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Got an oscilloscope?


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Way way back when I was at deepfry...er, DeVry learning electronics, we had to use the 6502(?) MCU box with hexadecimal keypad to do something "interesting" or the instructor would not pass you (regardless of your actual grades), so I used it to drive two dacs to make the Reliant scoot across a 'scope screen and shoot at the enterprise that just sat still (both in side view cuz they could just be straight lines and very simple).  

Wanted to do the whole mutara battle but I barely figured out how to code just that, and it took *hours* to key into the MCU via the keypad (there was no other way to input it, and if it lost power, made a mistake, or lost your place, you started over).   :(


Somebody else did "pong", I don't remember anybody else's. :(

Edited by Amberwolf
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