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Automation not working for some tracks

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Volume automation and gain clips have stopped working in some instances but work in others. The project is not in Offset mode, and Automation Read is enabled. Are there other things I can check to see if it's causing the issue?


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Only thing I can offer is to copy the tracks to another track and see if works when copied. You could also bounce the clips and see if the automation gets baked into the bounced clips. At least that would show if they are working in some regards.

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Thanks for your replies. :) It appears copying the tracks into a new project fixes the automation issue.

The strange thing with the original project is, even in a single track, the automation will work in some places and not in others. I suspect something got corrupted somehow.

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22 minutes ago, Jonness said:

I suspect something got corrupted somehow.

This kind of stuff really needs to be submitted to the Bakers so they can analyze it and possibly fix something. I'd be curious to see a demo project myself. A lot of reports of 'corruption' turn out to have simple configuration/usage or plugin-related issues that can be resolved by less drastic action than wholesale recreation of the project.

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