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Why does it mutes MIDI takes on recording?


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I wish I could just start project and go straight to work. But no. I have to spend time figuring out why it doing something it was not issue before. So I recoded few midi notes and now would like to record modulation wheel movement on the same midi track. I have done it many many many times. But this time- it mutes recorded notes. If I can't here the notes- I dont know when to move the mod wheel. Why is it now muting the takes? I need to hear the notes! This is very common thing to do- to record melody and then record faders/ knobs/wheel movement on the same track. I never had issue with it. How do I make it play the track when I record on it? Thank you. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

This problem sounds like what was discussed in these 2 posts.  (Solved it for me.)





If you arm a particular take lane, when you start recording you won't hear anything playing from that track. If you want to hear the other take lane(s) play during recording a new take lane, just arm the track (not an individual take lane).  And choose sound-on-sound record.

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Thank you, but no- it is not old controller. The problem was that it would mute the take with notes when I record CC take, and I think- I tried sound on sound and it did not make a difference, but now it working. So I dont know what it was. 

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