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New mystery WIP


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Basic layout done;  any feedback would be useful. :)  No name yet; still waffling among several ideas (none of them feel quite right). 


Meant to be a bit mysterious, sparse bits of instruments among the base bass / percussion.   


EDIT(s):  A number of significant edits made, mix changes, added parts and instruments, etc.   Most recent version number at the bottom, link above is still where to listen to it:

2-13-25:  020825 000027h (first public version)

2-13-25:   020825 000039j

2-15-25:  020825 000044k

2-16-25:  020825 000048k

2-16-25:  020825 000054m



Edited by Amberwolf
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On 2/13/2025 at 3:58 AM, Bajan Blue said:

Some interesting sounds and synths in this - I like it

A change up of some kind could be good

Apart from that, Cool

Thanks--there's really only two "synths", the bassline sound and the arp'd one with the "melody" (such as it is) which is also used for the complex bassy parts using a similar overall pattern.   

The longer sustained parts are some long samples of a sitar and a flute, trimmed, stretched, squished, pitchshifted, etc., as needed to fit the stuff around them.

There's a bunch of vocal snippets, which include the "doob" sounds that accent some beats; i snipped these off some of the Divine Vocal Mantras. ;) Most of the others came out of Shymer, some I don't recall.  


Still wroking on the whole construction; haven't fitgured out the "change up" yet but there will be at least one.  :) 


On 2/13/2025 at 7:59 AM, Keith Wilby said:

It's not my cup of tea but I can appreciate why others would like it and the effort that went into it. My only crit would be that the tambourine is too loud. I found it a tad irritating TBH. Otherwise a job well done.

I cut the tamb by about 6db for most of the song, more in some places.   is it any better?

(same link in the first post; lots of edits and some adds).


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Interesting. I agree that a change of some kind would add to it. I am a definite lover of bass and deep low end, but the low end in this seems overpowering. I also wonder how it would sound on playback devices that don’t handle those low low lows, if they are missing it could sound a bit empty. I like how you use vocals in your music. It does sound mysterious indeed ha

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