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Adding negative MIDI notes


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I've recently changed from Cubase and I'm having a problem with a VST instrument, Orchestral Companion Strings, which worked fine in Cubase. This instrument uses C-1, C#-1 etc as articulation controllers. However, Cakewalk doesn't seem allow inputting such notes.

Is there a way around this? Transposing doesn't seem to work, and manual input into note properties doesn't either.

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You could also simplify your life by creating & using articulation maps for the instrument.

 The 'C0' nomenclature stems from the lowest playable notes on a standard 88 key piano, where "middle C" is commonly C4. Many DAW's (and VST instrument manufacturers) prefer C3 as 'middle C', hence the confusion.

In the PRV, you should be able to enable articulations starting from the lowest note, and map them from there.

Edited by OutrageProductions
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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, OutrageProductions said:

You could also simplify your life by creating & using articulation maps for the instrument.

 The 'C0' nomenclature stems from the lowest playable notes on a standard 88 key piano, where "middle C" is commonly C4. Many DAW's (and VST instrument manufacturers) prefer C3 as 'middle C', hence the confusion.

In the PRV, you should be able to enable articulations starting from the lowest note, and map them from there.

Sounds like a solution - though as I've just started on Cakewalk, I'm not really sure how to do that yet. I'll look into it, thanks.

Edited by KevR
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10 hours ago, KevR said:

Sounds like a solution - though as I've just started on Cakewalk, I'm not really sure how to do that yet. I'll look into it, thanks.

It's never too early to hone that skill set. I use Cubase as well, and artmaps are very similar in function. Here is a very good primer.

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5 hours ago, OutrageProductions said:

It's never too early to hone that skill set. I use Cubase as well, and artmaps are very similar in function. Here is a very good primer.

Thanks for your help. Good video.

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