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Larry Shelby

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I've got a couple of those plugs 

the snail is very good and although everyplugin says "mac only" but I'm definitely running it on PC :)


It's a massive CPU hog and it has a weird bug in that it uses the graphics card (I think ) to do some of the calculation - this means you get an odd low level noise on the audio when you are using it ?  (Don't really understand it !?)

It hasn't been updated for a loooonnng time so I guess we're stuck with that.  I just switch it off when I've used it

It's the closest I could find to a peterson strobe type plugin 


Edited by simon
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1 hour ago, simon said:

I'm definitely running it on PC

Me, too :)

Probably little not-up-to-date info on pages on Koby's site. I have sent info to him so I guess when he has a little spare time he will update it.

And I totally agree  it is great tuner. IMHO one of the best among soft tuners (for me personally the one).

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35 minutes ago, simon said:

Interesting that you don't have the problem.  I mainly use it in cubase - with an nvidia card.  It's the only plugin I've ever seen this on - I don't really understand how it can happen as the whole system is digital. 


Yep, but sometimes it happens some plugins are doing something what is not 'compatible' with a version of video drier or DAW. Ir doing something what is triggering a bug.

For instance I discovered some time ago CbB is still very buggy about memory management as I lost half of my RAM (32->16) in 1 machine and many new never seen before issues started to happen when adding new more demanding pluggins (even like XLN drums).

I am using RAM also for RAMdisk and FF is heavy eater. So suddenly some plugins started to react differently with some anomalies (but happily not the snail - anyway I am using it just for a short while, after tuning turning it off). Of course amount of CbB crashes increased many times more...

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