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Quality of Audiosnap for vocals

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Hi all

am I the only on wondering about the quality and usefulness of audiosnap for vocals? I find it's totally unusable and the quality is very bad in comparison to Melodyne for instance. And the auto quantize is out of question. Only very minor fixes can be done manually moving the pointers, but even then the outcome is unpredictable and the quality suffers too much. I have vocals recorded to certain tempo, but there are some errors in timing and it seems like the only way is to manually split the clips and move them around and use faders. Or to use Melodyne. I have 2024.02 version of Bandlab.

Kind regards

Edited by Simple Verse
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Not yet, but it might help. I tried the vocal syncing option and it seemed to be better after rendering. Maybe the same is with audiosnap. But the quantize option is obviously not meant for vocals at all. Anyway, thanks for the tip.

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