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Cool Cat Joe's Christmas (DoWop-ish)

freddy j

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Here is a little story of Cool Cat Joe and his attempt at getting the most popular girl in the neighbourhood to go to the Christmas Hop with him.  It doesn't work out with her but it all works out in the end.  Driven by the fear that I would miss the Christmas season and not get a song posted, I did this one in a hurry.  It is a bit rough.  So I definitely would appreciate some feedback on how to improve it.  Maybe I can get it cleaned up by next Christmas season. ?

Anyway, such as it is -- here it is.  Thanks in advance for listening.




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I feel like I’m “Cruising’ with Ruben and the Jets”! Man Freddy, I wish I had your knack for storytelling, I really do. You know, I kinda think it’s done, you can polish it up, but I think there’s a chance you’ll lose a little of that raw (I hate using the word, but I think it applies) authenticity that defines Freddy J. 


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Hey there Freddy -- as I was listening to this two thoughts came to mind -- 1.  I'm digging this and a tad hypnotized by the delivery and 2.  your vocal reminds me of someone I like from the 60s -- the overall timbre and such -- NO, not McCartney! -- I can't think of who it is but I like it.  As to the recording, there are timing issues in places where the feel isn't quite right .  Also, I think that you could pan out some of the instruments to give the mix more space.  I like that bass.  I enjoyed this and wish you a Merry Christmas!~~Allan

Edited by ABull
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                                 My apologies for the delay in responding.  I just got back from a few days in Miami ---- gosh, it is great to get back to T. Bay!

Hi Tom.  Thanks for giving this number a listen.  As always I appreciate your comments/suggestions and learn from them.  I have a bit of a penchant for going for a "live" feel in most of my stuff.  Of course, that might just be because I really don't know what I am doing!  Songs that tell a story are among my favourites.  One of my fav DoWop groups (The Coasters - AKA The Robins) would put out some great stories (e.g., Three Cool Cats, Shoppin' For Clothes, Along Came Jones, etc., etc.) using a lot of Leiber and Stoller writings. 

Hi David.  I have been to the Keys a bunch of times but I have never taken the water route.  I have friends that have taken it and they enjoyed it.  Cool Cat Joe is just a figment of Freddy J's imagination based on some personalities that I have known over the years (maybe exaggerated a wee bit).  Thanks for listening and I appreciate your taking the time to comment.

Hey Allan.  Yup, I was going for a late 1950's to early 1960's DoWop style.  Thanks for listening and for commenting.  I did this in a hurry and your suggestions were exactly what I was looking for.  Merry Christmas and thanks again.

Hello Douglas.  Your observation really interested me.  So, I had to go back and listen to this song and I get what you are saying.  Then it occurred to me that some of the more "pop" DoWop of the late 1950's incorporated a bit of Cha Cha, Latin rhythms, and Caribbean sounds (remember Calypso?).  I had a friend who loved DoWop and could tell you about every group and song from that era.  He made me listen to a lot of that style -  so maybe some crept into this song?  Thank you very much for listening and for your kind comments.

Hey Old Joad.  Thanks very much for listening and taking the time to comment.  I haven't been to NYC in a few years but that is quite an image.?

Hi Congalocke.  Johnny Cash -- I appreciate that.  Thanks very much for listening and taking the time to comment!

Hey Bjorn.  It was done in a hurry and yes indeed, it does need a bit of cleaning up.  Thanks for listening and as always I appreciate your suggestions my friend.

Thank you Makke.  I'm very glad that you liked it and I very much appreciate your listening and taking the time to comment. Cheers.

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Hey, Freddy,

Nice work on this classic 50's sounding holiday song!?

Excellent playing and vocals, as always from you, Freddy, and the mix sounds perfect for a modernized version of the Doo-Wop genre.

The mix is clean, wide, and nicely textured with everything in it's own place and the vocals and background harmonies are outstanding!

Dynamite job, Freddy, cool stuff!??

Have a good one, buddy!

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Thank you Bob!  I always appreciate your insight and appreciate your kind comments, and encouragement.  I really like the new song that you posted my friend.  It is one of my favourites of yours.

Thank you Nigel.  I appreciate the kind words and your taking the time to comment.  Mink Deville - I like that - thanks.  BTW, I am looking forward to any new posts that you might be putting on the forum.  You are really putting out some excellent stuff!!

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