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Douglas Kirby

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Everything posted by Douglas Kirby

  1. I had no idea what the lead singer was singing about, but I sure did enjoy the listen. Excellent mix to my ears, and it's a catchy song.
  2. That's a cool cover of a Beatles' classic. I liked the piano in this - a bit of a different element to this as compared to the original. Good job everybody.
  3. This started out with a Beverly Hill Cops vibe due to that synth you used, and then it turned into a country song about retirement. I enjoyed the lyrics - funny - nicely done.
  4. I enjoyed this one - very relaxing. The flute was a very nice touch to the mix, which sounded very good to my ears.
  5. That was cool - I enjoyed your vocal and guitar playing. The mix overall sounded great. That's a nice Gibson SG you have there.
  6. I liked it - it felt to me to be a dramatic score, like the mood before a battle begins - nicely done.
  7. It's a good song and I enjoyed it - especially your vocal. I do agree with Wookiee that the drums dragged a bit. I also thought the song could have used a guitar or keys lead solo to add a bit of spice to it. Overall nice job.
  8. thegaltieribrothers - Thanks for your comments and for listening. James G - Thanks - I'm glad you liked the song. freddi j - Thanks for your kind comments and for giving my song a listen.
  9. That was a wild ride - it's quite creative. The mix sounded fine to me. To me it has a positive, upbeat mood to it.
  10. I enjoyed the listen - it's got quite a pace to it. Instead of the flute, I think a lead guitar would fit better - I could hear somebody like Joe Satriani playing on this one.
  11. A cool blues tune - I liked that echo on your lead vocal. The lead guitar sounded very nice as well - good job there. To my ears the mix sounds fine.
  12. I really liked this one - especially your lead vocal. The mix sounds good with plenty of depth to it. Very cool way to end it - nicely done.
  13. I enjoyed the listen - I really liked the vocal harmonies. The mix sounded fine to me. The violin solo was really cool too.
  14. The synthesizers were very interesting - I enjoyed this - nice job. To me the vibe of the song was uplifting and positive.
  15. I think this is an excellent song - sounded great to me. Nice job guys - really solid mix.
  16. emeraldsoul - Thanks for your kind comments and for listening to my song. You have good ears for reverb - probably better than mine. I'll revisit that on the next mix of this song. Answering your question, yes my album was finished in Oct. of last year, but I'm still messing with the mixes. It was a double album - 32 songs - so it's a lot of work, or fun, depending on how you look at it😀
  17. I liked the lead vocal and bgvs - also the lead guitar sounds really cool. Good song - I enjoyed the listen. The mix doesn't sound all that bad to me.
  18. This is a really good ballad - the mix sounded very nice to my ears. I liked the tone of your lead vocal on this - nice job.
  19. Oh - the guitar playing on this was really cool - some really impressive tones. The mix overall sounded excellent.
  20. Amicus717 - Thanks for giving my song a listen and I'm glad you liked the song. I have to keep the intro - I can't think of any other way to do it -perhaps I should add something there to make it more interesting. David Sprouse - Thanks for listening and your kind comments. daryl1968 - Thanks for listening. The album title is inspired a bit by Albert Camus. I did another mix, and I think the drums come off better now. HectorS - Thanks for giving my song a listen. I did a total remix of the song - so I hope it's improved. bjornpdx - Thanks for your comments - yes, Tom Petty was a big influence for me - I pretty much grew up with his music.
  21. Hey - good song - it has a solid hook. Nice job on lead vocal Daryl. I thought the mix overall is a bit trebly.
  22. The guitar work really stood out - sounded excellent to me - liked your lead vocal too. The synthesizer gave it an 80's vibe.
  23. I enjoyed your composition - I"m not an expert on this sort of thing - but it looks like previous comments have you covered - cheers.
  24. Douglas Kirby


    I found this one to be a bit funky - an enjoyable listen. I thought the mix sounded pretty good to my ears. This sounds like something I would hear in a posh bar or club - nicely done.
  25. Douglas Kirby


    I enjoyed this Bjorn - very nice. To me it was very relaxing - cool vibe. Funny - I don't have any of those synths you listed.
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