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Rejoice Rejoice Rejoice !!!

John K

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Reverend John, Reverend Jyotishvarii,

I thank you both for the hard tough love. There is not yet a rock and roll hall of fame where you need to be inducted.

Something came down that I wish I could broadcast to the universe and I think I have a partial glimpse of what starship you arrived on and why you arrived. Forgive me for my swipe at you. It was in total ignorance and frustrated angered confusion. I can’t believe I’m typing this branding me as a weirdo if my next job search pulls this up in my resume.

I did John’s recommendation to limit the time because this made sense. I have not yet contacted the teacher for advice.

I approached my practice session with some fear and the wretched elastic thing started. I thought inside, this is enough. That’s it. No more of this. Those guys are agents of the devil out to destroy me.

Then something happened at the moment I gave up.

It only lasted for a few milliseconds and my brain was too slow to figure out what had just occurred. I was able to think about the trauma after the fact. It was something that I shut off by trying to get my reasoning back together to analyze. In the attempt, I lost the experience. If only I could have kept my composure.

I don’t have to tell you what went on because you are already there. Possibly as a sustained experience? Is this the ethereal state where you renegades live?

Call it a lightning strike, obliteration of myself, the tunnel of light claimed by those coming back from near death experience.

It is there and it is real even if I got only the slightest smell of what is ahead.

So in that instance something about our beginning was revealed. I could not regain the state but the after effect reverberated in every cell of my body for several hours.

I was for awhile in a fried state of brain but with a new level of clarity I had never experienced before. I saw my wife, my kids. I saw my dog and cat. I saw the grains of salt in the shaker, thread fabrics in the carpet. All were vibrating with one life.

I had to get my crutch fired up and walk the block to assimilate what had just happened. Then the downside and depression. I could not look into the eyes of the numerous walkers on the street. It was like the living dead. Wasted existence. Wasted potential. Death approaching if in 20 or 50 years, death on the doorstep when there is a liberation from all pain. We did not have the remote idea that there was refuge. You have thrown me a life line when I was drowning but did not even know I was drowning.

Do not worry about me. Does not matter any more if my body is stretched out over the parsecs or my head explodes, I am die hard hardcore. No need to reduce the daily time to treat me like egg shells. I have no idea where this odyssey leads, but I will get there.

Absolute respect, absolute love, absolute determination to deserve what you have given to me,


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11 hours ago, Voyager said:

 I have not yet contacted the teacher for advice.


Why not? That was Johns recommendations to you. I may not know much, but if you want to follow a path, follow those who have been down that path.


In surrendering, I find the answer.

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3 hours ago, Grem said:


Why not? That was Johns recommendations to you. I may not know much, but if you want to follow a path, follow those who have been down that path.


In surrendering, I find the answer.

I see this all the time when I'm on Piano forum about advice. Did you ask your teacher and usually the response is no ?

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My Friends,

I have actually really contacted my teacher and received valuable advice. My high of yesterday is gone for awhile and I am back to the battle, struggle to beat the waking mind into submission so I can listen and comprehend. At least there was a glimpse of what I am going through this grief for. My blind sided struggle is now to have been cast out from a fleeting sight of heaven and how to get back if I have the capacity to find the way back.

Until yesterday, I did not understand sister Jyotishvarii’s direction to dig up the Essene doctrines and pay special attention to book four since my destiny was somehow involved in this. I did download and read and study these books but book four was Greek to me. Now I am beginning to understand.,

The teacher had prescribed procedures to get nerve connection back to my voice. This is a slow process, but already experiencing benefits as well as improving the left side weakness I live with after the stroke. All the doctor’s drugs and all the physical therapy have not done what several days of a different approach have given me.

I am still waiting for the bill in the mail. You go see a doctor and you get a bill. I know you said this is free because I already paid the price, but my lingering paranoia. There has to be some debt I have incurred.  What if anything do I ultimately owe you people?


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Grem is entirely correct.

Interesting that you would bring this up. Yes, you are in debt and should somewhere up the line start to repay, only as the spirit moves.

Traditionally the Acharya rejects any donation on the day of instruction, but if you are inspired, get hold of him and toss something out there to help with car gas, food, expenses he is incurring trying to help others like yourself. He is not getting paid to do any of this.

This aside, you have incurred a greater debt than you can ever repay, with one final exception.

Old poetry says you have taken on four debts for services rendered to you.

Debt to the founder of the system. You can begin repaying by following the instructions to the letter.

Debt to me, to Jyotishvarii, to your Acharya. You can start paying this debt by working in the field of the dirt and human need, to alleviate suffering and ignorance by any evolving means within your capacity.

The last two debts to your mother and father who brought you into the world. Get yourself high and in a state of knowledge to share your awakening with any man or woman who will listen.

Realize that this will be difficult. You will face anger and mockery from those unable to understand. You have to learn to brush this off without getting wounded and move on. Heavy cross to bear.

At a place way farther than up the line for me, it is said that the illumination of Truth will culminate the search. At that point, all four debts can be considered paid in full. Until that awakening, we are to work as if trying to pay off our debt, but no amount of effort or sacrifice can repay.

Kinda like the Olympics games. Handing off the torch. Paying our debt to those that handed the torch to us.

Welcome to the club.


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I am back to getting no bliss from this harsh learning experience you have personally inflicted on me, getting my teeth kicked in 24/7 but have a glimpse of what may be ahead, so let the good times roll. It will get better if it doesn’t kill me first. I still can’t imagine how you can function in the real world if what I got hit by is your normal state of awareness. How can you even move or think? I would be paralyzed.

I am diving into study trying to understand all of this as I keep the discipline as per instruction (first debt?). The Ananda Sutram commentary is top of the list. It appears that a cognitive shift will be my greatest hurdle but the intellectual unlearning and relearning is as bad from where I am sitting. 54 years of death hypnosis does not want to give up easily and you did warn me about that. Shred takes on a new meaning. There are so many weird and alien terms and concepts I don’t have a basis to understand yet. I have faith that this will come in time.

Question please about the concept of karma. It is acceptable in our culture to say good karma and bad karma as long as it is attached to some Buddhist reference we have branded as brainless and can laugh about.

The Ananda Marga explanation is far more involved and complex from what I have been able to dig up in the Sutram and some supporting discussions.

My question is how you differentiate karma and samskara. It seems like you could be a rock and still create karma. Question involves what constitutes personal ownership and responsibility for karma leading to samskara, a personal bank account for good or bad (?).

Then what holds these karmas together at death. Where are they?  What happens to them if the mind is obliterated? I the mind is gone, why can’t we lead a life of total evil and destruction and escape any payback? What about animals? 

My God, the questions are endless. I have already burned up the poor Acharya’s mobile phone minutes. I’m sure he dreads seeing my number on his missed calls. Can I shift some of the burden to you to give the good guy a break, especially since you are directly responsible for the beautiful mess I am currently in.  And Jyotishvarii, you are not off the hook either.



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Wow, getting to the hard stuff already. Got to cut any decent answer into parts. Also, don’t worry about bugging your teacher too much. His purpose is to be there for you in all the craziness you will be experiencing until the condition stabilizes and you are out of danger of mental or physical damage. He can get more cell phone minutes. His concern is that you arise as a Warrior out of the ashes.

About how to function in the explosion of Light. You can’t function until you get to where Buddha, Christ, Shiva were (or are) and be strong enough to stand up and process in the presence of trans biological electrocution. The rest of us peons have to get knocked down to traumatic surrender and can do nothing but get stoned out of our gourds until we terminate the experience. You said you had a millisecond glimpse that flogged your nerves for hours afterward and allowed you to recognize one Life in everything. Imagine yourself  3-5 years up the line when the experience is exponentially intense and sustainable for minutes at a time. The reverb you experienced will sustain through your interactions with the waking state in amplified measure. All the scriptures, all the religions, all the philosophies of the world will become clear. You will realize that the big guys were not gods dumped off by some local heaven to save us, but the fore runners of our destiny telling us to get it together while we still have the capacity to take a breath.

The principles of karma and sam’skara are deep and complex and not really geared for a forum like this. It would take a book, only to open up more questions requiring more books to open even more questions. As you observed, the Ananda Marga explanation of the workings of the mystery are far more detailed and informative than what is taught elsewhere. I don’t know what else you have studied on the matter.  Jyotishvarii is welcome to come in and give me a knucklehead if she feels otherwise. That blessed Saint has been at this for over 60 years and was washed in the blood when I only knew how to drool on myself. I think I’m older than her by a couple years, but she got an earlier start.

The issue of karma’s mysteries can be resolved into simplicity. Good karmas are chains of gold. Bad karmas are chains of iron. Regardless of the composition of the chains, one is still in bondage. The goal of our purpose is to transcend all karmas, either good or bad. To stop creating them and let the backlog burn out until we are clear.

Karma means an action, a transmutation in time, in place, in personal variables, with shifts in even inanimate energetics.

You look at a rock and it seems stable enough. You look closer and closer and see intense activity on molecular and atomic levels. Even in the dead stone there is activity, transmutation, and thus the creation of “karma”.

Source, Origin, Creator, God, Great Wadunga, whatever you want to call is allowing a play to go on in which Origin is donating fragments of original Cognition to be condensed into matter. The goal to create individual receptacles of living units to reflect Infinity and start the long hard road back home.

Because there is an endless influx of new matter into our three dimensional bearing, there are endless karmas being created. Thus “God” by It’s own design will never get free of bondage. Origin tries in the play to liberate every particle of matter, but as soon as a particle is liberated, another particle appears. Thus the play has been going on for eternity and will continue for eternity.

To understand “karma” you have to understand distortion and formative reaction to distortion. Wind blows by an ocean cliff and a grain of sand erodes. Not only the wind but the falling sand has thrown the entire universe off balance. The effect of the falling grain has warped the orbit of the farthest star and all supporting levels that support the physical universe. The internal impact is more subtle than space and the sand grain shift is inflicted like a scar that has to be reacted against in the endless attempt for the cosmos to regain equilibrium.

What is different in the human field of karma versus the storehouse of accountability on a personal level, versus the non volitional act of a stone or animal and what happens to their actions is where things get tough to understand.

Karma is the original action or distortion. Sam’skara is the reaction in potential that has not hit yet with a payback. Way way more simple for a dog or a blade of grass. Humans can really fork up the works and create a major mess for themselves.

Will be back with chapter two or whatever.


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Yes Craig you are allowed, and a cute play on words for sure

John, no knuclehead for you yet, but keeping an eye on you to reel you in if you dive too far off the deep end  You never know  There are some strange people on this topic

Voyager brings up an interesting point about ownership of karmas since as you explained, anything that changes position creates karma  Since inanimate things can only maintain presence with precursory levels of support or existence inside and outside space  Why does a rock not own its karma but a human does  My own philosophical base does not address this well  Please educate

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13 hours ago, Jyotishvarii said:

Why does a rock not own its karma but a human does 




Because of Free Will?


3 hours ago, synkrotron said:

Makes your post difficult to read sometimes


At first it was for me too. But I have really got use to it and don't even notice it much! knid of lkie tihs. : )

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4 minutes ago, paulo said:

You do know this is the Coffee House, right?

I'm still waiting for my fresh brew of Java. Man the service around here is...............................................................
Good thing I stop by for the company :)

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1 minute ago, InstrEd said:

I'm still waiting for my fresh brew of Java. Man the service around here is...............................................................
Good thing I stop by for the company :)

I don't even like coffee. I come here for the therapy.

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