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PRV Standard Notes vs Diamonds For Drums


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This was a feature request but there's already a not-so-obvious solution:

For CbB go to %AppData\Roaming\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\Master.ins and change  Drum[*,*]=1  to  Drum[*,*]=0  for any synths that invoke the diamonds.
For Sonar go to 


In standard PRV window, not in Drum Map Pane.

Currently when assigning a MIDI track Bank to some synth's Drum Kits (like Yamaha), MIDI blobs turn to diamonds.

1. I don't feel any richer by this
2. They're very hard to see on newer screens
3.  At certain zoom levels they completely disappear.
4. Editing notes is difficult
5. I've never liked them.

A workaround is to set the track's Bank to your synth's Drum Kits and select the kit, then reset the Bank to None.  Then if you have the right INS definitions you can right-click the PRV keys and select Use these Note Names Instead.  Now you have standard MIDI blobs with note names.  However, this ends up displaying an instrument name in the track Bank field instead of a drum kit name.

Edited by sjoens
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29 minutes ago, sjoens said:

Currently when assigning a MIDI track Bank to some synth's Drum Kits (like Yamaha), MIDI blobs turn to diamonds.

Open Master.ins under %AppData/Roaming/Cakewalk/Sonar (or /Cakewalk Core for CbB in a text editor.

Find Drum[*,*]=1 under the "[Yamaha Drum Kit]" (or similarly named) section and change it to Drum[*,*]=0.

This flag is what tells CW to represent notes as diamonds in the PRV.

Save the change and restart CW to have the .ins file re-read.

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  • sjoens changed the title to PRV Standard Notes vs Diamonds For Drums

Actually there's several Master.ins files scattered about, but the one that affects drum note blobs is the one David mentioned.  There is no %AppData%\Cakewalk\sonar folder on my system.

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22 minutes ago, sjoens said:

Actually there's several Master.ins files scattered about, but the one that affects drum note blobs is the one David mentioned.  There is no %AppData%\Cakewalk\sonar folder on my system.

So you are saying that if you enter "%AppData%\Cakewalk\sonar" in start + run , or Windows Explorer address field, you get a folder not found error message?

You will not find a specific folder with the name %AppData% therein.  This is an Windows environment variable that will take any Windows user to their specific configuration folder. 

If you open a command prompt, type "set", you will get a list of all defined environment variables.  The second one from the top will show you what %AppData% substitutes for on your system.

On my system, this exact location takes me to the Sonar 2025 folder where Sonar’s MASTER.INS file is stored.  Also, on my system, this is the specific file that I would need to modify for Sonar to incorporate into Sonar’s instrument configuration.  

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19 hours ago, Promidi said:

Should be %AppData%\Cakewalk\sonar

Oops. Typing too fast, and don't know what possessed me to use forward slashes; recently typing URLs, I guess.

17 hours ago, Promidi said:

On my system, this exact location takes me to the Sonar 2025 folder where Sonar’s MASTER.INS file is stored. 

I think he's still on CbB = Cakewalk Core.

Edited by David Baay
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