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Junction Chaos (Windows can offload a reference file for you)


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Initially when I loaded this machine 7 years ago I would track junctions pretty meticulously, then I started be-bopping things back and forth between the D and F drives as I swapped them out and ended up putting close to 50 junctions in place over that time. That is a little too much to track, but Windows has a built in way of tracking them for you. This page is a nice reference if interested, but essentially a simple command prompt will let you offload all of the junctions/symbolic links (and hard links in the "Option Two" section of that page). What is exceptionally nice about this is it offloads both the junction point and target locations in a fairly readable format. It may take a little while to process, but using the text offload version comes in pretty handy (I just command prompt DIR /AL /S "C:\" > "%UserProfile%\Desktop\Junctions.txt" to create a file called Junctions.txt on my desktop of the C drive, but please see the above link for more information or how to get hard links as well).

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