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How to echo only certain passages of a track

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Hi. Coming from a hardware background where I only used previous Cakewalk products for their midi sequencing. Now starting to use its DAW capabilities.

Basic question: what's the proper way to echo only certain passages of a track?

My first thought was to duplicate the track, apply the effect to it, snipping out all but the specific passages I want, but I'm assuming this is not the proper way to do it.

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There is no ONE way. The method you describe would work OK.

Another is use a send to a bus or aux track with the FX on the bus/aux track 100% wet and automate the send to the bus.

Or add the FX to the track and automate the appropriate parameters for the plug-in. Some have an on/off or bypass and mix parameters which may be automated.

Depending on the effect you are trying to achieve chopping up the track and using the clip FX Racks works too. The delay stops immediately at the end of the clip.

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There are links in my post to the documentation.

Things to keep in mind when using clip FX racks. The number of plug-ins in a project can easily get out of hand when adding them to clips. The effects start and stop at the clip boundaries.

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Video tutorials can help.

There are quite a few tutorials on SONAR and Music Creator which are relevant to CbB.
The first release of CbB was the unreleased last version of SONAR with a few tweaks.

There are quite a few tutorials on the older Cakewalk products on the old company website here

For a more in depth tutorial on an older product (SONAR X2) have a look at


and the X3 update



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