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I retired.
My brother Mike died at 57. My mom died at 62. I turned 62 in April. I thought if I died today, all of my social security money would just disappear into some politician's pork barrel, if it hasn't already.
No kids, minor or otherwise, no wife; I want my money.
I realize I am condemning myself to working part-time, somewhere, for the rest of my life, unless I can learn to enjoy the taste of cat food.
I plan on taking off for the winter (I hate cold weather) and maybe applying for PT work in the spring, then doing it again next winter.
More time for making music with Cakewalk!

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I had to start SS at 62, as well. I wanted her dog more than I wanted my ex or her money. And I'm much happier for it.

Once on a fixed income, I remain kind of surprised how it's gone. You get used to the budget you have to set for yourself. And then eliminate one thing. Like alcohol. [Easy for me. I lost the ability to metabolize it a couple of years ago.] I had MONEY left at the end of the month! Quite a bit.

OK, I admit to spending some of the leftover bucks on music. But it felt good!

Good luck to you!

Edited by John Maar
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Remember, you need a purpose in life. Working is good, but you need to work where you either enjoy the work, or feel you are needed. It's a recipe for a long life.

I've gigged at retirement communities since I was 40. We play a lot of them over and over again, and we get to know the people. Those who get "retirement disease" are usually the first ones to die. They used to say "Don't let the rocking chair get you" now it's "Don't let the TV (or Hulu) get you".

The long lived folks in Japan call it ikigai


Ikigai (生き甲斐, pronounced [ikiɡai]) is a Japanese concept that means "a reason for being." The word "ikigai" is usually used to indicate the source of value in one's life or the things that make one's life worthwhile.

Congratulations on getting to Uncle Sam's list. No be careful who you vote for, one political party is trying to take that away - google "starve the beast" (with quotes). Remember, you paid all your life, don't let the super-rich steal that money from you.

I got on at 63, could have done 62 but I procrastinated.


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11 minutes ago, Notes_Norton said:

Remember, you need a purpose in life. Working is good, but you need to work where you either enjoy the work, or feel you are needed. It's a recipe for a long life.

Have to agree on this. Pick something you like to do.  I know an Engineer who lost his job at 61 and ending up becoming a Special Education Bus driver.  He didn't have to work, his wife who is 3 years younger had insurance. He is so happy doing the bus driving for 10 years now and says as long as he can he will do it for the half day school kids.   I hope I'll be able to find something to do part-time as I know I won't be able to sit still at home.

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There is a band of retrieves called "Off our rocker". The logo is a silhouette of a older rock guitarist kicking over a rocking chair. Best after youth band name I've heard yet.

May even been someone here or over at the old home place. I don't er.... bemember.

I'm 57, my wife is 58. I'm still doing computer service but she who used to be my bestest partner in the IT business is now killin it in bookkeeping. I run a small CBD shop now too as computers for everyday use are falling out of fashion. Never did retail but oh, it's easy money.

We're gonna do this stuff until we can't then probably move out of this frozen paradise to the desert southwest to retire. we bought our home in this resort town for 229k in 2000. my neighbors are selling them now for 3/4 mil. We figure there should be some flee money in this old shack.

Heath just has to cooperate.




Edited by bitman
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15 hours ago, InstrEd said:

Are you shure of that  ?

You can't pour it into a bowl if you are dead. You can't even open up the bag.

Which is to say, I'm not sure of that, or of anything else. At all.

I sense you wish to advance some philosophical position here? By all means, if you are feeling . . .







. . . Frisky.


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