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  1. Past hour
  2. Scaler 3 in now available in your PB account! https://www.pluginboutique.com/ You have to redeem the code on Scalermusic.com (remember to create an account if you haven't already) https://scalermusic.com/
  3. Today
  4. Thank you both. I was having the same problem and didn't know how to solve it until I read this article.
  5. No, they sent the email again. I got it yesterday and my code worked. It's the old bx_refinement, though. I wouldn't be surprised if it eventually becomes freeware on Plugin Alliance.
  6. They just sent the email, so looks like they were lazy on the promo and just did a re-run, or that was all they could get out of PA!
  7. Is it being bent by CC events or by an automation envelope?
  8. Hello, I have a synth line that´s using Iris 2 and it includes a bitch bend. However, when I freeze the track the bend dissapears. Has anyone encountered this before?
  9. Well they will need to get it working correctly in Next before they screw up Sonar. What can happen to me is it will change the project sample rate but the tracks that were at 48 are now totally out of sync. I just tested this. I dropped a finished song into a project that was set to 4800. I used the stem separation which come back at 44.1 and the project changed to 44.1? now the original is out of sync. I looked in the audio folder and the original shows as 48/24 and the stems are 44.1 /16 I have had out of sync issues with a few other projects and now I think I see why after reading that part of the Manual. Its that Auto sample rate that can mess stuff up.
  10. Yes exactly. Up till now all my videos were shot at gigs where I was using my backing tracks. Then all I need to do is drag the backing track into Vegas and sync up the very obvious count in. If I only have one camera this is supper easy. Three camera's took a lot more work but the audio stays synced up no problem. As I said I also have always recorded the vocals and the guitar into their own audio tracks using first a Tascam DR 40 and now it's built right in to my Zoom L8 mixer. Then I also sync those up with the video. Only trouble is you can't hear the count in very good. Only the leakage into the mikes. ( Guitar amp is miked) Anyhow I have lots of options once the video is shot. I have never used a Daw for video work. But This will be my new project where I will be adding real instruments after the fact instead of using backing tracks. No click tracks.
  11. I’ll have those for $99 in a bundle, baby.
  12. I looked up his neck of the woods but I can't tell if it was touched by the wildfires or not. He may have had to relocate or is busy helping others with the recovery if it did hit his area. Or the reduction surgery took a toll on him and he's still in recovery.
  13. I am not familiar with Vegas, but this seems a little odd to me. I just checked a quick video on that and it seems the U and G shortcuts (Ungroup and Group?). He didn't specifically delete the audio, but scooted it well after the video. Maybe someone can chime in on that, but I assume you can delete as well. I have shifted over to DaVinci Resolve Studio, but also work with video >4K, for which Studio is required. I am always hesitant to mention other software, since you are already familiar with Vegas (which has been around a long time). Programs once they get enough years under their belts become highly capable and the user manual's page count tends to reflect that. The integration with Sound Forge is another perk. As long as you can stack audio and zoom in, you can place the DAW audio into position before breaking the link to the original video audio. In a sample-rate mismatch scenario, some video editors will also allow you to to fit audio between two markers (say a transient at the beginning and end of an audio track), so there are various ways to tackle that challenge as well. Sorry for the distraction there. I guess my real point above was that most work should be done in the video editor (when possible) and anything done in a DAW needs to be done with the ability to relink that DAW work back to the video (i.e., same length).
  14. Info here: https://www.strezov-sampling.com/products/view/arabian.html
  15. Bumping a 7 month old thread, perhaps it was limited in nature?
  16. Epic. She also gets my vote to be the fulltime game analyst for the Leafs on Sportsnet.
  17. Have you seen the price for the following with out having to WUP anything!! Empirical Labs EL8 Distressor for $39.00 The Fairchild Tube Limiter Collection for $29.00 API Vision Channel Strip for $29.00 Manley® Massive Passive EQ for $39.00 Manley® Variable Mu Limiter Compressor for 39.00 API 2500 Bus Compressor $ 49.00 Just to name a few, great plugins . Get back to the website and make your purchase 😎
  18. @mettelus which video editor are you using? I'm still on Vegas pro because it sort of works more like a Daw for me. You mentioned separating the Camera audio track from the video track. In Vegas I do this and place them at the very bottom so all the audio tracks are stacked together. This allows me to line them all up best as I can. I find that because video works in a pre frame format I can't always get this perfect. But only my polished up Daw track will be heard anyways. It seems I cannot delete the original camera audio tracks. It deletes the video as well. So I just shrink and mute them. And yes you can actually record audio, and use all your plug ins in Vegas. It will even tool copy the audio into Sound Forge or Wave Lab for fine tuning. I like that it supports DX as my go to compressor is the Sonitus. I then use the Loud Max Brick wall limiter set at -1.0 db on the master track. I can easily dial in a perfect -14 LUFS at -1.0 peak. Some day I will learn how to use Resolve.
  19. Yesterday
  20. I got the e-mail but it said the code had already been used for some reason.
  21. Next v1.0.1.434 won't load - I've clicked No over 10x before giving up. Trying to run it again - no luck. Uninstalling and reinstalling - no change. When I click on Yes, I get a crash error. I submitted a "request" https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Here's the error log.
  22. treesha

    Just a While

    I definitely feel the emotion in your song. How nice that you are able to work with your son on music. Some special words in there. I think the song sounds great, well mixed and well done! Love how it builds and peaks out.
  23. treesha


    Love the oh man and the expressive vocals, a fun heartbreak song. Really enjoyed it.
  24. Hi Amberwolf, Thanks for listening and your comment and sharing your experience with AI generating. To find free text to video ai and image to video ai programs, I just googled what they might be and then used them for free, normally had to sign in, and normally the waits were very long to get a small video clip. Paid memberships offer faster rendering but I wont do this enough to get a subscription. I did these a while ago and I think things change so just look for some when you are ready to experiment. Yeschat, videotube, aiease, Hailuo AI, and others if I recall right. I made ai stills too. It helps for continuity if you use an AI still to then make the AI video from that. Some are watermarked others not. As you say, it is fun to see what the program makes from the prompt. I am working on another song and starting an AI video now that should be fun too. Theres a reddit for ai videos where people share their work and say what program they used in the post title. I enjoy the goofy stuff it does!
  25. Unfortunately, we now have to imagine him commenting... What once was an every-five-minute occurrence is a rare sight! 😕
  26. Hi Old Joad, thanks for listening and leaving both your comments. Glad you enjoyed the song and found the imagery awesome. It really was fun to make and evolve the snake(s) on the journey !
  27. Hi Nigel Thanks for listening and for your comment! Glad you enjoyed it and thought it was cool! It was fun to make
  28. Can anyone elaborate on how to access this function and to apply it?
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