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Tamiami Trail

freddy j

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Here is a little number that is somewhat biographical --- sort of.  Back in the olden days, when I was at University, my future wife and I had to live separately for a while.  She lived in Miami and me in Tampa.  When I could gather together enough money and if I had an available weekend, then a trip to Miami was the only option.  The Trailways bus driving down the Tamiami Trail (US Highway 41) was often the preferred mode of transportation.  The happy ending was that she was able to move back to Tampa while I finished up schooling.

This number is done in a Bluesabilly style with that Chunka - Chunka rhythm that I love.  Anyway, I hope that you get a bit of a giggle from this song.  As always comments, suggestions, crit.'s, etc. will be much appreciated.




Edited by freddy j
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Hey Freddy -- on the opening drumbeat I thought it was Rainy Day Women -- it got even better after that.  Love that raunchy guitar tone.  Drums could be up in the mix a bit mate (maybe cut back some reverb).  As to be expected, I enjoyed this from you~~Allan.


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Some classic Freddy for sure! Really like that sharp five. So, if I’m “behind the glass” on this one Freddy, I’d have you come out of the solo on the four; kind of a bridge, but I think the verse would work fine across it as is. One little niggle, lead guitar is “walking “ on the vocal a bit; its a “taste” thing, like things “falling apart” at the end; just me. Like I said “classic” Freddy; I love it!


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just plain great. Love how the vocal is up front. Drums are plainly in the pocket, and maybe a few more fills? Do I hear a fill in the middle of a verse, as opposed to more conventionally at the end?

This one is suh weet.


Ending is a chop-off . . . maybe let it all ring and sustain out after the last chord?


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Hi Gary.  Thanks for listening and thanks especially for commenting, I do appreciate it.  I'm glad it got you moving.

Hi John B.  Thanks John. I'm glad that you liked it and I appreciate your taking the time to comment.  I think that the express purpose of the Chunka - Chunka rhythm being created (by whomever)  is to cause toe's to start tapping  ---   perhaps?

Hey Mark.  Thank you very much.  You do meet some interesting people on a bus trip!  Back in the old days, the two lane trip through the Everglades was kind of an interesting trip in itself. 

Thanks for listening and commenting MACCE.  I was going for kind of a  loose but raw, driving, "raunchy" feel in this song.  Hopefully, I got somewhere near that.  Thanks again.

Hi Allan.  Thanks for listening and as always I really appreciate your suggestions.  I believe that you are correct the drums need to come up a bit.  You are right about the 'verb.  I have gotten comments about too much 'verb on some of my other songs.  I do suffer from a bad case of " 'verbitis" with which I struggle.  It is indeed a problem of mine and I am trying to kick the habit. ?

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Hey Tom.  As always I appreciate your insightful suggestions.  Although the next few weeks will be too darn busy, I will be giving a listen to the song and making changes where applicable.  I guess, being a guitar guy, I might have a tendency toward intruding on the vocals.  Although perhaps the saxes might be toned down during the chorus as well.  As far as the ending --- it was intentional.  Jimmy Reed used to end some of his stuff that way and I loved his stuff especially Eddy Taylor's playing.  Thanks again for your help and encouragement!!

Hi Douglas.  Thanks very much for listening and your kind words.  I appreciate the encouragement!

Hi Bjorn.  Thanks very much.  I appreciate it.  As far as the pronunciation of "Tamiami",  that's how it was pronounced when I was living in Charlotte County, FL.  Who knows? ---- it may even be right.  Thanks again for your comments.

Hey Emeraldsoul.  Thanks for listening and for your suggestions.  You are probably right about the fill.  Sometimes I sneak one in if there is the slightest pause.  I'll have to go back and listen.  If I did shame on me but the vocalist is not very good --- so, I might have been trying to cover up a mistake (lol).  The ending was intentional.  I was trying to emulate one or two of Jimmy Reeds endings on a video that I saw.  Way back in time there was a blues group that used to play the Florida State Fair when it was held in downtown Tampa.  They had a habit of just dropping off when they ended a song.  I thought it was pretty cool (a style -- not proper musicianship) but then I am not known for my good taste. Thanks again!

Hi Nigel.  I grew up loving this older style of Blues.  Thanks very much for listening and for your kind comments.  BTW, I love the songs and videos that you have been posting.

Hi amiller.  I appreciate your taking time to listen.  Thanks very much for the kind words and thumb up.

Hi Daryl.  Thanks very much for listening and for your comments.  That Chunka-Chunka rhythm is indeed infectious.  I was hooked the first time that I heard it (way back when).




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Freddy, this is a very good production and a very good song.  I love the subtle backing of horns that don't overpower the song but complement it.  I've said this before, and I'll say it again, if I close my eyes, I can see a band in front of me playing in my living room (or favorite club).  Keep em coming!

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Thank you Lynn.  As one who enjoys going to small venue clubs and listening to live bands, I appreciate your sentiments.  Although I appreciate well produced songs, I still like music that is a bit rough and has that live feel to it.  Oh well, there is no accounting for taste but diversity is what makes life interesting (well - one of the things).  That must be why there are so many flavours of ice cream.   ?  Thanks as always for listening and commenting, and for your encouragement.

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