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CWbB unresponsive when Saving - SOLVED (hopefully)


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I have been using CWbB for years now with no real problems.  It now works normally but as soon as you hit Save, it is unresponsive. It does not save and the only way forward is to End Task from Task Manager.

Cakewalk and Windows 10 are up to date. I installed the V Distrubutables from Microsoft. I re installed Cakewalk (not a clean install).

I don't think any of my disks are bad, I ran the checker on them all and it says all is well. There should be lots of free space.

Sonar X3 and Reaper both save, no problem.

I have an i7, 48 G Ram, Focusrite 18i8.

Any body have any ideas?




Edited by parboo12
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It appears  that this is a RAM problem. About 5  or 6 weeks ago I got a "good deal" on 32G of memory and put it in my machine along with the 16G that was in there to start. All along it appeared to be working no problem. Windows 10 seemed to see it and I ran memory tests for  about 13 hours. And even when I started to have this Save problems, the tests told me that there were no problems. I did a clean install of Cakewalk, still not solved. 

Then I took out the 32G  and things seem to work again with 16G.

The memory is "mismatched" by the way - the 2 8G 's are 2400 and the 2 16G's are 3200 (DDR4). The motherboard is a Gigabyte B360M DS3H by the way. It is only cable of max speed of 2666. From anything I read on the internet, it should work (although at the slowest speed - 2400). If anybody knows of any setting I should be looking at in the BIOS, I'd love to hear about it! Otherwise I'll live with 16G that works!

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  • parboo12 changed the title to CWbB unresponsive when Saving - SOLVED (hopefully)
3 hours ago, parboo12 said:

The motherboard is a Gigabyte

Once upon a time (in the last century), I assembled my very first computer based on a Gigabyte motherboard. I bought all the components for the computer myself in an IT store, and along with the motherboard I bought 2 memory modules, a processor, etc. And when I assembled everything and tried to start it up, I had a serious problem - the motherboard was constantly making an emergency squeak, which corresponded to the "unrecognized memory" problem. Later I found information in the user manual for the motherboard, where it was written in large red font that it was necessary to check the RAM compatibility table for the Gigabyte brand. And the memory I bought (of course!) was not on this list. In the same store, the same seller did not replace the memory for me, citing the fact that after opening the package, the memory can no longer be returned or exchanged, but commented that similar situations had happened more than once, and that this brand is very sensitive to the compatibility parameter. I bought 2 more memory modules from another manufacturer from the compatibility list, and after that everything worked.

Since then I buy motherboards from ASUS, and I have never had any problems, even when I inserted 2 pairs of memory modules from different manufacturers and different types. I don't know if motherboards from Gigabyte have become more durable, but you should still check your 32GB in the compatibility table, it is quite possible that you have the same problem.

Edited by IgoRr
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  • 4 weeks later...

I just thought I'd update you on the progress, in case anyone runs into the same issues. One of my smarter neighbours recommended that I update my BIOS then try the 32G again, and sure enough it worked. I just left the extra 16G out this time, the motherboard seems kind of sensitive to the mixing of the RAM, and I think 32G is more the enough for me. As a bonus my RAM speed is 2666 now instead of 2400. Hopefully things stay good!

Thanks to everyone who tried to help!

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