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I can only use MS GS Wavetable with old MIDI files.

Nigel Mackay


I can see what is available under Plugins -> Instruments. If i insert a new track I can use them.

But with an old MIDI file of mine from years back only MS GS Wavetable is available.  The files play, using the wavetable. Instead of the Setup icon to the left of the track name, I get an icon of a Philips DIN plug, as used before USB was invented. ?

It is as if they are read-only, but they are not, I can do other edits.

Windows 10 64-bit.

EDIT: OK, I see if I drag a VST over it becomes "available", rather than being a track. Except it uses a channel number. How do I get around that. All the tutorials I have seen only seem to show starting from scratch, and only using a few channels.

Edited by Nigel Mackay
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3 answers to this question

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1. Insert > Soft Synth > TTS-1 (or other multitimbral sysnth)

2. Check only 'First Synth Audio Output', in the dialog box, and OK (this creates an audio track to handle the output of the synth)

3. Assign the Output of the MIDI track(s) to the soft synth and set appropriate forced output channels if necessary.


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