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Waves Vocal Rider - a waste of money?

Salvatore Sorice

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His comment is accurate. The term "riding the fader" is another thing you might find interesting. Prior to compressors, engineers needed to manually adjust gain (real time) via faders alone. Compressors eased a lot of that need (and are one of the most used FX), but it is also important to understand compressors and their application. Rather than get a plugin the "does things for you," it is often far better to understand "common" tools and how to use them properly.

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Like volume automation. 
I remember when you had to have 3 people sitting at the mixer as the 16 track rolled to feed the 2Track. We each had a list of fader moves. using the tape counter but mostly our ears and remembering what we had to do. Teamwork. 
I thought I had died and gone to heaven when I got my Yamaha 01v with motorized faders! 

Edited by Sock Monkey
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