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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/17/2022 in Posts

  1. Strezov Sampling has released DIAMOND Jazz Trio Freebie, a free library for Kontakt Player, featuring 3 instruments - Piano, Alto Saxophone and Double bass. It is a reduced version of the full Diamond library which will be released during June. https://www.strezov-sampling.com/products/view/Diamond-jazz-trio.html The Strezov Sampling “Diamond Jazz Trio Freebie” consists of a 3 instruments - Piano, Alto Saxophone and Double bass, distributed in the following 4 patches" Alto Sax Acc Sus Cresc Freebie - experimental patch with a nice forte-piano attack and loopable sustain; after releasing the key, a crescendo is triggered Alto Sax Leg Flutter Freebie - contains 4 different sustain types and legato transitions Piano Freebie - upright piano with a classic pop jazz sound Double Bass Freebie - an upright bass, recorded with true legato intervals, so that when you play a line, you’ll hear a smooth and realistic transition TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Powered by Native Instruments' FREE Kontakt Player - Full version supported, but not required. requires free Native Instruments Kontakt Player Version 5.7.1+ or full Native Instruments Kontakt Version 5.7.1+ Approx. 5.5 GB Hard drive space (~2.6 GB for the archived files and ~2.6 GB for the unzipped library) Min. of 4GB RAM
    6 points
  2. https://audiomodern.com/shop/plugins/panflow
    6 points
  3. It's a book priced like a plugin...
    5 points
  4. If you need to push bass down in the space, sidechain. If you wanna make room for the kick drum boom, sidechain. He don't lie, he don't lie, he don't lie: sidechain.
    4 points
  5. Here's another link to add: https://reverb.com/news/the-rubber-bridge-guitars-taking-over-indie-music They're a pretty recent invention--just in the last few years--but have really taken off, used by artists like Bob Dylan, Jeff Tweedy of Wilco, Phoebe Bridgers, Madison Cunningham. And of course, Aaron Dessner played one in Taylor Swift's Folklore album (the track Invisible String, for example). At first I thought the guitar would end up having a pretty specialized sound, but it turned out way more versatile than I imagined. Being able to blend between a purely electric sound from the pickup to the mic'd acoustic sound adds a new dimension to the tone that none of our other guitar libraries have. One of my favorite sounds is running the pickup out an amp with spring reverb, and then mixing in the acoustic sound of the guitar--check out the "Warm Springs" factory preset for an example of that. It's sorta modeled after this Madison Cunningham performance. As you can hear, the rubber bridge guitar supports vocals really nicely, because it doesn't crowd the high frequencies like a bright steel string guitar sometimes tends to. And unlike typical acoustic guitars, the rubber bridge guitar sound is friendly to adding overdrive/distortion. The gold foil pickup installed in the guitar is what you'd use in an electric guitar, so it's very different than the piezo pickups you'd find in an acoustic guitar for adding the option of amplification. The effects chain in Evolution Rubber Bridge are set up so that the pickup signal runs through all the guitar pedals and amp/cab emulation, while the mic signal only goes through the rack effects.
    4 points
  6. Spoiler: it's a very detailed mutli-sampled finger cymbal instrument. Prepare to get your belly-dancing gypsy on!
    4 points
  7. Last day! Thought it's worth a mention.
    4 points
  8. Sounds a lot like WUP 🤔😉 I do get the peace of mind, but I can't help but think it's a case of legitimate paying customer's of software being penalized and charged further for software they already paid for which I don't like. I Googled to see what they annual charge was currently and stumbled across this old, but likely still current and somewhat humorous take explaining the costs and process even with Zero Downtime 🤣 https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/comments/tw594/your_ilok_zero_downtime_and_you_a_primer
    4 points
  9. I know!!! Everybody jump on in!! Waters fine!!
    3 points
  10. So I can use Jampoints? And no WUP or dongle. Fleer is all over it.
    3 points
  11. Finally, something I've got the belly for.
    3 points
  12. FWIW, I got this back from Plug and Mix support at http://www.plugandmix.com/. No specifics, but at least there's a person responding to queries... I sent: And I got this reply:
    3 points
  13. @mibby We've now added the new feature you asked for. Now when you change the search/display criteria, the URL autoupdates with the filters you choose so you can bookmark that particular search for the future. For example: https://musicsoftwaredeals.com/?price_to=20&sortBy=price_asc The above URL will show all deal from $0-$20 in ascending order starting from cheapest to most expensive within that bracket. This one would show all deals from Plugin Boutique only that are $0-$10: https://musicsoftwaredeals.com/?store=524&price_to=10&sortBy=price_asc So just change your search/filter criteria then save that URL as a bookmark and it will load the data you're looking for each time automatically 😀
    3 points
  14. There are other (IMO better) delay plugins that are always free, like Valhalla Supermassive NastyDLAmkII (Variety of Sound) Leet Delay (Sonic Anomaly) DD Delay/DD MonoDelay (Dead Duck) DubStation 1.5 (Audio Damage) Tempo Delay (Voxengo)
    3 points
  15. 3 points
  16. Always one month after the Group Buy’s closing.
    3 points
  17. Waking up each day and realizing I'm on top of the dirt. Priceless.
    3 points
  18. Amp 5 is $99 Amp 5 Max is $199 https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/amplitube5/
    2 points
  19. Now that's Side-chaining! With style...
    2 points
  20. Eduardo, with the number of plug-ins you have, two iLoks and $30 a year is pocket lint! Having the physical iLok is most definitely the way to go with systems that don't travel, and I must thank you again for your kindness. Before that, I had an iLok 1, which was not compatible with my Exponential Audio reverbs. I need to get a small USB extension cable so that I can just use my second iLok2 on the laptop. An iLok is too nice a thing to risk injuring sticking out of a laptop. So: for those following the saga, it's been just over 24 hours after stranding 20 iLok licenses by merely disabling the network adapters on my laptop. The reset score so far has surprising results. Most of them have been reset. I did the original reset request through the new option in iLok Manager. PACE keeps you notified via email each time a company resets your license(s), so I have a timeline for how quickly each company responded. Also, the first email they send has a table of all of the licenses and manufacturers, with contact information. InMusic's (AIR, SONiVOX) and UVI's entries showed no email, only a website link, so I decided to contact them directly, via email in the case of InMusic, and a web form at UVI. This was going on the theory that if no email were shown, then iLok Manager wouldn't know how to contact them. The absolute winner is Vienna Symphonic Library, who reset all of my VSL licenses in a matter of hours right from the iLok Manager request. Next was Softube, then UVI in the wee hours of the morning. Upon waking up, I found that InMusic had issued the reset pretty much upon start of their business day. then Soundtoys, then Eventide. The surprise poor performers are iZotope, who still haven't reset my Exponential Audio licenses. Surprisingly good performance from InMusic, although I helped out by emailing them directly with all the information they needed. The email address I used was softwaresales@inmusicbrands.com. Way better than expected. In the past, I tried contacting them via their websites, and it didn't work. I suspect that trying to use the support forms on the old AiR and SONiVOX sites is like trying to use them on the old Cakewalk, Inc. site. Nobody on the other end. Tip: when I contacted InMusic (and UVI) directly, I gave them all of the original activation codes as well as the old iLok location ID of the laptop, and I'm sure that helped speed things up. If you're storing locally, I strongly recommend keeping these available, although they should theoretically be able to be gleaned from iLok Manager on another computer in case of complete system failure. Still, easier if you can just copy and paste them from a document. So, overall, I'm sore about how merely disabling my network adapters bork't both iLok and Waves. That's just sloppy (and scary). I prefer local license storage on the laptop because less crap to haul around and this is making me trust it less. The laptop does have an SD card slot, so I'll look into using that, moving the Waves licenses to an SD card if I can. On the other hand, both companies' recovery solutions got almost everything back in under 24 hours. I suspect that if I contacted iZotope directly as I did with InMusic that they'd get me the reset pretty quickly, although I'm tempted to wait a bit longer just to test the system. Maybe it's an excuse to get more cozy with MTurboReverble and MReverbMB, which do actually rival the Exponential stuff. As long as nobody gets pissy about doing the resets, I guess I'm okay with the iLok recovery process, although it does seem to rely on the companies involved still being around to reset your licenses. What happens when a company goes under and then iLok arbitrarily decides to give your computer a new location ID? No reset, no recovery? I'm not against the iLok dongle in principle, it's just part of whatever method companies choose for licensing. Of course I prefer the Meldaproduction and A|A|S type licensing, but that's not my business decision to make.
    2 points
  21. <taps wood> I've yet to have any problems with iLok (since 2007 IIRC) that were not user error and were user corrected. I spend the $30/year for their protection plan and I have a spare iLok on hand for just that purpose. Was that $30/year wasted? Here I quote the movie Heist in an exchange between Gene Hackman and Sam Rockwell: GH-You ever cheat on a woman? Something, stand her up, step out on her? SR-What? GH-Ever do that? SR-Yeah. GH-Did you have an excuse? SR-Yeah. GH-What if she didn't ask? Was your alibi a waste of time?
    2 points
  22. Wow, PluginDoctor is really a must-have for any plug-in addict. Especially if, like me, you've been very curious about what the various "character" EQ's and compressors in your toolkit are really doing. MTurboEQ and MTurboComple, I'm (literally) looking at you. All of those models in MTurboComple that have both a "compression" knob and a "threshold" knob. 🙄 I was charmed to find that one of my favorite "digital" compressors, MCompressor, actually has a little upward kink after the knee, which the dbx 165 emulations I ran through it also have. No wonder I like it so much. Turns out it has some "character" after all. What I'm hoping is that by giving me a better insight into how these processors are actually behaving, I can do some weeding. Choose my favorite fast or squishy compressors, precision and character EQ's, etc. Do some checking into which ones are throwing off harmonics (desirable or not). Check out this review by our own Dave Bitflipper: https://soundbytesmag.net/review-plugindoctor-from-ddmf/ He's right, the thing is just plain FUN.
    2 points
  23. I got this bundled when I bought my new-in-box Focusrite Saffire Pro 40 a couple of months ago, and thought "a 2-band EQ?" Turns out it has the lord's own air band. A real ear-pleaser. Haven't tried it on vox, but on breathy synth pads, it's the bee sneeze.
    2 points
  24. With my orange slices + CC points and the fact that it's the only guitar I don't own in the full Guitar Bundle, my price is $69.71 . Schweeeeeeet Dealio.
    2 points
  25. Quadral 2 is an imagination laboratory. Randomize your way to your next favorite electronic score using 16 brand new groups of hand-crafted atmospheric synth pads. Combine quadrants to create layered organs, unique ambiences, or evolving textures using our Ouroboros modulation engine and tempo-synced XY pad. Each sound has been sculpted with care, allowing you to weave layers together into spectacular new presets with categories like Blurry, Electric, Icy, LoFi, Nature, and Zen. $25 intro price https://soundiron.com/products/quadral-2
    2 points
  26. IK Support would typically be able to offer an upgrade from SE --> 5 but the end pricing there was always 99.99 for the upgrade (down from 199.99), so during this promo the only way to go lower than that would be to use JamPoints which could take it down to 69.99.
    2 points
  27. I learned the hard way to go with the physical iLok. I usually avoid developers who use iLok. VSL is the exception. Licensing is #1 on my list before buying.
    2 points
  28. Is it just me or does this guy resemble Benny Hill?
    2 points
  29. I am not sure why there are so many people believing VST3 = better. As far as I know the truth is that it's the opposite, VST3 is a mess. It's true that sidechaining it's easier and handled better than in VST2 (where there was no official implementation for sidechaining), but apart from that VST3 is incomplete at best. On one hand it lacks all the features VST2 had, some are simply not implemented, and others are not complete. On another hand it is a big pain in the ***** if you are forced to port a VST2 plugin. That's why a lot of developers (like u-he) even if they offer VST3 versions they don't offer all the functionality the VST2 versions do. The very same way VST3 hosting is either completely implemented in every software so there will be features not working or unexpected behavior. So in the end I think it's waaaaaaay better to use VST2 versions for plugins that were originally developed for that API and use only VST3 ones when they are new plugins already developed on VST3 and with no VST2. I am aware though that maybe this has changed very recently now that Steinberg is enforcing VST3 to everyone (although I doubt it though, at least yet). It will improve in the future, that's for sure, but probably it will take at least two more years before going for the VST3 versions be a better idea.
    2 points
  30. You're correct that AT5 CS does not have VIR™ cabinet technology, but AT5 SE does have it. Check the comparison chart: https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/include/at5/gear_list_pdf/AmpliTube_5_comparison.pdf
    2 points
  31. Heavy whipping cream in fresh ground coffee Siestas Chocolate Becan
    2 points
  32. https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve/whatsnew
    2 points
  33. He said installed, not that he would ever use it 😇
    2 points
  34. $19 https://audioplugin.deals/amplify-by-12-bit-soul/
    2 points
  35. Not exactly sure which EW virtual instrument you're using, but it has helped me a lot to set the exact MIDI input device / channel (rather than 'omni') on the track where you have this issue. Preferably make it a habit to do this each time you add a new track. Also, I've seen some plugins produce better results when using the 64-bit VST instead of the VST3 version. I saw this for example with Ample Bass P and Ample Guitar M, but also with various FX plugins.
    2 points
  36. IMO, If you can go for nothing but MAX.
    2 points
  37. To import multiple clips, one after the other, into a track starting at 0 Select clips (in the gif below, I used a selection from the media browser) Click-drag the clips to the area between the track header and the clips area (AKA track scale) Hold down CTRL+SHIFT Release the mouse button to drop the clips in the track.
    2 points
  38. Downloading and trying out a new instrument library Working in my woodshop Playoff hockey (...sometimes...but not this year) ....maybe next year
    2 points
  39. I was downloading last November’s Group Buy as those downloads’ 180 days are running out in a week or so.
    2 points
  40. Deal: 77% off "Pulse-Tec EQs" by Nomad Factory Value: €124 Discount: 77% Price: €28 Grab the deal now on http://www.VSTBuzz.com The “Pulse-Tec EQs” includes the legendary Pultec Mid-Range Equalizer MEQ-5 and the well known Pultec Program Equalizer EQP-1A into a single high quality plugin, the PULSE-TEC EQs. Designed to improve the quality of digital sound recordings, these plugins provide a simple and functional vintage-style interface, as well as low CPU consumption for lightening-fast processing! Grab the deal now on http://www.VSTBuzz.com!
    2 points
  41. OK, I tried this in Studio One... The only thing that I could NOT DO was to drag MIDI directly from a Studio One track into the EZD3 Bandmate window. Otherwise, all of these tasks worked: Drag MIDI directly from EZkeys to EZD3 Bandmate Drag MIDI directly from EZkeys to a Studio One track Drag MIDI directly from EZD3 to a Studio One track Drag MIDI directly from the Studio One file browser into EZD3 Bandmate. Drag MIDI directly from the Windows desktop into EZD3 Bandmate. Reaper is basically the same way. But Cakewalk however, will allow you to drag MIDI directly from a DAW track into Bandmate! So it's not really a EZD issue...
    2 points
  42. I for a moment read that as C-Clarity <shuffles off to get eyes checked>
    2 points
  43. New strings on a guitar A sax reed that is free blowing and responds to my every nuance Applause from the audience at the end of a song Becan
    2 points
  44. Going 15 minutes without something making me temporarily annoyed.
    2 points
  45. Good for toe jams! 😁
    2 points
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