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ReValver Acquired by Audio Media Research - Revalver is now FREE!!!

Larry Shelby

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The USB license requirement is one of my major gripes with Revalver. I love the software, especially the guitar modelling (great for mixing VST guitars & real guitars and making them sound like the same instrument), but it does mean I've got this USB key constantly having to be moved around between PC's.

Because of this, I can't think of any project where Revalver has stayed in a project for more than the time its taken to apply the effect and bounce to clip(s).

Oh, and the other thing - unless the new owners have made some changes, you can't change the USB device it's authorised to without a call to support.

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4 hours ago, Reid Rosefelt said:


Here is the authorization that I see every time.  But it doesn't work. Note the mention of the USB hardware device at the bottom.  It would not proceed without me putting in a new USB.






Once you have clicked download and you see that message you can click quit and then in the main application go to the Cog Wheel Icon (settings) and there is a button for "License Folder". Click on that and it will show you where the license file was downloaded. No reason to move the license file, just leave it there. On my Windows System it downloaded to:

C/programdata/peavey electronics/Revalver 4/License

I think I had to close and open Revalver about 4 times before I saw that some of the Modules had the "D" removed allowing me to use them without the annoying beeps.

Because of the dark interface it's easy to miss the fact that the D was removed from some of the modules since they all kind of blend together.



Edited by Patrick Derbidge
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5 minutes ago, msmcleod said:

The USB license requirement is one of my major gripes with Revalver. I love the software, especially the guitar modelling (great for mixing VST guitars & real guitars and making them sound like the same instrument), but it does mean I've got this USB key constantly having to be moved around between PC's.

Because of this, I can't think of any project where Revalver has stayed in a project for more than the time its taken to apply the effect and bounce to clip(s).

Oh, and the other thing - unless the new owners have made some changes, you can't change the USB device it's authorised to without a call to support.

I don't think it's required anymore. My license file was downloaded to the program data file on my PC and seems to be working just fine. I think it's been this way for a while because I remember demoing Revalver  a couple of years ago and don't remember having to have any kind of USB to run it on. I don't like USB dongles either but I have caved to run a few VSTi's like some of my East West libraries.

Edited by Patrick Derbidge
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1 hour ago, Marc Cormier said:

I uninstalled, re-downloaded, re-installed, and it still looks for the dongle.  Hopefully this first experience with support goes well but I could imaging they're getting lots of inquiries at

Curious, What does this message look like that is asking for a dongle other than the standard message stated above the download button?

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Here's the response I got from customer service:

Thank you for your email.

In case you haven't bought any content on our website, most of ReValver will be indeed in demo mode, just so you can try and see whether you would like to purchase some modules in the future.

However, we do offer a bunch of free modules, more precisely  " two Amplifiers, a “lite” version of RIR 2, three pedals/effects and some ACT content", as the user guide states.

The 2 amplifiers are the Valveking and the Custom Lite. Furthermore, you can check a bank of presets called Free Bank, that contains presets created using only the free modules. That will certainly give you an idea of what you receive for free and what you can achieve with it.

Should you have any further questions or issues to report, feel free to contact us.

José Luiz Paiz Junior

AMR Customer Support
Audio Media Research


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Had you read my earlier post you would have already know...


ReValver 4 Modules included for Free

ValveKing® & Custom Lite Amp Modules

RIR 2 Lite Cabinet Modeling Module (3 x cabs, 3 x mics, multiple mic positions)

Lite Green & Tremolo Stomp Boxes

C-verb Lite Effects Module

Audio Stream splitter

ACT Content (1 x Acoustic Bundle, 2 x Electric Pickup Bundles, 4 x Output presets)

Access to the Amp Store for an ever growing selection of new modules, cabinets & ACT Content

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11 minutes ago, cclarry said:

Had you read my earlier post you would have already know...


ReValver 4 Modules included for Free

ValveKing® & Custom Lite Amp Modules

RIR 2 Lite Cabinet Modeling Module (3 x cabs, 3 x mics, multiple mic positions)

Lite Green & Tremolo Stomp Boxes

C-verb Lite Effects Module

Audio Stream splitter

ACT Content (1 x Acoustic Bundle, 2 x Electric Pickup Bundles, 4 x Output presets)

Access to the Amp Store for an ever growing selection of new modules, cabinets & ACT Content

Yes, I didn't read it carefully.  ?

I got caught up in the idea of it being "free," but it's only free in the same sense that the IK Amplitude Custom Shop is free. You can demo anything, but you have to buy if you want it. 

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2 hours ago, Mesh said:

So, the next best thing is to wait for a super discounted   sale (hopefully, for Christmas) and get the real deal.

I haven't installed it yet and wondering if it's worth the effort??

Long story short:  It depends on what you have and what you want.  I don't think anything in the free bank is a must have for anyone that doesn't already have one of the other major amp sims.  However, if you are interested  in one of the Peavey or Budda amps (I like the Classic 30 for example) you might want to download Revalver so you can demo that model.


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16 hours ago, Reid Rosefelt said:

However, we do offer a bunch of free modules, more precisely  " two Amplifiers, a “lite” version of RIR 2, three pedals/effects and some ACT content", as the user guide states.

The 2 amplifiers are the Valveking and the Custom Lite. Furthermore, you can check a bank of presets called Free Bank, that contains presets created using only the free modules. That will certainly give you an idea of what you receive for free and what you can achieve with it.

I've been using free version for about a year and trust me, you can get every basic guitar tone, from clean through crunch to insane high gain. The way Revalver responds to your pick attack and reacts to your picking nuances is unmatched up to this day, even though competing products sound just as good or, in some cases, a tad better.

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I've used Revalver for a few years as my main sim and have mostly liked it, but had begun moving on to other amp sims.  Revalver hasn't really been supported much over the last few years, isn't nearly as intuitive as many other newer amp sims...and, outside of the 6505, really doesn't have as many options for the tones I'm looking for (extreme metal).  It's also always been a bit noisier than some other sims when using high gain stuff...although  I did really, really like the Käften "smart" gate and it helped with that.

I will say the 6505 emulation was stellar; that was my go-to.

I'll keep an eye on it and I'm interested in seeing where they go with it, but yea.  That train has kinda already left the station, and Revalver has honestly been left in the dust (at least in the rock/metal communities) by other companies.

Edited by AxlBrutality
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2 hours ago, Musical Warmth 5150 said:

What's your go to these days - did you try any of the Engl ACT stuff?

What I do a good amount of the time, is use the 3rd party VST module and use the Slash gate from Amplitube. I'm not sure what you mean by left in the dust - there is a plethora of metal tones available. Now if you're talking gui, etc, and yeah I'd agree it's probably not the most intuitive.  It'd be nice to see a gui update as well as a scalable gui.

I spend a good amount of time over the course of a year and a half going through everything free, plus a couple of additional purchases (I don't recall everything right now; it's been a while). The 6505 (paired with the Tubescreamer knock off and various Ownhammer IRs) was really the only thing that fit what I was doing.  Having said that, it fit very well, which is why I continued to use it for so long.  To this day, it is actually my backup and I do use it...the 6505 is still a gold standard even in modern extreme metal.  I've just begun experimenting with various other amp sims is all, and have found that there are soooo many other options out there that do what Revalver does, and they either sound the same or better.

That's part of what I meant regarding to the being left in the dust comment.  Part of it was a lack of marketing.  there are soo many options out there now, and Peavey let Revalver be relegated to the bottom of the pile. And on top of that, they really failed to be inventive or introduce new stuff over the last few years that was good enough to pull people back from the big players these days based on pure word of mouth. Hardly anyone I know uses Revalver...everyone in the metal community has moved on to  sims like Bias FX, Toneforge, or the Fortin stuff...or they prefer profiler hardware like Kemper, Helix, Axe FX, the physical Bias FX stuff, etc.  And IRs?  Ownhammer dominates that space, and for good reason.  I barely touched Revalver's IRs once I started getting into OH stuff.

As a side note, I actually just came across Audio Assault's stuff recently too, and bought several of their amps today for dirt cheap...and I'm decently impressed.

I also think that Revalver could use more options for bass.  And as I mentioned, it's a little less intuitive in general than other amp sims....which is why specialty amp sims like Toneforge are so popular.

Don't get me wrong; I like Revalver and it does its job...but it's gonna take something big, something different, to pull me back.  And I'm not sure they'll be able to win over a whole lot of people that use other stuff unless they start actually marketing themselves worth a damn.  Peavey was still more concerned with peddling their physical gear than they ever were with marketing Revalver, and that really hurt them.

Edited by AxlBrutality
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Obvious ripoff.

Another supposedly "free" product where I have to pay for Internet service to download their installer program to download the "free" program, and there's something about how I have to buy a whole new USB hard drive to license this "free" thing. I looked and it says I have to upgrade my system to Windows 7, so there's another pile of money I'd have to shell out for this "free" product.

I look at the name of this company, "Audio Media Research," and I can tell how they're planning on making money by putting this "free program" on my hard drive. They're not even hiding it. Research=data collection, audio media=sound, so they're in the business of collecting sound.

And they're enforcing it with another BS DEMO MODE torture scheme. What if I accidentally unplug my USB hard drive in the middle of tracking at an expensive high tech studio with no internet connection and it goes into DEMO MODE? DEMO MODE is an iron boot stomping on the face of a penniless musician, forever. I would rather be forced to sit through a grainy 30-second video of furries playing hopscotch  every time the program starts than face the possibility of DEMO MODE.

Furthermore, I demand that in the future, nobody waste my valuable time by posting "deals" that require in-app purchases, upgrading my OS beyond Vista, greater than 4G of RAM, iLok or any other USB device, ownership of any software (even CakeBlab, which I refuse to use since they decided to start giving away the program that I'd been paying honest money for), surrendering my email address, or connecting my DAW or any other computer to the internet to download or register.

(kidding, I'm kidding)?

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12 hours ago, Musical Warmth 5150 said:

Yeah, definitely more bass options.

I've always been really guilty of neglecting my bass tone, and my writing style doesn't really lend itself to the bass standing out. I've always just used it as an undercurrent/undertone (as is tradition in a lot of metal, haha)...but I'd like to start featuring bass more prominently in a lot of my music. Some more better options as far as amp sims in general go (not just Revalver; everyone's guilty of neglecting bass) would be nice and might help me with that.  I hear JST's Bassforge is pretty badass; might give that a try soon.

12 hours ago, Musical Warmth 5150 said:

Ownhammer, are those the ones that run in Nebula or are these standard IR's.

OH isn't proprietary, no...they do release in a variety of formats (including standard .wavs).  Their libraries and packs are huge, and they are well worth it.  I own Mesa, Diezel, EDVH, and Ampeg libraries from them and they are absolutely top notch quality-wise...with a TON of options and combinations to boot.

12 hours ago, Musical Warmth 5150 said:

Sorry, this post isn't related to Revalver, but does this forum not remember your display name when you sign back in?

I've never had any issues...

12 hours ago, Musical Warmth 5150 said:

Hey man, I just listened to ashes of denial - your vocals too?

All three bands in my signature are 100% me.  All vocals, lyrics, songwriting, all guitars, bass, piano/keys, orchestral programming, drum programming (I do actually play drums, but prefer to program these days), recording, and mixing.  Silence Before the Storm and Agony By Default are my main projects; Ashes of Denial is more of a side project that I randomly work on from time to time.  I'm also involved in a few other projects, but those 3 are my babies so to speak.

@Starship Krupa

Holy shit; not gonna lie....you had me for a while there.  Lmao.

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Hello everyone....

I am so sorry it has taken me so long to get here. It's been one heck of a week, as you can imagine. There's a lot going being discussed and I'll do my best to cover all of it.

First off, for anyone one that is having trouble activating ReValver, this video will get you going:


If you are still having issues....please please send an email to support (at) audiomediaresearch.com or (even better) fill out the support form at www.audiomediaresearch.com. By submitting the form, you are ensured that nothing falls through the cracks.

Ok...about Peavey and AMR. Here's the story. ReValver was originally developed by Michael Ljunggren in Sweden under his company Alien Connections. At the time, I was working at Peavey and stumbled across Michael and struck up a conversation. Come to find out, he thought that he had taken things as far as he could on his own and was looking to sell the company. I went to Hartley Peavey and basically convinced him to buy the company and hire Michael. So, Michael and I teamed up and got to work. First came III, then III.V, then 4. One thing that never really came was the resources we needed to grow. In all fairness to Peavey, this was not intentional. The last few years has seen the audio industry pounded by changing markets, China tariffs, the decline of the independent retailer, etc, etc. Peavey has had to refocus on it's core competencies.....and being a software company was just not one of them. So, after a few years of dragging along the best that we could, we knew something had to change and, honestly, so did Peavey. So, to make a very long story short, we are now an independent company. It's important to realize that although the "company" has changed hands a couple times....it's still the same core team....and we are dedicated and passionate about ReValver. It's also important to note that Jose is still with us handling support. Jose is amazing and a superhero. We were also truly blessed to have Hartley Peavey be on our board of directors. He is truly a legend and has been on of ReValver's biggest supporter and, without him, we wouldn't be here today.

Sigh.....the dreaded "dongle". I will be honest, before the dongle, we were suffering terribly to piracy. After, things got better. Having said that, we are completely open to any ideas. I'm going to look around to see what other options we can look at. What needs to happen asap is a way for customers to manage their registered USB devices. That is a priority for me.

We also agree that we needed to focus on getting more bass content in ReValver. We are on it. 

So, yes....we have new releases coming soon. As you guys mentioned, Craig Anderton did review our new apps. Unfortunately, this happened right before the Peavey/AMR conversion, which pushed things back about a month.

In closing, I really want to hear from you all. I am always available at scott (at) audiomediaresearch.com. Let me know what's on your mind...good or bad...I'm here to listen and make things happen. We wouldn't be here without your all....

Take care,

Scott Mire
Audio Media Research

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9 minutes ago, Scott Mire said:

Hello everyone....

I am so sorry it has taken me so long to get here. It's been one heck of a week, as you can imagine. There's a lot going being discussed and I'll do my best to cover all of it.

First off, for anyone one that is having trouble activating ReValver, this video will get you going:


If you are still having issues....please please send an email to support (at) audiomediaresearch.com or (even better) fill out the support form at www.audiomediaresearch.com. By submitting the form, you are ensured that nothing falls through the cracks.

Ok...about Peavey and AMR. Here's the story. ReValver was originally developed by Michael Ljunggren in Sweden under his company Alien Connections. At the time, I was working at Peavey and stumbled across Michael and struck up a conversation. Come to find out, he thought that he had taken things as far as he could on his own and was looking to sell the company. I went to Hartley Peavey and basically convinced him to buy the company and hire Michael. So, Michael and I teamed up and got to work. First came III, then III.V, then 4. One thing that never really came was the resources we needed to grow. In all fairness to Peavey, this was not intentional. The last few years has seen the audio industry pounded by changing markets, China tariffs, the decline of the independent retailer, etc, etc. Peavey has had to refocus on it's core competencies.....and being a software company was just not one of them. So, after a few years of dragging along the best that we could, we knew something had to change and, honestly, so did Peavey. So, to make a very long story short, we are now an independent company. It's important to realize that although the "company" has changed hands a couple times....it's still the same core team....and we are dedicated and passionate about ReValver. It's also important to note that Jose is still with us handling support. Jose is amazing and a superhero. We were also truly blessed to have Hartley Peavey be on our board of directors. He is truly a legend and has been on of ReValver's biggest supporter and, without him, we wouldn't be here today.

Sigh.....the dreaded "dongle". I will be honest, before the dongle, we were suffering terribly to piracy. After, things got better. Having said that, we are completely open to any ideas. I'm going to look around to see what other options we can look at. What needs to happen asap is a way for customers to manage their registered USB devices. That is a priority for me.

We also agree that we needed to focus on getting more bass content in ReValver. We are on it. 

So, yes....we have new releases coming soon. As you guys mentioned, Craig Anderton did review our new apps. Unfortunately, this happened right before the Peavey/AMR conversion, which pushed things back about a month.

In closing, I really want to hear from you all. I am always available at scott (at) audiomediaresearch.com. Let me know what's on your mind...good or bad...I'm here to listen and make things happen. We wouldn't be here without your all....

Take care,

Scott Mire
Audio Media Research

 Congrats Scott! A big step in a great direction. 

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