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Rejoice Rejoice Rejoice !!!

John K

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John  It is my hope that you have read and deeply studied JohnG's response to your original posting and can correct your tribal level grammar  I am unfortunately having to put your nomination for global poet laureate on hold until you can provide a certificate of grade school graduation and high marks in English

On an issue of lesser consequence I have a question

Since everything has a prana aura within airial factor, can we therefore assume that everything is alive  We have our pranic kosa and so does a coin but there is nothing inside the coin saying I am a coin  What makes us any different on the airial level of expression from a rock?

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Jyoti, Friends,

I understand the moral dilemma over my nomination and will try to improve my communication skills to be worthy.

Your question easy to answer. JohnG’s analysis will take me some time to comprehend and act upon.

Couple corrections please.

Pranic body is not defined in proper speak in tongues heathen syntax as a kos’a.  Kos’a designates a receptacle of consciousness. Crude physical structure and five mental bodies are vehicles for life expression and thus defined as kos’as, but the second physical body is not. Second physical body is a transducer, an interface, but not a layer that expresses cognitive faculty. Observable by swami guru things as an aggregate of Prana’h, and here is where the aerial manifestation differs between the dead and the living.

I know you can see, so look at the etheric aura of a coin. Then look at the aura of a human. Big difference you will notice is that the aerial projection of a coin is static 99.9999 percent. Aura of the human unit is in constant flux, signature feature of the living versus the dead or inanimate. A human corpse has an aerial aura but doesn’t glow as bright or jump around as much. You don’t have to even look at the body to say, yeah, that dude is dead meat.

Prana designates life force. Aerial factor contains prana but undifferentiated aerial factor is not prana. It only provides the fuel for the bending and distillation of the elements necessary to connect body to mind in our struggling lineage.. Somewhere out there in the starfields, our concoction of a life/death link would be useless or even toxic.

Constant effort of anything living on our planet is to take aerial vibes and force differentiation into ten conduits that can maintain transduction properties between mind and body. We eat food and much of the final energy goes toward maintaining, repairing the link.

Aerial factor by itself is not life force although every particle of physical substance has to be supported by an aerial envelope.

At death of a human carbon form, if it is slow, natural and not like a piano falling out of a high rise on our head, the differentiated matrix of Prana’h (multiplicity) begins to collapse as we lose control and are forced to check out. The successive mergers of 10 forced elements into less than ten and loss of connection in the natural death process is what gets degraded on the way out. We lose contact with the mental/physical connection. Then we are no more.

So my take on this. You are correct that everything has an aerial aura. The coin has a generic, non differentiated field necessary to maintain physical presence. Life on our planet grabs and bends the available stuff to mold into a temporary vehicle for the rules of local life requirement. Way bigger party going on while we are alive. Aerial field still there in reduced and less complicated presence until the last molecule of our corpse decays.


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7 hours ago, John K said:

Jyoti, Friends,

I understand the moral dilemma over my nomination and will try to improve my communication skills to be worthy.

Your question easy to answer. JohnG’s analysis will take me some time to comprehend and act upon. 

Couple corrections please.



Another couple of corrections to report, I'm afraid.

Your "Your question easy to answer"  should, I believe, read "Your question is easy to answer."

You really must try to remember to insert verbs at the appropriate point in your diatribe.

Secondly "couple corrections please" needs clarification.

Which couple, or couples, are you suggesting needs correcting?

Or did you mean to say "a couple of corrections if you please?"

The question mark, in this case, is really quite necessary, as is the use of the preposition "of".

A little courtesy, to conclude, also encourages  the reader to respond.

The indefinite article "a" also helps the casual reader understand the sense of what you are attempting to communicate.

It saddens me to say that you seem to be moving further away, rather than closer, to any award of global poet laureat.

Please try harder to write better English.


Edited by JohnG
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Greetings all,

This is my first post on a Cakewalk forum for several years. I was rarely active in the software section of the old forum. I was a guitar player.

This discussion has got me riled enough up to jump in. I find the content to be disturbing and I am deeply offended by all of this. This is why I am offended.

Four years ago on my 50th birthday me and the boys were slamming down tequila shots and a few sniffs of cocaine to celebrate my half century mark. I started to feel funny and woke up 9 days later in the intensive care unit of a hospital. In my confusion I tried to rip out tubes stuck in every opening of my body and a few more they made for me. The left side of my body was paralyzed. My attempt to yell out for help was like a drunk slur. I had suffered a major stroke. In the hospital time the doctors negotiated with my family that I was brain dead and they should sign papers to pull the plug on life support. My wife fought back against the threat of bills that would bankrupt her and no good outcome. I woke up against the odds.

Then started years of rehab. There was struggle and depression. Sometimes I cursed them holding on for me to come back. On many nights I got loaded on tequila and sat there in a chair with a cocked gun to my head wanting to end it all. I was too chicken to pull the trigger.

Medical nightmares were not over. My blood was like grease waiting for the next stroke disaster. Blood pressure was out of control. My gut was so filled with pills there was barely room for food and nothing was working.

I unloaded on the doctor over his failure to get me well. He laid down his scope and white jacket, took off his tie and said we got to get out of there and take a walk. He explained that he had hit me with every pill known to science. There were still several mutilating operations they could do and my chance of surviving the procedures was fair to good. He got tough on me and said I had to take some responsibility and do hard work.

He said to get involved in a good yoga program. Study yoga diet and act accordingly. He gave a reference to a local center but said he was a doctor not a mystic. I might have to look elsewhere.

My search began. I spent too much time and money in what was described here as parlors of choking incense and spandex. I did gain benefit with flexibility and relaxation techniques but the biggest benefit was studying and realizing that the concept of yoga is something far deeper than organic broccoli smoothies and breathing in good vibes and breathing out bad vibes.

Winter chill out here in the Midwest had me stuck inside for several days. I am a high achiever and pulled up the link to Ananda Surtam given earlier. I can’t go out snow boarding any more so put some serious time into study of these strange writings. I can understand about every fifth word, but what I can understand is mind blowing.

Here is where I am offended and really outraged.

If there is a grain of truth if there is an iota of truth in any of this then we have been ripped off badly as a society. Our culture has taken these claims mocking in ignorance and arrogance and put them on the back page of the Enquirer as one said earlier. We are like drowning rats who have been thrown a life raft and refuse.

I am a newbie at yoga but would humbly request to be a part of this incredible dialog. Currently I am interested in yoga diet and the lost time that I have been raped by. How do I make up for lost time? Two contributors here have followed the practice for their lives and this discussion rings of a greater truth. You are so lucky and fortunate to have heard the call early in life. What I would not give to walk in the same shoes.

I live in the suburbs of Chicago if you can call it a suburb any more. Can you direct me to a valid source of teaching within several hundred miles.  Have Car, Will travel. I’m tired of spandex and yogi tea. Something at gut level says you can offer a better road map.

Rock on 


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3 hours ago, Voyager said:

Can you direct me to a valid source of teaching within several hundred miles.  Have Car, Will travel. I’m tired of spandex and yogi tea. Something at gut level says you can offer a better road map.


I am sure that John will help you out. If he doesn't know anyone in your area, he can help you learn where to look for them. Good luck in your journey Voyager.

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1 minute ago, paulo said:

Before the killjoys slam the door I feel the need to point out that the amount of fun that can be had from temporarily returning certain sagging parts back to their former position has been very much overlooked in this thread.

What tape was used in this endeavor ? 

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