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Audio Won't Shut Off (Solved)

Larry Jones

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This is not specifically a CbB issue, but it is stopping me from using CbB, so I'm hoping someone here has an idea of where to look for a solution.

I haven't used my music PC for anything but MIDI for the past few months. Today I plugged a guitar into my interface (Scarlett 6i6) and the audio is somehow feeding into the system and can't be silenced. I hear the guitar even without loading Cakewalk -- even without loading any programs at all. When I have Cakewalk open to a project I can hear the guitar even when I have no input echo on. When I echo the guitar track I can hear it through the amp sim and through the system.

  • In Windows Sound settings the line out and line in is my Scarlett, as always. 
  • In Windows Sound Control Panel Playback all the Realtek stuff is disabled and the Scarlett is the default line out
  • In Windows Sound Control Panel Recording all the Realtek stuff is disabled and the Scarlett is the default line in

I don't recall any changes I may have made to any audio settings -- this seems to have happened on its own (a likely story, I know.)

Thanks for any ideas!

Edited by Larry Jones
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44 minutes ago, scook said:

Check the routing in the Focusrite Mix Control software

The problem was in Mix Control, although I don't understand why. I normally use "Mix 1" and when I looked at it just now it was set to "Mix 3." Switching back and forth while looking at all the settings, the two mixes appear to be identical, but theunstoppable audio goes away when it's set to "Mix 1," and comes back when it's set to "Mix 3." I'm happy to get back to work, but WTH? Thank you for the pointer. I hope some day to buy you a cup of coffee. ?

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10 hours ago, scook said:

Check the routing in the Focusrite Mix Control software

This is the correct answer for sure..

This happens as well here with my Focusrite if I don't set the Mix control software to "DAW Monitoring".

Scarllet's are supposed to remember routing changes and keep those presets stored but there has been a known issue (I believe within the hardware itself) that prevents presets being loaded upon power up. Before each session its the first thing I typically do.

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