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Issue with Steinberg's ASIO driver messing up CWBBL devices


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Hello guys.

I recently bought Steinberg's SPECTRA LAYERS and installed it on my DAW. I noticed that the program also installed its own ASIO DEVICE for my system to use.

I also updated CWBBL to its latest build (So, that is TWO system changes...) 

Now, when trying to open CWBBL, it always tries to use that Steinberg ASIO device (even if I never selected it...) The preference's interface lags a lot (and in fact, all of CWBBL lags now...)

Still in PREFERENCES, even if I can finally manage to UNcheck Steinberg's device, CWBBL does not allow me to re-select the ASIO device I really want to use. (Either my Waves SOUNDGRID asio driver or even the ReaRoute asio device...) System lag is still very annoying...

What should I do?

Is there some kind of way to make CWBBL clear / rescan the available ASIO devices without first selecting Steinberg's one?

Capture d’écran 2024-12-27 104240.png

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Thanks! I'll look into this.

I wonder if I am the only one experiencing this... Anyone else here that also have Spectra Layers installed?

Because it seems that only CWBBL have some kind of issue with it.. (I also have Reaper and Bitwig installed... and I can select any of my available ASIO devices without any issues... no lag... all clean!)

Anyways, happy holidays everybody.

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2 hours ago, Multi-Sonik said:

I wonder if I am the only one experiencing this...


Related to problems with the Steinberg Low-Latency Audio Driver, I use a Steinberg UR24C audio interface that uses a Yamaha Audio Driver that comes with the UR24C Tools app. I never had any problems with ASIO until after installing other Steinberg software that caused my Cakewalk to refuse to allow me to use ASIO. I got a message in Cakewalk that said the Audio driver didn't support low-latency audio (or something like that). I used the free Revo Uninstaller to see what Steinberg software was on my system and saw that the Steinberg Low-Latency Audio Driver was installed. I deleted it and rebooted, reinstalled the Yamaha Audio Driver and the problem was solved. So, even though I was not using the Steinberg driver just having it installed was keeping me from using ASIO in Cakewalk by Bandlab. That's not the only problem I've had with Steinberg software, like VSTs refusing to load because they weren't authorized, even though I had authorized them and had been using them for several weeks. No more Steinberg software for me, other than drivers and firmware for my audio interface.

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Your observation about how these third party generic Asio drivers only seem to affect Cakewalk are also my observation. But actually only when you try and use a on board system like Realtek Or possibly a weak ASIo driver. 

I upgraded to Cubase 14 a few weeks ago and forgot about the fact that this will automatically install the generic Asio driver. 

It actually caused me no issues at all because Sonar was set to use my Motu and its ASIO driver. The Motu driver obviously is a bully. 
I was also using Waveform and Mixcraft without any issues. 

One day I thought I’d poke around with Cubase and that’s when I saw on start up the dreaded generic driver! 

Please don’t use weird 3rd party apps it is very easy uninstalled in Windows Apps. Control panel is from W7 days. 

Myself I deleted it in the Windows RegEdit app. 

The screen shot of the audio driver choices is a great example of a total mess in the drivers on that computer Good luck getting anything to work. 
There should only be one device listed. The device you are using. 
If you have a proper device it will come with proper ASIO driver from the manufacturer website. 
If you are using you computer audio ( usually Realtek) then you have to use WASAPI drivers which is what Cakewalk staff recommend. 

Generic, Magix, Asio4all and the Realtek Asio driver are all to be avoided if you don’t want issues with Cakewalk or Sonar and Next. 

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Steinberg Built in ASIO driver was supposed to be an alternative ASIO driver to use when you don't actually have another ASIO driver.

I had the Steinberg Built in ASIO driver installed,  it caused great havoc for me . . . I uninstalled it, but it came back with something I recently updated I think.

This driver simply does not work with Cakewalk, I had it on my laptop, and Cakewalk Sonar refused to open at all, monkeyed for an hour to get rid of it, and updated to Sonar's most recent version, finally gone, hope it don't come back . . . again.

@Multi-Sonik . . . FYI, I also installed Spectra Layers, but it was a long time ago . . . updates to Steinberg products seem to bring back this dreaded driver !

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Is there more than one "Steinberg ASIO driver"?

What I am using is named "Yamaha Steinberg USB Driver" (v. 2.1.7).

It was a prerequisite for using my Yamaha mixer as an audio interface. Yes, it does seem that by design you can have only one ASIO driver enabled at a time. I use it only when recording through the Yamaha and switch to WASAPI when I'm using my Focusrite.

But all that is to accommodate outboard hardware; I would not expect a software tool such as Spectral Layers to be picky about the audio driver.

Then again, it's Steinberg.  



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There is definitely more than one driver. The one that says Yamaha is a good authentic ASIO driver. I used to have it same as you for a Yamaha mixer. 

But Steinberg Software, Cubase, WaveLab etc. being multi platform installs a generic driver which is a hold over from W7 days before we had WASAPI. 
It is only supplied for using their software with out an audio interface.
Other  music or video software may also install a generic driver like Magix and I think even PreSonus. 
It seems these are invisible to most other Daw’s and Cakewalk/Sonar is the only Daw Im aware of that can have issues sometimes. 

best practices is to check in the RegEdit under ASIO and make sure nothing is there other than your proper audio interfaces. 
Some will show on the Windows Apps list but some don’t . the RegEdit is your best bet. You can back it up if you’re nervous but it’s not going to do anything wrong. 

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20 hours ago, Multi-Sonik said:

it seems that only CWBBL have some kind of issue with it.. (I also have Reaper and Bitwig installed... and I can select any of my available ASIO devices without any issues... no lag... all clean!)

yep, because apparently the way these wdm wrapper drivers work is not compatible with the way cakewalk apps utilise drivers (too similar so they clash?), it's a shame they've never updated that old code to change this behaviour, i guess it's too embedded with a huge refactor to change, especially since the bandlab takeover where most new users aren't expecting this type of hoo-har and just want to plug n play


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