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Cakewalk will not see Universal Audio Instruments

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Can you confirm that the UAD instrument plugin files (vst3 or dll) are actually in one of the paths as defined in Preferences - file - VST Settings.

Of they are, maybe a reset and scan in in order.

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Yes, all seems well. I have the same paths for the other DAWs on my system and they are found and functioning in them, just not to be found in cakewalk. Other UADx FX plugins are showing and functioning. It's a mystery.

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Yes,  my guess is that you're looking in the wrong place in the CbB UI. Instument plugins can either be dragged in from the Instrument tab of the browser to an empty area of the Tracks Pane or inserted by right-click Insert Instrument in the Tracks Pane or Insert > Soft Synth from the  main menu. All of these methods will insert the synth in the Synth Rack and create MIDI/Audio or a combined Simple Instrument track to get MIDI input to and audio ouput from the synth in the rack.

Although CbB supports inserting synth plugins in FX bins, that is not the preferred method, has limitations, and may not always work correctly with some synths.

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  On 1/5/2025 at 9:52 PM, musicguy227 said:

I appreciate the help. My UADx plugins are showing up but still not the instruments. I have verified they exist on my system. They do work in Reaper, Mixbus, and Live. Just not on CbB.


Try this. In  the utilities Menu, click on Cakewalk Plugin Manager.

Under Options, hit the Reset button. When it's done, hit the Scan VST Plugins button.

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