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Master Buss Fadeout X 2


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Is it OK to create a 2nd Master Buss and send the output of that into the same (interface) output as the first one?  Reason I ask is that I want to use the first (default) Master Buss to auto fade the main part of the song while keeping one single track sounding for a bit longer before fading that out.  I did this and it worked OK but I'm wondering if anything could be corrupted in the software by sending the outputs of both Master Busses to the same hardware output.

Thanks and Happy Holidays

?John B

Edited by Johnbee58
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32 minutes ago, Johnbee58 said:

create a 2nd Master Buss and send the output of that into the same (interface) output as the first one

IMO, I don't think that's good idea.

You can make a fade on any tracks and buses, so...

  1. Make a bus for fading pattern 1 and draw volume automation on it.
  2. Make a bus for fading pattern 2 and draw volume automation on it.
  3. Route these buses to the Master bus.
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I prefer to have one master and multiple sub-busses, which achieves the same result. It's useful any time you want to apply an effect or automation to a subset of the full mix, such as running all instruments through a flanger for an Itchykoo Park type effect. Or to fade out some elements and not others.

But to answer the question, your technique is perfectly legit and there is no real downside to it other than lacking a true "master" bus (for example, where will your mastering limiter go?).

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