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Ok Boomer (Fresh Outta Da' Basement)


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A little edgy parody based on Allan Shermans "Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah".  My wife singing and I trust it'll bring peace among the generations. ?


OK Boomer, we all hear you
as you shout that, we don't get you

that you raised us, must mean nothing

ask your smart phone why your microwave is blinking

OK Boomer, we're the future

we shall protest you read your paper

we will clean up, all your messes

as we meme our way to freeing up the masses


OK Boomer, you're the Cylon

and you just shot, Admiral Adama

do you think that, we should forgive you

as we reboot not just movies but the world too

Ok Boomer, we'll try harder

not go bankrupt, going to college

we will build up & repair things

just as soon as we pull up our pants like big kids

I live at home,

with Muddah, Faddah

can't afford

or even want to

have my own place can't adult

so leave me alone to play my video games

I can't find work

not even with my

three degrees

Someone is lying

Cause you said

That I was special

now I know I'm not


At unemployment I met a Boomer,

As it turns out we were quite similar,

Over coffee, brain stormed a business

now serving others, don't have time for virtual hatred


OK Boomer, let's work together

no more judgments, Or getting triggered

We'll live simply, Go back to farming
Change our footprint so the future's less alarming

Edited by congalocke
to attach lyrics
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Cool concept. (Is it still okay to say "cool?" asks the Boomer)
The lyrics were kind of muffled/indistinct so I didn't catch a lot of the words so maybe providing the lyrics in text form would be helpful. I really liked that you used the old Allan Sherman song, the Hello muddah, hello faddah bit tying in so well with the message.

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13 minutes ago, bjornpdx said:

Cool concept. (Is it still okay to say "cool?" asks the Boomer)
The lyrics were kind of muffled/indistinct so I didn't catch a lot of the words so maybe providing the lyrics in text form would be helpful. I really liked that you used the old Allan Sherman song, the Hello muddah, hello faddah bit tying in so well with the message.

Thanks for listening and receiving it in the spirit that it was made. Lyrics attached.  ?

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Yes , that was a pretty fun listen ..

I notice you are using an Iconic Boomer song from my day to get the message across ?

There is room for improvement but either way I happen to like music with humor so I was glad I listened to this ..

Clever stuff .....Good job



Edited by kennywtelejazz
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Hey, I warmed up the crowd for Hanoi Jane and Tom Hayden (he pissed me of though! What was his bs deferment?).
Played a fund raiser, voter registration event for McGovern.
Ok, my blood pressure is almost back to "normal" (did I take my meds this morning?).
Great job, and as Bjorn and Kenny said, Allan Sherman brought back some fond memories...
Two thumbs up!! (at least)


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Great lyrics. I'm with you.


Greetings from Camp Hiawatha . . .



. . . which has closed and been redeveloped as a Gamestop-anchored strip mall . . .




. . . which itself has closed down . . .



 . . . so maybe y'all should have just gone outside and played more.




Edited by emeraldsoul
  • Haha 2
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