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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/2020 in all areas

  1. Thanks simon. After the update it said that my AD2 install needed repair so repaired it - it put those aax plugins I deleted the other day back 🤬🙄
    6 points
  2. American Apartment Sounds, Cupboard and Drawers - 4GB of doors, drawers, cupboards, window blinds, curtains, light switches in the dining room, kitchen, bathroom, living room and bedroom, room tone, quiet ambience, jacuzzi, and shower sounds. https://www.freetousesounds.com/apartment-sounds-download-apartment-sound-effects-usa/?fbclid=IwAR1yqWtuGXW5nq1T1khH8VbGCTkVOFxSd9hnxdbv8pVeiQ7v4-oE0v2OD5c
    6 points
  3. Meanwhile there should be no more doubt, the world is firmly in the grip of COVID19! Many of us spend their time at home and limit social contacts to the absolute necessary. We think it is a great idea to follow the experts advices, so most of our team now work from their homes. Even though it is tempting to go outside again, celebrate with friends and enjoy the approaching summer, stay strong! We hope our giveaway will be a small incentive for you, to stay home a little longer. We talked to the creative minds behind our products and tried to figure out a way to make a helpful contribution to the musicians, some of whom are now without jobs or income. Our favorite idea was to give something to the musicians in need. But we had to realize that there is no way for us to determine who really is. Eventually we came up with the idea to give away 250 of our most popular products by raffle. This is a total of almost 60.000 Euro. The following products are available to choose from: Chris Hein Horns Compact Chris Hein Strings Compact Emotional Cello ERA II Medieval Legends Forest Kingdom II Galaxy X Halls of Fame 3 - Complete Edition KWAYA The Orchestra TITAN 2 We raffle off 25 pieces each and participating is super easy. Click the link below and follow the instructions: THE BEST SERVICE COVID19 GIVEAWAY We feel honored and blessed to be able to work with such great library developers and grateful for our wonderful customers. Please, share the love and spread the word! We wish you only the best! #CreativityBeatsCrisis
    5 points
  4. https://u-he.com/products/podolski/?fbclid=IwAR1yBQ--nbmv1GZKSllDqnnRLI-DiRSKEwGogFuCQ3UL0oaUbgW9G6V08sQ
    5 points
  5. run the XLN online installer to update wonder if there is a new product in the pipeline ?
    4 points
  6. Just to clarify for this thread, the problem RBH was having has been resolved. He has a broken DirectX installation that causes even the Microsoft DirectX diagnostic tools (DXDiag) to crash. The new version of Cakewalk uses Direct2D for some drawing optimizations for the arranger UI and this is what triggers the problem on his PC. Normal Win7 systems are unaffected by this problem.
    4 points
  7. You are correct. I am not a frog. Tiger was created for a short film I wrote and directed called "Tiger: His Fall & Rise" starring the late Adrienne Shelly. But I am a good guy as a movie publicist. I've represented people like Jim Jarmusch, Pedro Almodovar, Ang Lee, Agnes Varda, Errol Morris, Lisa Cholodenko, etc.
    4 points
  8. Lowest ever. Go! No, run!
    4 points
  9. For those that are wondering how to get started with MSuperlooper, I made a quick video explaining the basic functions and modes. I hope this helps.
    4 points
  10. Mine too. My brain as well, I've been thinking about it for a few days now Value-wise it's definitely quite an offer, especially for someone who doesn't have a lot of plugins. But I learned the hard way that I need (to try at least) to get stuff I really need/use. And I have comparable, or better options for most parts. As a long-time lurker, half of them probably thanks to Larry 🤑
    3 points
  11. Yep if I hadn't got it for the cheaper price I probably wouldn't have bothered at the IK price - even with Jam Points it would have been around £150 - £160 and I was mainly interested in ST3 Max & Miroslav (I already have Miroslav CE)
    3 points
  12. JRR was actually cheaper if buying from Europe (no VAT). I was on the fence about getting this, but their 'new' price sorted out my dilemma
    3 points
  13. $98.99 at Time Space https://www.timespace.com/products/zynaptiq-adaptiverb-resythnesis-reverb?utm_campaign=Monday April 20th - Zynaptiq Adaptiverb Sale (XhBBRU)&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Zynaptiq Unveil&_ke=eyJrbF9lbWFpbCI6ICJjY2xhcnJ5MTIyNzAwQGhvdG1haWwuY29tIiwgImtsX2NvbXBhbnlfaWQiOiAiTHRUSGRUIn0%3D
    3 points
  14. God I hope it's AD3. I mean, I can keep hoping but I'm starting to think they threw in the towel with drums.
    3 points
  15. I passed, I do not feel I fall in the target group. Good luck to those that are participating.
    3 points
  16. XLN insistence on the installation of these unnecessary 1’s and 0’s ( without me being given a choice upfront!) is just AAX backwards. I don’t apologize if this has already been said. I just have to relieve my self.
    3 points
  17. I picked Forest Kingdom II, Medieval Legends II, and The Orchestra!
    3 points
  18. XLN knew you deleted the AAX install plugins from AD2, so they repaired the mistake they thought you made 😁
    3 points
  19. Just to be clear, it’s indeed the greatest verb (and synth) I know, but it eats cpu, although there’s a “lite cpu” version included. Now, go!
    3 points
  20. This is the lowest price ever right? Fleer's gonna say something that pushes me over the edge.
    3 points
  21. Don't know if this is kosher, but I'll hijack my old post for a memorial day post: https://davidsprouse.bandcamp.com/track/soldiers-h
    2 points
  22. I recently decide to clean up my Windows SpitFire LABS installations. I realized that I had installed some of the components (libraries) to more than one location and due to my confusion on how the installer worked I was messing things up further. I wanted all my LABS content to be located together on my audio external drive separate from my Kontakt libraries. First - fixing the Default Path (where new content installations will default to) The 'Default Content Path' in your LABS Setting is the parent folder of the 'Spitfire Audio - LABS' folder, not the folder itself - it's where 'Spitfire Audio - LABS' is to be placed or found. Next relocating LABS content & fixing LAB's search paths. LABS keeps its search paths in Windows in its configuration file, Spitfire.properties, on your system at this location: %APPDATA%\Spitfire Audio\Settings\ Just copy the above text and paste it into Windows File Explorer then you'll see Spitfire.properties along with other files. It's just a text file. You can open it with NotePad or your favorite text edit. I found that this file contained search paths to every location I had ever installed LABS to; it also had bad entries from a bug in earlier releases where the path had "\/" separating directories, for example C:\/SomeFolder\/SomeSubfolder, instead of '\\" which is currently used. This is how, after cleanup and relocating all the libraries to my external drive, location "D:\Audio\Big Data\Spitfire Audio - LABS" the contents of Spitfire.properties looks on my system. { "Labs": { "patches": [ "D:\\Audio\\Big Data\\Spitfire Audio - LABS\\Patches" ], "presets": [ "D:\\Audio\\Big Data\\Spitfire Audio - LABS\\Presets" ], "samples": [ "D:\\Audio\\Big Data\\Spitfire Audio - LABS\\Samples" ] } }
    2 points
  23. hahaha exactly the same for me, I was waiting to sell some plugs and buy that one from JRR but now I am out. My wallet says thanks
    2 points
  24. If you need film/movie/video/game sound effects I recommend these guys very highly. They have bundles and they offer upgrade prices to the bundles that take into account what you have already bought. The sound effects are really good, though they only cover some what limited areas (weapons and robots originally and now a bunch of horror and UI). They also have some audio plugins and Reaktor things as well. Those are interesting if you are doing sound design.
    2 points
  25. Adaptiverb owner. The hi res is there. The tweakability is there. The complexity is, too. And it all makes your CPU say "Feed Me, Seymour!!!" I've used it mostly for sound design rather than regular mixing duties. The main trick up its sleeve is that it can tune your reverb tails into the notes of the sound source. You play a c triad, the reverb comes out strongly tuned c triad. Like it hides the overtones in the reverb tail. It also is good at feeding the reverb tail back into the original signal in weird ways. It's a pretty special tool but honestly I use the free Subspace ten times as much. Fwiw
    2 points
  26. Hey there! Since all of these packs are fully playable virtual instrument patches, they do not infringe copyright. (We've received detailed legal advice on all this, of course) If we were offering exact loops, beats, or musical phrases from the songs, that would be a different story. What's cool about these packs is that you get the timbre and production quality of the sounds, and you can run with that in any direction you want! Thanks for the feedback!! -A
    2 points
  27. no thanks. I'd prefer AD2 to continue support instead of a money grab on a upgrade I don't need. AD Still sounds just fine, and if you just need more grooves, there are plenty of other option on the market to add to it/map and translate to, etc.
    2 points
  28. Right! Committing changes is a tough thing to learn. I've seen an interview with Eddie Kramer, where he mentioned this as a necessity of 70s' studio workflow. Got me thinking that revisiting and readjusting processing isn't always a great idea. I'm yet to start exporting stems for mixing, though.
    2 points
  29. There is no deadline set currently for the coupon. The pricing isn't introductory it is MSRP just the bundle is just set as a preorder.
    2 points
  30. I quit installing the VST2 versions, the VST3 versions are good.
    2 points
  31. I agree! thanks for the feedback. can't help to think that is a very good way to invite pirates to join a pay system and support developers. I am from a 3rd world country where NO ONE buys soft, even big studios download cracked soft. And that happens all over the world. I believethis kind of system can bring some bucks that where never on the table
    2 points
  32. I'd maybe subscribe for a $1 a month. Let me know when it's a $1 a month.
    2 points
  33. MSuperLooper 81% off intro price - $21 https://www.meldaproduction.com/MSuperLooper Note: If you're new to Melda you can get this for $11* by signing up for the Melda newsletter! *You get 10 credits by signing up. Link is at bottom of the page on www.meldaproduction.com You can also get a further 20% discount by using my referral code: MELDA1548575 (Feel free to use it, or use a friend's because Melda gives them 10% credit too!)
    2 points
  34. You can hit up and down on the keyboard to scroll through sounds and hit the right arrow key to load a sound.
    2 points
  35. Actually I have been a movie publicist for over 45 years. These days I often teach marketing. I closed my company long ago, but if I was pitching this account... I would explain that many people had tried to make a great bass virtual instrument, but they had finally solved all the issues, and added the features that made it work. They had spent ** years solving all the problems. You can't make the claim that people should buy your product over the competition if you say that there are no other products. ujam isn't exactly an obscure product, even if you don't own one. IMHO the ujam basses are the best things they sell. I doubt I am the only one who thinks that. And if you think about it, they are kind of saying to ujam owners that you think they are too dumb to notice how ridiculous this claim is. You could say that there would be expansions brought out in every genre. They may think that doesn't need to be said, because they are thinking only of the people that already know about Toontrack. That's thinking small. Marketing is about using this product to get people who have never purchased from them before. So show people what is coming. That makes the better investment over the competition. This is what's coming. Your bass virtual instrument will just keep getting better and better. Again, this helps a noob choose between toontrack and ujam. One of the most popular YouTubers is the bass-obsessed Davie504, who has over 6 million followers. His videos usually get a million views. He would probably hate this product, but maybe a beef battle could be fun. A war. And you would reach an international audience of bass players in one very inexpensive marketing deal. This is off the top of my head. While politicians lie and it works for them somehow, my years of experience have shown that it is better to respect the people I want to buy stuff and tell them the truth. That way I can keep coming to them with the next thing.
    2 points
  36. Tom of @DeeringAmps has again kindly offered to host my little ditty. The Cosmic Brain (Complete) all five parts. The Cosmic Brain 29' 50" By the Wookiee. I would recommend downloading as with high internet traffic, due to all you good and sensible people staying at home to help our health service professionals, it might not stream as well as it could. Thanks for listening. I have revised the link as it appears to stream better but you can still download it from there to.
    1 point
  37. You will also notice there are SampleTank3 and SampleTank3 Total Studio Max 2 products. The former has Steel Drums Content that has a larger file size than the latter. This is because it contains installers for both Mac and Windows while the latter has separate Mac and Windows installers. As best I can tell, the sound content is the same. There's no need to touch the SampleTank3 downloads. Basically, you now have 2 serial #s for SampleTank3. You will not need the v3.5 Sound Update available for SampleTank3, either.
    1 point
  38. WARNING: Absurd lyrics that some might consider "graphic." Please don't listen if you wish to avoid this vocal/sonic theatre of the absurd.
    1 point
  39. The basics are working OK so far (about 1 month). Was expecting larger improvements in latency but unable to come up with buffer settings that make a significant difference without wrecking something else. Using SPDIF, but not ADAT.
    1 point
  40. I will echo the comments above, quite relaxing... t
    1 point
  41. Thanks! Luv my free VST's...
    1 point
  42. My continued thanks Tom well it is only one side of a vinyl album at 29' 50" ???
    1 point
  43. Nice David, real sense of openness, I like it.
    1 point
  44. Wow, this is truly bizare. How can Cubase report version 4.30 but then load the plugin that clearly shows 4.91? My god, I'm in the Twilight Zone!!! Oh well, back to troubleshooting...I'll report my findings when I'm done. Thanks again, Larry.
    1 point
  45. I personally prefer rent to own but they usually don't do actual deals in this. The way I look at it, I look at plugins I bought a decade ago and most I no longer even use. This type of subscription gives a lot of plugins that would cost thousands for a cheap price and I could use them only as long as I need or as long as they are relevant to modern production then cancel and move on to new things or maybe they will swap them out. Either way, $120/yr isn't bad for something like this.
    1 point
  46. I didn't get the joke, so I'll reply to this as is. Switching from normal 6-string guitar to 5-string bass was quite a challenge indeed. Took me about half a year to fully embrace the extended lower range, particularly the extra bottom string.
    1 point
  47. Maybe you should try making your own by bashing your face against your new face drum?
    1 point
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