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reverb midi

mick jones


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22 hours ago, mick jones said:

its nothing to do with the sound card.  i just need to know how to reduce the reverb on a pre programmed midi track using bandlab and a lap top.

The reverb is being generated by the SD-50 in response to MIDI messages from CbB setting the reverb level in the sound module. As others have mentioned, this can be due to CC91 events in the MIDI track data, but most likely these have been read into the Reverb control in the track Inspector - M in this screenshot linked below. CbB sends the values from the various MIDI track controls everytime playback starts




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10 minutes ago, mick jones said:

can anyone tell me how to reduce the reverb on my midi tracks. im playing them back on the roland sd50 and the reverb is too much

Welcome to the forum.
Where is the reverb coming from?
Are you using a software synthesizer?
Are you using the computer sound card or an audio interface?

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Is this the device you are playing back from?


or are you only using the built in sound on the laptop?

Meaning, where are your speakers / headphones plugged into to listen to the music?

If you are listening to the music via the laptop speakers or headphone connector, then exactly how do you have the system wired to get the sound from the SC50 into those?  


What specific procedure, step by step, did you use on the older versions?  

Which steps are unavailable on the version you are using now?

Was the system wired exactly the same way then as now?  

If not, what specifically was changed?


Does it still work correctly on your older version?



Edited by Amberwolf
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The reverb from midi can come from the device playing the midi notes. There is a midi CC that can control the amount of reverb or you will have to check the device/VST that is playin the midi and reduce the reverb there.

This is of course assuming you have not added reverb in your project to the track using a reverb effect.

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49 minutes ago, 57Gregy said:

So, no soft synth?
Check your sound card for any "enhancements" it may be applying and turn them off.

its nothing to do with the sound card.  i just need to know how to reduce the reverb on a pre programmed midi track using bandlab and a lap top.

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5 minutes ago, mick jones said:

its nothing to do with the sound card.  i just need to know how to reduce the reverb on a pre programmed midi track using bandlab and a lap top.

Check the track to see if it has any MIDI CC 91 in it. If it does, delete all MIDI CC 91 events.

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Look in the event list for the reverb cc 91 event. 
You can also use the Midi track inspector advanced midi settings strip where you will find a controller for reverb and chorus. But any event in the event list will override that so best to delete it. 
If this is a download midi file then it is very common to have to edit a few things to make it sound better on your choice of GM player. They are all a little different. 

I noticed that Cakewalk TTS-1 defaults to having reverb even on the bass channel. 

Edited by Sock Monkey
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6 hours ago, mick jones said:

can anyone tell me how to reduce the reverb on my midi tracks. im playing them back on the roland sd50 and the reverb is too much

On any MIDI track, enter CC91 Events before any notes.  The value determines the reverb intensity.

Edited by Promidi
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7 hours ago, mick jones said:

its nothing to do with the sound card.  i just need to know how to reduce the reverb on a pre programmed midi track using bandlab and a lap top.

How are you hearing the MIDI? Looking at the Roland SD 50, you may be using the sound canvas therein?
You wrote "im using bandlab cakewalk on my laptop with its sound card" which implies to me you're connecting the outputs of the SD 50 to the inputs of your internal sound card and hearing an unwanted reverb, which I believe is coming from whatever device you're listening to, not the MIDI file itself. The Roland has many sound effects included, maybe the particular patch you're using has reverb. Or do you hear this unwanted effect on all patches?
People smarter than me provided some troubleshooting tips. Have you tried any of them?

Knowing how you actually have the Roland connected to the computer and how you're choosing what patch to use could help us help you.

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