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Everyday Lonely

Douglas Kirby

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I’m not hearing the kick. Pick Up The Pieces played next and the kick is fine. I’m guessing there’s some midrange “congestion”. I’d play with your high pass on the guitar buss maybe. Solo the bass and kick (I tend to put the bass on the drum buss), check the interplay there. 

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Another cool song. Not surprised!

Mix-wise, you might check the bass guitar's interaction with the lowest guitar note. Sounds like they are covering the exact same territory. I'd agree a little raising of a high pass eq on the guitar might be worth a try. Bottom on that might be 400hz or some such, sounds drastic, but maybe try it? 

Another approach, preferable perhaps, is to change the bass line altogether. If you give the bass something else to play, it won't mimic the guitar strum so much.

BGV's are killer, dude. Really nice. Lead vocal is always a pleasure to hear.

I liked the sustains at the ending, cool progression of fading parts.

Yup, another songwriting winner.




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Your songs are always so well put together. Verses naturally lead into the chorus in interesting ways (chord changes, tempo changes), the solo guitar comes in exactly where it feels right.  It's always a pleasure to check out your music.

I think the vocal track here needs to stand out more, to make the song more engaging. Not a matter of volume but more like in passion or attitude. I know I'm the least qualified person to offer that opinion, but there it is.

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DeeringAmps - Thanks for your comments.  I put a high pass filter on the rhythm guitars at 250hz each on the right and left.  I mixed this at least a year ago, and I had selected a bass preset on the Prochannel - it was boosting the bass guitar at 60hz - by a lot a matter of fact. That's why you couldn't hear the kick, and it was dominating the mix, creating a lot of "mud", so to speak - I should have noticed this earlier.  Now you can hear the kick and the bass distinctly in the mix.  Thanks for your ears.?

amiller - Thanks for listening - I like the solo as well.

emeraldsoul - I appreciate your comments very much - I think I cleared up the bass, kick drum, and rhythm guitars, as mentioned above - I always appreciate your ears.

bjornpdx - Thanks for listening to my tune. I'm not the greatest singer - I thought about going up an octave on the verses, but it would have been too much of a struggle for me.  If you were my producer, you would have made me sing it again? Regardless, I appreciate your ears - I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving.

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