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another tune from the new bats brew album "The Wild Animals"

bats brew

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  On 12/3/2019 at 10:30 PM, chuckebaby said:

dude your guitar work is fabulous ! always is.

Think I've heard this before (gave you some shi@ about that 2 minute fade of yours) but hey no denying your guitar work BB. Off the hook riffs and awesome solos.

Keep up the good work my friend.


hey chucke!

i appreciate the kind words, thanks.


yea, the 2 minute fade! ;heheh

well, remember: i'm not writing 2 minute radio tunes here, i'm writing pieces of music that HOPEFULLY,

will take you on a journey.


i don't have any patience for catering to the ADHD crowd....


i guess that means i have ADD for ADHD

or sumptin'!


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  On 12/6/2019 at 8:13 PM, David Sprouse said:

You definitely have a signature sound.  Love your guitar *TONE*. :D  Do you prefer instrumentals or do you like the sung songs equally well?


hey david, thanks for the kind words....


i guess i prefer the sung songs,

just because that makes them more accessible...

i have a back log of about 40 instrumentals i've written, that are more progressive than the 'songs' i've written,

but i can't for the life of me think of ANYONE who would even care to hear them!!!




the instrumentals probably have more of my 'true' voice,

but typically are only enjoyed by musicians,

and not normal people.


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  On 12/6/2019 at 9:30 PM, kakku said:

Good song for head bashing etc. Real groove monster


hey kakku!

yes, head bashing.


sounds like a scene from the walking dead. heheh

thanks for listening!

and please spread the word about the new album!

much more head bashing available,

as well as gentle songs to heal the deadly wounds.



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  On 12/11/2019 at 9:47 PM, Douglas Kirby said:

There are a lot of really cool guitar tones in this, and the performance is superb - very nice. You must be a fan of Satriani - just a guess.

I really liked that ending - very cool.


hi douglas!

thanks so much for checking this one out, glad you dig it.

if you liked this one, you'd probably dig the album.

as for satriani,

i pretty much had my own guitar style nailed down about 5 years before i first heard satriani, so i'd say he was never an influence...

but that said, i AM a fan of his, and have purchased most of his albums thru the years.

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