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Ability to copy entire tracks, including all data (audio or MIDI) to the clipboard.


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As per title.

The “Cut Track”, “Copy Track” and “Paste Track” option could be presented in the right click Track menu (just above “Delete Track”)

This would make it sleeker and easier to copy and paste a track to another project.

Currently, we have to save a Track Template,  and then copy the track data to the clipboard.  Then we have to insert the Track Template in the destination project.  Then  paste the track data from the clipboard to the new track.

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11 minutes ago, Terry Kelley said:

I've copied tracks  between projects. Isn't it going to the Cakewalk clipboard (vs the Windows clipboard)?

Yes, but what about track settings, synth settings, FX, and sends, inputs, MIDI Channels (if applicable)?

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12 hours ago, Terry Kelley said:

I've copied tracks  between projects.

We can copy clips but not entire tracks as-is between projects.  This means carrying over Input & Output data along with whatever synths, plugins, and automation reside there... which could make one more way for Cake to crash if things weren't quite right.

Edited by sjoens
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