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How do I revert to the previous version of Cakewalk Sonar


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The latest version of Sonar has an issue where everything is working fine, then I suddenly get a audio engine dropout and my PC slows to a crawl until I reboot.  Literally everything  (my browser, email, etc.) is  unusably slow and it usually takes about 5-10 minutes just to close everything down so I can reboot.  Note that Cakewalk requires using Task Manager to end the task, as the app itself is non-responsive to any command.  The PC remains slow even after I kill Sonar. 

If I search for how to revert, there's an entry here in the forum that states "In every release of Cakewalk by BandLab we include a link to "Rollback installer" along with its product release notes.  All historic product release information can be found here with links to the corresponding rollback installers,"  but I can find no evidence that such rollback installers actually exist. Does anyone know how to find these rollback installers?  Also, has anyone else had this issue? 


Here is a link to the forum entry for rolling back...  (I can't tell if the link actually works - it embeds a picture of it when I paste the link into this post, but it won't let me click on it.) 

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23 hours ago, ccondon23 said:

The latest version of Sonar has an issue where everything is working fine, then I suddenly get a audio engine dropout and my PC slows to a crawl until I reboot.  Literally everything  (my browser, email, etc.) is  unusably slow and it usually takes about 5-10 minutes just to close everything down so I can reboot.  Note that Cakewalk requires using Task Manager to end the task, as the app itself is non-responsive to any command.  The PC remains slow even after I kill Sonar. 

If I search for how to revert, there's an entry here in the forum that states "In every release of Cakewalk by BandLab we include a link to "Rollback installer" along with its product release notes.  All historic product release information can be found here with links to the corresponding rollback installers,"  but I can find no evidence that such rollback installers actually exist. Does anyone know how to find these rollback installers?  Also, has anyone else had this issue? 


Here is a link to the forum entry for rolling back...  (I can't tell if the link actually works - it embeds a picture of it when I paste the link into this post, but it won't let me click on it.) 

try this link https://discuss.cakewalk.com/topic/34103-how-to-roll-back-to-a-prior-version-of-cakewalk/

it's the same post, but just the link

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25 minutes ago, Bristol_Jonesey said:

You'd be far better off trying to identify the source of the dropout/slow down and get that fixed.

The fact that whatever's going on affects your email and browser strongly suggests it's a problem outside of Sonar.

The problem ONLY occurs after running Sonar for a period of time.  It didn't occur before the latest upgrade and doesn't occur with Cakewalk by Bandlab.  The fact that it affects other applications suggests it's a problem with Sonar not properly interacting with Windows.  

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43 minutes ago, ccondon23 said:

The problem ONLY occurs after running Sonar for a period of time.  It didn't occur before the latest upgrade and doesn't occur with Cakewalk by Bandlab.  The fact that it affects other applications suggests it's a problem with Sonar not properly interacting with Windows.  

My bad -- the problem also occurs with Cakewalk by Bandlab.   It's still only a problem when using Sonar or Cbb, though.  I can use all my other apps without issue. 


43 minutes ago, pwalpwal said:

sounds like a memory leak? try running task master while running sonar and see what it shows?

Task manager doesn't show anything out of the ordinary when the problem is happening.  Memory is a little high (80+%), but that's also the case when things are working fine.  CPU, Disk, Network and GPU are all nominal. 

I opened a case with Cakewalk support.  We'll see how it goes...

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By any chance do you have a large .zip file stored on your desktop or in any path that that Sonar might be touching? If so, try moving it to another folder or another drive entirely.

More generally, check disk activity in Windows Resource Monitor and see if any large file is being read.

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FYI - I got the following from Cakewalk support: 


As for rolling back, Sonar doesn’t currently have a built-in rollback installer, but if you need to revert for testing, we can look into possible options.

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