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Cakewalk Instrument Definitions for Korg and Novation

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May I hitch a ride on this thread, please ? 

(And congratulations to to Mr Scurrah for his work). 

I have a Korg EK-50 which hitherto I have used as a standalone, but am currently exploring the advantages of accessing some sounds from a second keyboard. So I have set myself to sort out an .ins file.

I am familiar with the general principles, and have an XG file which I think will serve as a general model. 

But there is (to me) the complication that the EK-50 numbers all its sounds as MSB 121, so the crucial element of identifying a particular variant sound is the LSB. i.e. the 'higher banks' are defined by LSB not MSB.

I'm not sure how to reflect this in the 'small-print' of the .ins file ?

Any advice or insights much appreciated.

Ian Graham

Wales, UK.

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I have had an exchange of emails with Technical Support at Korg UK. 
It seems the pa 500 is the most immediate precursor of the EK-50. An */ins file for that is available at https://www.korg.com/us/support/download/software/0/93/2481/.
That file is structured in banks determined by the LSB, and banks  0 -12 are recognisably similar to the Voice List of the EK-50. 
The .instrument definitions section at the end of the file specifies, line by line, a different coefficent for each bank, and that coefficient is calculated by [(MSB) x 128 + (LSB)].

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