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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/23/2022 in Posts

  1. USE CODE- SummerMusic https://www.thenatan.store/p/xsgn/
    6 points
  2. What the hell were you doing, Larry? Probably notifying us about a dozen more deals. There's something ironic about that but I can't put my finger on it. As a movie publicist I have been scrupulously trained to never miss an opportunity. It's exactly like being a Navy Seal. There was once a guy I know who let a pigs-in-a-blanket tray pass him by at a party without snagging a single one. He was immediately drummed out of the union and shunned thereafter.
    5 points
  3. I respect your opinion, as they say different strokes for different folks. For anyone debating picking either up or one vs the other check out the fully functional trial versions that Softube has available. Best test is always trying something on your own material.
    4 points
  4. PSP stompDelay Tape Delay Plugin ($16.79 @ JRRShop with code: GROUP) https://www.jrrshop.com/psp-stompdelay
    3 points
  5. 3 points
  6. Outpost free with the code bday Regular price: $17 but FREE with the code Content: OUTPOST HITS 15 Bass Hits 20 Claps 5 Crashes 20 Hats 16 Kicks 20 Percs 30 Synth Hits OUTPOST LOOPS 60 Drum Loops 8 Drum Fill Loops 10 Bass Loops 9 Vox Loops 18 FX Loops 22 Synth Loops https://www.adsrsounds.com/product/wav-samples/outpost/
    3 points
  7. This is one reason I’m all setup to buy plugins from bed. One less step before glitches expire haha….
    3 points
  8. Best sale on these from my records was M84 -$79, M72-$43 (only once 12/21 but usually $79-$89), M82 -$59 So pretty good sale at $59 if you are after these…. freelancesoundlabs has NKS libraries for each of these.
    3 points
  9. I featured this earlier today during my livestream, they sound really nice. It was also fun to play with them inside of Unify with some of the other Originals (Intimate Strings, and Intimate Grand Piano). Check it out:
    3 points
  10. https://dhplugins.com/product/halo-lite/?fbclid=IwAR00qRTYMESbe8-Tj8RaWd9vh1LaR6hnDZQBSuWxFHfrv23CMj68aUYWBW4 Use code HAPPY-BIRTHDAY to get Halo Lite for FREE!
    2 points
  11. Larry and too late in the same sentence... Where's the world heading for?
    2 points
  12. Still $37 for Animation Station is a great deal at its current discounted price. So snap it up anyway if you are after it. Two weeks ago I bought it for $79 which is lowest I had seen since I started to track it. https://www.samplelogic.com/products/animation-station/
    2 points
  13. I really think it was a mistake. That's why I pounced on it immediately. I got out of bed to do it! 😄 Many members of this forum can remember how often this happens. Get it while you can!
    2 points
  14. Only another 22 minutes to go then 😉 And at least some of those need to be in 9/8 time. Sounds like a great project. Prog is seriously difficult - it's just so 'complex' and multi-layered - that's one reason why I love listening to it. Oh and don't forget to include the 'Genesis chord' (Fmaj/B flat). Good luck with it - can't wait to have a listen Andy
    2 points
  15. Circa 1960. I'm the kid looking up at the MC. Moving right from there, brother Carl, Mom, brothers Steve and Mike.
    2 points
  16. Will I have to wear white socks with black pants and shoes?
    2 points
  17. @John Maar you haven’t already been using Unify? Where have you been? By the way, Epic Choir is Unified and will be one of the subjects on today’s PluginGuru livestream.
    2 points
  18. Yes - it's both insightful, and quite funny! It would have been nice if they had also created a quick 10min video for an overview to go alongside it too though
    2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. Will do. My very first impression? Dang, this cost me a lot of money. No, not for the library, but now I feel the need to add Unify and the Originals Epic Strings, Epic Brass & Woodwinds and Intimate Strings libraries. I already have the Cimbalom and Mrs Mills Piano libraries. Should I take the red pill or the blue one? 😋 I use Gig Performer in the studio for patching together different libraries. I'm interested to see what Unify adds to the mix. Unify also supports Chromophone 3, Sektor and Pigments, so I'll be going down a rabbit hole for awhile.
    2 points
  21. there are always some bug fixes. we updated the compiler so needed to push the latest redist as well. Shouldn't be any compat issues. I also did it because I originally thought it would address the error 20 issue. That turned out to be something completely environmental and not related to our code. But I've worked around it with the help of a couple of forum users.
    2 points
  22. I’m a bit concerned about the driver. Seems he went off road and is dodging an obstacle based on the animation heheh
    2 points
  23. This plugin is my dream! I wanted always to know how my music would sound in a Ferrari!!!
    2 points
  24. At Plugin Boutique (probably direct from Ear Candy also) https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/9349
    2 points
  25. Maybe the next time you can play this and see if they notice.
    2 points
  26. https://mystonline.com/en/ Kinda like Cakewalk, you need a valid email to register, that's it. tl/dr: I snagged a Steam Humble Bundle collection several months back with every game Cyan Worlds has ever released (including the early young persons' games like Cosmic Osmo). I played through all of the MYST titles and Obduction. I enjoyed Obduction so much that I played right through it a second time. Their worldbuilding and art direction are so amazing.(Obduction, though, like MYST, again left me with the question of where all these people had slept) Anyway, I wasn't so sure about the Uru: Complete Chronicles part of the collection, I had read that it was the retooled remnants of an aborted attempt in 2003 to make an online multiplayer MYST game and that the production (and subsequent weak ROI) of it nearly caused Cyan to go broke. Not the most promising, but I wanted more Cyan-style entertainment. I started working my way through the Steam version, was liking it, and got curious about its commercial history/fate. Turns out that in 2010, Cyan took all of the content ever produced for the game, set up servers for free, and released a bunch of the underlying code (not the MYST franchise IP) under GNU GPL. And then I found out that the servers are still up and running. Hmm. So I created an account and hopped in. Didn't know what to expect although I was familiar with the gameplay. The first thing I noticed is that the graphics of the current online version are visibly better than the standalone version that Steam has. They've clearly done some good work on it. The next thing I noticed is that there didn't seem to be many players on the server with me at any given time, often down to single digits, and sometimes I'm the only one. Makes me wonder how long Cyan is going to bother with it, but the people who play it still have regular virtual events (including "live music," not sure how that works). The open source factor has so far resulted in some very nice-looking "Ages" and two, released a year ago, that genuinely rival the Cyan stuff as far as art/sound design and gameplay. One of them is done in a slightly different, more modern style than the usual MYST steampunk-y aesthetic, and it looks great. The other one includes two actual bedrooms AND bathrooms (with working toilets). You have control over whether your gameplay is going to be solo or cooperative, and at the start, and by default, it's solo. I've been playing it for a few days and have met a couple of people who are really helpful and fun to play the game with. Some of the puzzles are more fun with another player's help, but I also like being able to do it by myself at my own pace if I want, and that is well-accommodated: the areas where the puzzles and exploration take place are private to each player unless the player invites someone else to join them. You can start working them by yourself and then if you get stuck, go into the public areas and get someone more experienced to help, or just never go into the public areas at all (things are less frustrating if you get some guidance and orientation, but there are plenty of websites with hint guides and full walkthroughs). It can be social, but it doesn't have to be, which is how I prefer it. I'm an introvert/extrovert switch and I want to be able to flip that switch whichever way I feel like. Due to the nature of MYST gameplay (nothing to kill or be killed by) the userbase skews older than most online games, and that works for me too. Unlike MYST, you can sometimes have uncontrolled falls from lethal heights, but the game whisks you safely back to your private island lodge before you hit the deck, Each player sets up an avatar whose dress and appearance they can choose, and at least in my case, I think I was able to put together one with a fair resemblance (at least to what I looked like 15 years ago). The avatars look human without going into the uncanny valley. It's not a competitive game (although there are games-within-the-game that can be competitive), so there's no tactical advantage to having a super-duper computer system, the underlying code and graphics are 20 years old. A Core 2 Quad with 4G of RAM and comparable graphics unit should be able to run it in full resolution just fine, abut it still looks great. I've watched people play the latest shooters, and as far as graphics, they don't seem behind the technical curve at all. If you drop in, I'm Superabbit. I'm probably about 1/3 to 1/2 through the various puzzles and whatnots, so I'll at least be around long enough to finish those. I wish I'd heard about it earlier: a MYST title where you can ask other players for help in real time? And invite your friends? At my favorite price point?
    2 points
  27. Here is what I am considering- Since I recently got a whole ton of classic synths I thought it might be fun to make some kind of an extended prog rock thing. I opened up a project and started about the first minute of it. I'm still debating on if I should keep it or throw it out. My thinking this far has been to do something I don't usually do and work longer overall at one much longer prog rock journey. I'm thinking 5-10 minutes long. Not a song, a journey. I am open to any suggestions from prog rockers on what kind of a journey this could be ( minus any substances ). What keys to start off in, tempos etc. What usually happens is my intentions on a project take far longer to realize than originally intended. Even making a template for a 10 minute prog journey could take a very long time. Adjusting the details would take even longer. ..and I know the music biz isn't that great right now so far as profits, but if I put two or three months into something part time I would be looking to put it up somewhere besides the places where music is free. And if you do one thing like this then people who like the music want to hear an album, so this is a real commitment over time if looking at it that way. Where say, in two years there could be an album after a lot of hard work. Granted I can't tour it because there's no band but me. I think everyone needs a goal of some kind to keep moving. I'm not mixing for the man or charging to mix projects ( not that this is a bad thing), I'm just out here doing what I do which varies considerable between the different projects. As a suggestion, maybe we could use something besides our main music channel to post links to projects we are working on as they go. All the way from the sucky beginning to hopefully better later versions of it. I don't think this should be a compliments area where we all make each other feel good. No, if we post like this, I think we should be fair about the music and tell the person who posted it. It is about the MUSIC and not a bias either for or against the person or persons posting the examples. I think opinions should be just that, mixing opinions and if the artist doesn't agree with them, then they don't need to comply with any suggestion made. All too often I see an artist bowing to an opinion from someone they don't know enough to trust, even when they liked their mix better without the changes the person is suggesting. They are doing it because "so and so" thought it sounded better. If you don't want to make the change, then don't. I would be as open minded and objective as you can be, and if you can't hear, then trust someone who can. If you don't trust yourself to mix, then hire someone and trust them to do it for you. I see this as mainly about , " This is what I'm working on I'll take suggestions", however no one here has any more right than another to say what sounds good, or what doesn't. Only what they think sounds good to them. Armchair critics are a dime a dozen and that's about what some of them are really worth. Having said that, most of the music advice given on the songs forum here is spot on because we have several experienced mixing engineers there. The music genre and delivery are obviously going to be opinion driven. Thoughts?
    1 point
  28. Simple Stems is a quick and easy way to decompose any audio into it’s constituent parts. The plugin uses the well established Spleeter algorithm by Deezer to deconstruct songs into 2, 4 or 5 stems. The results are stunning, though more complicated mixes and live recordings are not always perfectly decomposed. 49$, but free for a limited time https://www.stagecraftsoftware.com/products/simplestems/
    1 point
  29. We're pleased to announce Early Access for Update 1 of 2022.06! This release includes a small handful of user reported stability issues. If you have encountered any of these issues, please check out this release and and confirm that your issue is resolved before we release the official public version. Please note that Early Access installers are update installers, which only update from a specific version. To install the 2022.06 Update 1 Early Access build, you must be on the latest public release of 2022.02 or later. Download Cakewalk 2022.06 Update 1 EA installer If you haven't already done so, please read about the Early Access Program before participating. Please keep responses specific to problems or comments on this release. Unrelated bugs or feature requests should be posted in other threads or the feature request channel. Thanks again for your participation! The Bakers Issues Resolved in Build Audio Export presets not changing file type Extend Takes to Punch Out Time always reverts to loop End time when not loop comping Extend Takes to Punch Out Time / Comping Loop extend clip behavior should also work for MIDI clip recording Note Name Changes in Piano Roll view revert after clicking note Tracks are added in reverse order when moving to folder Process Effect plugin window requires minimum size Some users experiencing Activation Error 20 Updated to latest Microsoft VC re-distributables
    1 point
  30. Get 10% off Groove Monkee Drum Loops --- discount code: DFQ10 https://www.groovemonkee.com/ This discount also works when Groove Monkee is having a sale. Min purchase: $19.95
    1 point
  31. I'm currently writing some tracks for a Crime Drama show - in this part of the business everything is on spec so you write them to the brief and if the publisher likes them , you sign them over ( Gratis - Free of charge ) and hope they get used. If they get used, you get something in a year two in your royalty statement. I say do whatever makes you happy but don't expect to make any money - This quarter I got paid for a track in something that was watched on Youtube 34 million times and got £5 - I have no idea what it was !
    1 point
  32. Award for most tags used in a post this month hahah
    1 point
  33. Hi. I'm actually working on a balled of mine, that will not contain shouting/screaming at all. Acoustic geetar, SD3 (as always), some lead el geetarz, some strings & choirs and vox. Doing a bit of softly shouting at Mike after this cig break (always a good idea for "singers" ). Not trying to hit high notes today, so should be good to go 😎 And it's a 3+ minutes song, not my usual 5-7 mins. All the best.
    1 point
  34. Out of all the plugins to have too many of, I think delays and reverbs are the ones! They just have so much different soul and character. So do many plugins, but for me, it's just more pronounced than some of the others 🙂 The standard price is $17.99 when you add it to the cart. If you add the coupon code I mentioned, it reduces it a touch further. It doesn't make too much difference though, so it's not like you really missed out on much of a discount. With JRR you can basically ignore the entire listing. It just gives you the code to be used on the PSP site, so you always get the latest version 🙂
    1 point
  35. At one time I started a similar project. I had just acquired the Oberheim 8-Voice from Cherry Audio and thought "wouldn't it be cool to do a 70's-style epic synth opus"? No samplers, no acoustic instruments, no vox, just lots of layers of subtractive synths. Well, that project sits unfinished along with a couple hundred other half-baked ideas. Lately, I've been thinking about taking a bunch of those unfinished ideas and stringing them together. Last year I gave the project another shot. I let go of my strict no-samples requirement and allowed myself to use Superior Drummer for drums. The rest is all true to the original concept, consisting entirely of subtractive synths. This is where I left off on that one... https://soundclick.com/r/s86sea No current projects, sadly, as my DAW is being rebuilt after it fried on a hot day.
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. No longer works - "Coupon usage limit has been reached." Oh well...
    1 point
  38. I read that, but when I went by the ear-test, I thought the 80Ohm were the best for what I want to do. Using them at home for a bit, I am happy with my decision. At worst, I can get another pair.
    1 point
  39. Does this take a backseat to other test plugins?
    1 point
  40. I think it will be a mistake if they don't. IK has been in to sharing lately with ToneNET. The competition i.e. Cortex and Kemper allow sharing albeit on their products.
    1 point
  41. Libre Writer. But then that isn't just one Word 😜
    1 point
  42. What no Word-Perfect love
    1 point
  43. I tried it several times with varying results but mostly good. Finally got to sort out what was going on between a snare and guitar track in the Live song Iris.
    1 point
  44. guys, I just renamed the cakewalk.exe file to cakewalk1.exe and it worked perfectly
    1 point
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