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Piano Roll and Take Lanes question


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I want to take a drums midi track that has all the hits and separate each drum piece into its own take lane so I can solo/mute and export audio for each piece (snare,  kick, ...).  Also for the piano roll to only show the not of the lane that is active.  Is this something doable?  I tried to select say the kick notes and drag it to a lane but it doesn't do it.  The way I can do it now is to create a midi track for each piece, copy all notes to all the midi tracks and for each track delete all notes and keep only say the snare to create a snare track, and repeat the process for each piece.  Too tedious so I'm look for a better way.  

It would be cool if the piano roll has mute/solo control for each note. 

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The magic that you seek entails some work.

There is a CAL script called "Split Notes To Tracks" which will separate and create a new track for each note tuning. Then I usually recombine the Snares (SS, flams, etc), Kicks (open/damped, etc.), Hats (open, closed, pedal, etc.), Toms (all), OH (all cymbals), and toys into relative MIDI tracks, solo them, and then print new related audio tracks just like I did when using a tape machine 40 years ago.

I usually end up with audio tracks: Kick (mono), Snare (m or s), Hat (m or s), Toms (s), OH (s), room (if available), Toys (s).

Edited by OutrageProductions
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8 hours ago, micv said:

I want to take a drums midi track that has all the hits and separate each drum piece into its own take lane

Can't be done because the notes are "stacked" vertically within the same clip putting them in the same lane.  You can't separate a take lane within itself.

The way Outrage described is how I've done it as well.

8 hours ago, micv said:

It would be cool if the piano roll has mute/solo control for each note. 

It does
https://legacy.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Tools.25.html#:~:text=With the Smart tool %2C hold,to mute%2Funmute multiple notes.

I remember muted notes would turn white so you could tell they were muted.   However, now when I mute notes this way they disappear completely so they look deleted.  If you can remember where they were you can reverse the mute and they reappear, but this is hardly a good thing.  Not sure why this happens or who didn't think this one out but I can't use it like this.

Muting Track View clips is done with the K key.  Would be nice if MIDI notes could be muted the same way.

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42 minutes ago, sjoens said:

I remember muted notes would turn white so you could tell they were muted.   However, now when I mute notes this way they disappear completely so they look deleted.  If you can remember where they were you can reverse the mute and they reappear, but this is hardly a good thing.  Not sure why this happens or who didn't think this one out but I can't use it like this.

in the ooption button to show velocity/etc, in prtv and tv-prv mode, therres anm ooption for hde muted clips.  turn it off to ghost mnotes instead ogf hiding them 

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3 hours ago, micv said:

It would be cool if the piano roll has mute/solo control for each note. 

Apply an appropriate Drum Map to the output of the MIDI track and you will be able to mute/solo individual kit pieces as well as having them named in the PRV's drum pane.

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3 hours ago, Amberwolf said:

in the ooption button to show velocity/etc, in prtv and tv-prv mode, therres anm ooption for hde muted clips.  turn it off to ghost mnotes instead ogf hiding them 

No matter how Hide muted clips is set in both views, if I mute notes in PRV (like the OP wants to do), the notes (don't disappear as I mentioned above, but rather) have a faint outline that's invisible on light colored PRV backgrounds.  I only found this by changing to a darker background.  This can lead one to think the notes were deleted.  I see no way to make muted PRV notes turn white in PRV (thus my confusion in previous post).  It's like Hide muted notes is turn on permanently there.  If so, it a bug that shud be plugged.

Disabling Hide muted clips in both TV and PRV only affects PRV IF I mute the clip in TV while in Clips mode - then PRV notes turn white.

All muting notes in TV as per documentation while in Notes mode does is return the clip to Clips mode. O.o  The note starts to turn white but then doesn't.

Enabling Hide muted clips in TV only works visually for TV when it's in Notes mode.  In Clips mode it does nothing visually, so you may not realize the feature is turned on.

The Mute Tool brings it's own can o' worms.  There's just too many variables and a lot of old posts about it, so IMHO this function seems overly convoluted and doesn't translate well between views as it should.

Muting TV "clips" is done with the K key.  Would be nice if MIDI notes could be muted the same way as well as muted/unmuted between views.

P.S. I hope you're ok and only suffering from fat-thumb syndrome... :)

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@sjoens I suggest we keep the discussion about the mechanics and appearance muting clips and notes in the dedicated thread you started rather than complicating this one that's more about how to audibly mute/solo whole drum parts by note number and control what gets bounced/exported than how muted clips and notes are displayed.

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On 2/9/2025 at 3:36 PM, micv said:

I want to take a drums midi track that has all the hits and separate each drum piece into its own take lane so I can solo/mute and export audio for each piece (snare,  kick, ...).  Also for the piano roll to only show the not of the lane that is active.  Is this something doable?  I tried to select say the kick notes and drag it to a lane but it doesn't do it.  The way I can do it now is to create a midi track for each piece, copy all notes to all the midi tracks and for each track delete all notes and keep only say the snare to create a snare track, and repeat the process for each piece.  Too tedious so I'm look for a better way.  

It would be cool if the piano roll has mute/solo control for each note. 

Use a drum VST like Steven Slate drums (has a good free version). Has a mapping menu in the UI, you can map the notes of your midi track to various kit pieces. Then, you can output the kit pieces to individual audio tracks.

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12 hours ago, David Baay said:

I suggest we keep the discussion about the mechanics and appearance muting clips and notes in the dedicated thread you started rather than complicating this one

Sure.  But I posted here first - in response to another post - then decided to post what I found in the Feedback forum.  I can delete this one if it suits you. :)

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On 2/9/2025 at 4:20 PM, David Baay said:

Apply an appropriate Drum Map to the output of the MIDI track and you will be able to mute/solo individual kit pieces as well as having them named in the PRV's drum pane.

And here's an example of what the PRV looks like using Addictive Drums 2 with a drum map applied.  See the M and S buttons next to each instrument. Very handy.


Note to OP: applying a drum map and getting it to make the PRV look like this can be....challenging. Especially the first time you try it.

So if you run into any snags with this, just ask.

First clue: The only menu command in the Piano Roll View menus that relates to them is "Show/Hide Drum Pane," but there's other stuff you need to set up before it will display a drum editing grid.

In order to use a drum map, you'll be visiting either the track header or console strip of your drum machine's MIDI track.

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