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My mother died at 63, a fact that wasn't lost on me as my own 63rd birthday was approaching.

Then, while enjoying barbecue at my 63rd birthday party, the phone rang. It was the call that informed me that my wife had terminal cancer. She would be gone a few weeks later, taking her last breath the night before Thanksgiving. Shades of "Final Destination"; death had granted me the reprieve I was hoping for, but it wasn't free.

In the months that followed, I realized that I was exhibiting signs of depression: insomnia, avoiding people, being generally unmotivated. I thought back to how I'd coped with my mother's death - back then, music had been my therapy. So I joined a band, which forced me to play more while also addressing my creeping unsociability. Even solved the insomnia issue, at least on weekends. 

Today, my chops are better than ever and even my tortured singing voice has been somewhat rehabilitated. I've made new friends, gotten closer to my grandkids, and actually leave the house on a regular basis. Once the hospital bills had been cleared - with the help of Social Security and Medicare - I was eventually able to rehabilitate my finances and buy new gear. I intend to keep breathing long enough to milk the government for every penny I've got coming.


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Over a week now, and I haven't gotten bored, yet. Catching up on my sleep, basically relaxing.
I'm amazed how much better my knees and ankles feel now that I'm not standing  and/or walking all day. And getting regular again. ? Changing schedules and changing meal times wreak havoc with my digestion. TMI?

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21 minutes ago, 57Gregy said:

Over a week now, and I haven't gotten bored, yet. Catching up on my sleep, basically relaxing.
I'm amazed how much better my knees and ankles feel now that I'm not standing  and/or walking all day. And getting regular again. ? Changing schedules and changing meal times wreak havoc with my digestion. TMI?

Nope we are all friends  :)

Just don't become a couch potato. I know several people that retired and became vegetables and passed away within a year of retiring. Stay active.

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