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Track Folders - Rare & Random Failure (for me. Maybe others?)


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Ever since I started using Cakewalk Sonar over Freebee Bandlab, I've run into one issue on rare occasions.  Perhaps I've been using the new Cakewalk for some 6 months.  What I am about to describe has happened maybe 3 or 4 times in that 6 month period. 

Note that I am an avid user, and I am on Sonar mixing etc probably 5 days a week. 

What happens is this:  After setting up track folders and using them with delight, all of a sudden and with no apparent reason, all the tracks move to a single track folder.  

In each instance, the issue was not observed while I was using the project, until I reopened it.

Maybe I'm accidentally putting them in (if that is possible it would be nice to have a prompt that warns multiple tracks are about to be moved.)

I would add that it is always an "all" affair - that is - never just a few or many tracks moved. They all are moved into a single track folder.

Note that once the "transformation" is done, and saved, opening the project again does not fix it.  It is locked in that position.

When I open a file that has been so saved in bandlab cakewalk, it also opens with everything in the same track.

Any thoughts?



Edited by Rickddd
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Instead of posting this here it is best to report this to the developers using the links to”Report an Issue you can do that from this website if you go to top menu and click on support or in the help menu of Sonar or Next. 
They might want to have you submit the project. 

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6 hours ago, Rickddd said:

Ever since I started using Cakewalk Sonar over Freebee Bandlab, I've run into one issue on rare occasions.  Perhaps I've been using the new Cakewalk for some 6 months.  What I am about to describe has happened maybe 3 or 4 times in that 6 month period. 

Note that I am an avid user, and I am on Sonar mixing etc probably 5 days a week. 

What happens is this:  After setting up track folders and using them with delight, all of a sudden and with no apparent reason, all the tracks move to a single track folder.  

In each instance, the issue was not observed while I was using the project, until I reopened it.

Maybe I'm accidentally putting them in (if that is possible it would be nice to have a prompt that warns multiple tracks are about to be moved.)

I would add that it is always an "all" affair - that is - never just a few or many tracks moved. They all are moved into a single track folder.

Note that once the "transformation" is done, and saved, opening the project again does not fix it.  It is locked in that position.

When I open a file that has been so saved in bandlab cakewalk, it also opens with everything in the same track.

Any thoughts?




I haven't seen/heard of this one before. If you can find a scenario where that's reproducible, then definitely log it via Help | Report A Problem.

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