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It's past time for a silly music cartoon


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Similarities between death and taxes...they come to all of us, well, I mean, unless you happen to be laundering money or....never mind.

Differences between death and taxes...Taxes keep happening over and over until we die. After that..can't touch dis.

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4 hours ago, Starise said:

How silly can you be before someone notices that you're silly? It's a thin line I tell ya.

I was once asked to define certain words as part of a group exercise; my definition of creativity was: the level of socially acceptable craziness that someone exhibits.

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6 hours ago, Starise said:

Oh and this is all just silly. Prolly why I keep coming back. How silly can you be before someone notices that you're silly? It's a thin line I tell ya.


1 hour ago, antler said:

I was once asked to define certain words as part of a group exercise; my definition of creativity was: the level of socially acceptable craziness that someone exhibits.


That was creative! ?

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I dunno, I think I like fuzzy logic. I mean, I prefer some fuzz, nuther subject......This means that there are some extremely creative people here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just a few more to add to those last ones !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh and while I'm at it one of these...?.  Ok you didn't especially ask for this buy hey...?


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On 11/27/2019 at 6:59 AM, craigb said:

Kids who are too young to have ever seen them: "What's a record?" ?

It’s a very large, double sided CD with one long groove on each side. My description, many years ago, to a 10 year old who fit your description as I was showing him a “record player” at a HiFi show.

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14 hours ago, Michael Vogel ( MUDGEL) said:

It’s a very large, double sided CD with one long groove on each side. My description, many years ago, to a 10 year old who fit your description as I was showing him a “record player” at a HiFi show.

Unfortunately, there may be a problem with that description: kids of today might not know what a CD is.

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On 11/28/2019 at 12:17 PM, antler said:

Unfortunately, there may be a problem with that description: kids of today might not know what a CD is.


1 hour ago, Gswitz said:

Trash in the oceans that out-sizes all aquatic life?


No, unfortunately Kanye and the Kardashians aren't out in the oceans (yet)... ?

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