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Changing buffer size suddenly does nothing

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Recording vocals and noticed I'm getting both playback latency and monitoring latency no matter what I set my buffer size at. Generally i set it at 32 samples when recording vocals, then switch to 2048 samples for playback/editing. Im getting the same latency no matter what the buffer size is set to. I have to record vocals without monitoring is my only work around.

I also noticed when using melodyne, there is latency from when I see what I hear. If that makes sense, The cursor is well past the audio before its audible.. I haven't changed anything in my settings in a while so I'm lost.

I've included screenshots of my settings if that helps.

win 10

Tascam US 4x4HR - Interface

Thanks ahead of time


pic 1.png

pic 2.png

pic 3.png

pic 4.png


Edited by steve trusty
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 Did it work correctly before the ASIO4all was installed?

(might not have anything to do with this problem, but it has caused so many others...)


IIRC, you'd have to select the actual driver you're using in that bottom sectioni to see the settings for that driver.  I think all you are seeing ATM is the ones for the ASIO4all because it's what is shown in the dropdown above them. 

Edited by Amberwolf
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As far as I know, I’m not sure when asio4all showed up actually, so I didn’t wanna jump to conclusions. But I have seen a couple threads suggesting to uninstall it. I tried changing it to my interface but once I hit apply it goes right back to asio4all. 

I will give that a shot when I get home and see how it goes! 
Thanks for the reply! 

Edited by steve trusty
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2 hours ago, steve trusty said:

As far as I know, I’m not sure when asio4all showed up actually, so I didn’t wanna jump to conclusions. But I have seen a couple threads suggesting to uninstall it. I tried changing it to my interface but once I hit apply it goes right back to asio4all. 

I will give that a shot when I get home and see how it goes! 
Thanks for the reply! 

You need to remove it completely from your pc, including the Windows Registry

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12 hours ago, steve trusty said:

I'm getting both playback latency and monitoring latency no matter what I set my buffer size at.

It's most probable you've added some plugin that has a big look-ahead buffer requiring Pluding Delay Compensation. If it isn't on the track you're recording or on a bus in its path the output, you can enable the PDC [Override] button in the Mix module to temporarily override delay compensation on Input Monitored tracks. Otherwise, if it is in the path of that track, you'll have to disable or remove the plugin.

BTW Sonar has a feature not available in CbB that allows you to hover over active plugins to see how much delay they're adding, if any - very handy.

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5 hours ago, David Baay said:

It's most probable you've added some plugin that has a big look-ahead buffer requiring Pluding Delay Compensation. If it isn't on the track you're recording or on a bus in its path the output, you can enable the PDC [Override] button in the Mix module to temporarily override delay compensation on Input Monitored tracks. Otherwise, if it is in the path of that track, you'll have to disable or remove the plugin.

BTW Sonar has a feature not available in CbB that allows you to hover over active plugins to see how much delay they're adding, if any - very handy.

You win the internet today!! Found the culprit on my Master fader. Not sure if the preset I selected changed this from zero latency but nevertheless. This was the problem. I couldn't figure out how to uninstall asio4all for the life of me after searching all over google/youtube. 

**Instead I disengaged all plugins and reactivated them 1 by 1 while hitting the kick in SSD5 and boom, Fabfilter Q3.**

Thanks everyone for your help and speedy replies!


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