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Rejoice Rejoice Rejoice !!!

John K

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No offense taken, mate, although Paulo brings up a disturbing flaw that may put your nomination for the laureate position on hold.  I had to become thick skinned anyway after my stroke. Every encounter in a grocery store or on the street had people avoid me like a leper. I was in a store trying to communicate with the young girl at the register. She tried to communicate with me over a purchase and I slurred and stammered trying to respond. She tried to keep calm but had to finally break out laughing. I gave up fighting and anger and learned to laugh with them. I'm much recovered now with only an occasional question if I am from Botswana. It did give me a new perspective of what people with disabilities have to live through.

John K, got your PM. Thank you for the links to your contacts and sage advice. I owe you big time and will follow through with what you have given.

Sister Jyotishvarii, the response you got from your offer to give cooking class even more resembles the opening minutes of 2001 Space Odyssey. Don't know if anyone here remembers the sequence when the Monolith first appears. I can only imagine the ridicule you and John have put up with over decades of trying to help others.

It must be discouraging but I think you have gotten tough too and learned to laugh with them in compassion.

Someone said here that if a hundred idiots mock you but one is challenged to seek deeper then the thread is worth it. I am one and maybe others so please continue. Someone here also told me that yoga was not going to fix me as for the physical condition. I agree only partly because it has already made a big difference. What I am hoping the teachings will do is fix my ignorance. I wish it did not take a mutilating near death experience to open my eyes to question, but if that is what it took. I like Grem's opinion on this. He ain't buying it just because it is written, but he keeps an open mind and says let it flow and see where it leads.

Jyotishvarii, one more comment and request. Diet has caused wars and bloodshed so you are a disturbance in the force and a target for derision worse even than John K.  If you lay it out like it is with Jinsu knives blazing, you may as well let it all hang out. I want to know the "why" and not just the "how" of this vegetarian thing.

I am really thankful for these discourses. Again, please continue. There are those here with the ears to hear.



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8 hours ago, paulo said:

I'm no expert, but if somebody is called JohnG,  should it not be written as Johng or in the case that the Capital G is being used as a further identifier to the name John (ie not John A,B,C D,E, F etc or maybe being the first letter of a surname)  should there not be a space between John and G? 



Mighty pendantic coming from someone who doesn't even capitalize his name! ?


(Me?  I don't care any more.  LOL!)

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5 hours ago, craigb said:

Mighty pendantic coming from someone who doesn't even capitalize his name! ?


(Me?  I don't care any more.  LOL!)

See the first words of my statement.

That said, I can at least spell pedantic.?

But you probably did that on purpose to show much you don't care, right? ?

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17 hours ago, John K said:


My apologies as well for messing up your name.

I got to say your poem has me in tears and I might have to bow out of my top spot for poet laureate and hand it over to a better man.

Maybe I just have to be content trying to push for record number of responses on this thread.


John K,

Fear not young sir, I took no affront from your mistake.

I truly trusteth thou mean'st not to offend.

Moved to tears? Really? Surely not? T'was a mere passing thought, a bauble to be dangled.

Then I'd better not post my verses about my time in boarding school. That had my therapist in tears.

The outward scars are now all healed and he bears no trace of injustices long ago endured.

For, in appearance, the man is whole, tho' aged and wrinkled, grey head balding.

The soul is the part of his existence that carries the scars; the wounds still open and oft times suppurating.

'Tis the dreams that visit, in the small hours of the morn, of a tiny child, heartbroken,

And of the uncaring, fearsome, savage world that now confronts him.

Better man?  I think not, you don't know me from Adam.

But strive John, strive to reach a higher goal.

I recall my father telling me, more than half a century ago, "John, aim for the stars, or even the Moon, you may at least hit the chimney pots! Don't set your target for the basement." Strive, John, strive, it makes life worth living.

paulo,  shouldn't your name start with a capital P? Methinks thou art a 'legless' man, and not equipt to pass critique.

Indeed, John G it certainly should be but, over the years, I've somehow become diminished!


Edited by JohnG
A tiny addition. Punctuation.
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45 minutes ago, JohnG said:

paulo,  shouldn't your name start with a capital P? Methinks thou art a 'legless' man, and not equipt to pass critique.

My low sense of self esteem will not allow me to capitalise something that serves only as a  reference to myself. 

I see you are also a fan of ye olde English words - how queynte.


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46 minutes ago, paulo said:

My low sense of self esteem will not allow me to capitalise something that serves only as a  reference to myself.

Ah! How sad.

A fan of Olde Englishe wordes because I am an Olde Englishe manne.

The three score years and ten hath vanished beyond the distant past horizon, the fourth year of this decade approacheth with alacrity.

Therefore, with utmost certainty, the past hath passed and the future is too short.


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The lion lives by what nature evolved it to be. It is there to kill and rip flesh to survive. No bad karma invoked because it is doing its rightful thing as per design.

Human status was meant for more. Took us several million years to get here but would estimate that we are so far over 90 percent vegetarian by nature.

Progress deals with slow steps, but the trajectory is care for the self, then care for the tribe, then care for all humans, then care for all life. We are not there yet but that is where we are headed. Diet changes as we evolve and understand our place in the play.

Voyager, please follow through. Your voyage is only beginning. And yeah, you learn to flip off the idiots. Your analogy to 2001 Space made my day.

Crap, I just tried to cook something and burned water again. Jyoti, please rescue me.


Guys, we are in a terminal race with time to get the thread count up. We will soon be closing in on Bapu.

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John, (John K specifically)

I have followed up on your advice and have spent several hours on the phone across states with the most incredible bunch of people I have yet met. I was waiting for the ball to drop with my credit card number demanded but the almighty dollar never came up.

Jyotishvarii I welcome your contacts but have to concentrate on what is there before me now. Too much to process. If John only burns water and defers the diet thing to you, what is your advice?

I have been in communication with a teacher called an Acharya. So many questions have been asked and answered. My wife says I am more animated and fired up as she has seen me even before the stroke. She is not on board with me yet but says if I don’t shave my head and wander off to some cult commune in Oregon, she supports me.

This whole thing is incredible. At my age and infirmity that there is such a beautiful chapter ahead.

The Acharya teacher will meet with me in several days on his wanderings through the state and will grant personalized instruction. Appointment with destiny is made.

God bless you for your knowledge. God bless you for showing an avenue to a better way.

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