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I Wanna be a Guitar Musician - video


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So after three attempts over the years,  this time I'm going to learn how to play a guitar for sure yep yep.
I decided to keep my pathetic performance in the video as a kind of "before" scene and then in the not too distant future I'll have an "after" scene in which my playing will be most excellent. (The audio is pretty bad because I used the video cam mic)


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??????? take a bow my man, that's a wonderful video.  I love and admire your ambition to be the best guitarist you can be. As someone who has been playing for almost fifty years (yes I know, I should be a damn site better than I am) I can say that my guitar has seen me through some of the darkest and toughest times - I couldn't  imagine life without having one around to play. If I can offer you one piece of advice it would to relax that left hand - it looks like you're  trying and pressing the string way too hard. The way to stop the buzz is to square your finger at the knuckle and compress the string just behind the fret. Pressing too hard will just give you sore fingers and frustrate your desire to practice.  The finger tips will harden off in time, keep your practice sessions short and frequent until they do.

Wishing you all the best and thanks for sharing. You've now inspired me to try and write an 'unplugged' song for a change.


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I've been a big fan of Mississippi John Hurt for a long time. Just love the way he played (and sang) and I've always wanted to be able to play in the same style. I'm gettin' close.

I really appreciate the comment and the advice. I'm definitely getting calluses on my fingertips (which makes it hard to pick up stuff off the floor.) Have to get over this "if only I'd started back when I was a kid..."

Thank you. I'm not totally happy with the video but after a while it's finished.

John B
Thanks. That is me at the end. I don't remember how many times I played that song until I finally got something half way acceptable. 

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I love it.   You're vocal style of almost whispering really works.   It warmed my heart so I'll share something of mine here.  I'm a long time old cakewalk user from the 1980's and now that I'm retired it's such a blessing that it's free again.   Keep up the good work

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I absoflippinlutely love this.  Boy can I relate.  I played in a couple of band in college but my working life put a serious dent in playing guitar.  So, after retirement I picked up the guitar again (primarily as a tool for calmness and therapy ?).  However, I am still struggling and also want to be guitar musician (better late than never).  You are an accomplished story teller in this song and your video was full of humour and complemented the music/lyrics.  What a treat to watch-listen to this.

Well done!!!

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Thanks. I appreciate the comments.

Yeah, I wouldn't be able to make music at all if it weren't for the technology today. Except for humming I guess. And whistling.

Paul D
I started with Cakewalk in the early 90s and still use it, though Studio One is rapidly growing on me.

Thank you! Bjorn Kontakt instrument - sampled buzzy strings followed by expletives. Got 'em.  

Boy if you're picking up where you left off then there's hope for me!

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Hi Bjorn  , your video was very creative  ..I enjoyed it ...

As far as playing the guitar goes  ...Good Luck On That  ....  just kidding around w you .

Back in the day when I auditioned for Chubby Checker at SIR Studios in N Y C  I was crammed into a  tight room with over 200 guitar players  ...

When it was my turn to play I had fun ...Chubby and everybody in the room dug what I played ....but I didn't get the Gig ....

My personal rule is ,  I wouldn't trade my worst day out there playing guitar the way I do to be any other know or unknown guitar player ...

Sometimes when it comes to playing the guitar  the rewards don't always match the steps one would think they should match  on the career ladder ?



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I've learned a thing or two about music from you. Not sure if you can learn anything from me.  ?

Nigel, amiller, gary, daryl
Thanks for taking the time to comment. Appreciate it.

Chubby Checker? That's cool as all get out. You must have been really good, even back then. At what age did you start playing?

I'll never attain that level of playing. Like all my job evaluations over the years I just want to be competent.
Part of my practice routine is improvising to your Tales of an Almost Forgotten Yesterday. So far I have nothing to write home about, but there is a melody developing.

Thanks for commenting.

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