHub, but they're only visible to people that the project owners decide to make so. Also, no-one's technically allowed to use a project that doesn't explicitly have a license.
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